#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2014-06-25

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coderusmusic to everyone: http://music.yandex.ru/#!/track/10647156/album/115328602:20
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coderusif anyone can't listen from yandex: http://cs5060.vk.me/u37878404/audios/9634ca3e04fc.mp3?extra=KvMZcqfyeXyvPjft2eTpssCq-sj9hNimhMU5vYiToHfEVfT0KMLcx_mph0s1DH2fQ45PH0-B1FOvDDqJDJHbHtwYhe33V8w05:00
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Venemogood morning :)06:16
pawky_1I really hope someone makes it possible to write gui stuff using perl...06:20
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Stskeepsmorn Venemo06:57
Venemohey Stskeeps :) what's up?06:58
Stskeepsnot much06:58
ppthere are probably tk bindings for perl :D06:58
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pp... tho probably no way to get that to output to wayland :)06:59
Nicd-that's like wanting a PHP GUI toolkit (those exist...)06:59
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pphttps://metacpan.org/pod/WL egad!07:00
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Nicd-https://github.com/vjandrea/php-qt ;)07:02
StskeepsVenemo: exams over yet?07:02
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Stskeepsand morn to faenil too07:05
faenilStskeeps, o/ morning07:05
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rZrhi Stskeeps , care sent me a return receipt that's a nice service07:07
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coderususe webview and make interface in html :)07:24
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pawky_1coderus: was thinking about it... :-)07:25
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VenemoStskeeps: yeah! over! :)07:57
Venemopawky_1: all you need is some QML knowledge. QML is quite easy to learn :)07:58
StskeepsVenemo: woo07:58
VenemoStskeeps: I got a '5' (best grade) in math07:58
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faenilVenemo, wohoo :)07:58
VenemoI now have a bunch of "I'll do that in the summer" things to take care of :P07:59
Stskeepshow long summer hols there?08:00
Venemonext semester begins in september08:01
Stskeepsnot bad08:01
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Venemoso it's ~2 months08:02
faenilthat's so cool08:03
faenilgah, I won't go over this discussion again :D08:03
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Venemofaenil: meaning your august exams?08:06
faenilwell exams here finish at end of july08:06
faeniland you have other exams in sept08:06
faenilso, summer is 1month, and since there are exams in sept, you have to study in august08:06
faenilunless you're so cool you finished all the exams in july08:07
faenilso, yeah......"SUMMER"08:07
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Venemofaenil: you are awesome :)08:11
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faenilVenemo, I'd be awesome if I had finished exams in July all years :D08:11
stephgick even the thought of sitting an exam again gives me the shivers08:11
faenilstephg, hehe08:12
faenilVenemo, so, what will you be working on :) no-sql db? :)08:12
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Venemofaenil: that too, and fix some bug reports in node-lmdb, and finish some work on clean-css and in the meantime, I'll also check out what's up with glacier nowadays08:21
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Venemofaenil: wazd and myself also have a little project together08:21
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VenemoI won't be bored :)08:21
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faenilVenemo, :)08:27
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pawkyVenemo: I was watching some QML youtube intro.. and fell a sleep half ways... is really QML enough or do I also have to start using C++?09:47
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coderuspawky: enough for what purpose?09:50
pawkycoderus: well, Venemo didn't specify this... in my case, I need to be able to communicate with a server using JSON, be able to show pictures and movies etc...09:51
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chriadampawky: all of those things can be done in pure QML/JS09:52
chriadamXmlHttpRequest for the requests to the server, JSON.parse etc to parse the response, Image {} elements and Video {} elements to display the content.  Although if you plan on storing them to disk, you'll need C++.09:53
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goroboroor you can use Python10:07
goroborosee thomas perl's http://thp.io/2011/pyotherside/10:09
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goroboroI wrote an app to interface with a tvheadend server using QML/JS... it works pretty well, except that playing video is a bit touch and go... I believe this may be due to the version of gstreamer that is currently used on sailfishOS10:13
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goroboroalso... I haven't been following too closely, but last I checked if you import the sailfish media library you don't qualify for harbour10:14
goroborojust things to keep in mind if you are developing an app that plays movies10:14
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chem|stfedex is weird... first I get emails, then I get SMS... but not both10:39
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pawkychem|st: maybe the E-mails are fake? :-D10:54
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AL13N_worklots of those going around10:55
AL13N_workdamn, fedex will take 4 days to get to jolla, should arrive only friday10:57
chem|stpawky: the sms maybe10:57
chem|stAL13N_work: I know about that... I am waiting for the return now10:58
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AL13N_worki didn't know, i'm still awaiting the send to jolla10:59
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AL13N_workmine should reach jolla friday, hopefully they can fix it quick, so that i can have it back before i go on holidays11:00
chem|stmine was stuck at an airport for 2 days11:00
AL13N_workno fun11:00
Stskeepsbetter than taking a detour past china, like khertan's11:00
chem|stAL13N_work: what is wrong with yours and which batch is it?11:00
chem|stStskeeps: wtf how did that happen?11:01
pawkydo we have batch problems with the jollas?11:01
javispedrothat was funny11:01
AL13N_workmine is from november, i think; and sim card holder fix + random shutdown fix + hopefully the wlan packetloss fix11:01
Stskeepschem|st: i don't know how the hell, but fedex indeed sent it past china11:01
chem|stpawky: that is to be found out11:01
AL13N_workStskeeps: that sucks11:01
chem|stStskeeps: interesting11:01
Stskeepsi'm presuming 'somebody forgot to load it off the plane'11:01
chem|stmine probably past through sweden for some reason11:01
pawkyprobably NSA11:01
pawkyits the hub for skandinavia... Sweden11:02
pawkyand Finland is, kind of Scandinavia11:02
chem|stpawky: I do not remember it being shipped through sweden11:02
AL13N_workyeah, my buddy who goes to fosdem every year, goes via sweden always11:02
chem|stAL13N_work: so even people need to go through sweden^^11:02
AL13N_workthough when returning to finland, he always gets delayed for 1 day11:02
pawkychem|st: well, mine was even better... it was to go to stockholm, and went. Helsinki, Stockholm, France, Stockholm :-D11:03
javispedrothey probably even paid chinese import taxes on their little adventure11:03
javispedroat least tracking showed it moved inside china11:03
pawkyas the Europe hub is in Charles du Gol.11:03
AL13N_workbut he's always compensated by a free stay in the hotel where all the pilots go11:03
chem|stpawky: oh nice, they indeed forget packages on planes^^11:03
chem|stStskeeps: maybe Jolla should consider to use another shipping service11:03
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AL13N_workmine went from .be by truck to Koëln germany11:04
AL13N_worki presume it goes on plane from there to sweden or finland11:04
chem|stAL13N_work: yeah mine was sitting in köln for 2 days11:04
Aardchem|st: all shipping services suck11:04
AL13N_workugh, i hope not11:04
Aardwhich is quite impressive, given that delivering parcels should be one of their core competencies11:05
chem|stAard: I consider DHL express (note that is not DHL)and UPS save11:05
chem|stAard: lol11:05
AL13N_workmy wife considers fedex, cause it's the only thing that gets stuff to US11:05
AL13N_workespecially, if it's biological stuff11:05
AL13N_workthough  they never mark it as such, they always mark it as tech11:06
AL13N_workeven though it's shipped in dry ice :-)11:06
AL13N_workit's pretty difficult to get cancer-cells shipped to US11:06
peppelakappahere in italy is pretty difficult to get anything shipped to... italy11:07
chem|stsledges: what is this about? https://together.jolla.com/question/47687/charge-via-toh-since-update-10716-fails/11:07
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covoxchem|st: UPS isn't safe :P11:07
covoxat least in australia11:07
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peppelakappaAL13N_work: yes, only fedex, tnt and dhl are trustable11:08
AL13N_worki don't think any of them are trustable11:08
peppelakappatrustable = ship packages to correct location ;)11:08
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AL13N_workas Aard said, they all suck, you just are in luck, or you aren't11:09
chem|stcovox: aussi is off limits for me, I do US,CA,EU with DHL Express and UPS, never had issues in 8 years now11:09
covoxone time I got delivered the wrong package, was offered a racist excuse about the delivery driver by the phone operator, accused of hiding the package instead of giving it to another delivery guy, and eventually got the correct package drop-kicked onto my front lawn by the original deliveryman11:09
AL13N_workyou know what freaked me, i wanted to send money to AUS, and i really had to go through a bunch of hoops in getting that done11:09
chem|stI even get my UPS packages delivered to my office address when delivery address is my home address when I am not available at home11:09
chem|stAL13N_work: send bitcoin11:10
Aardchem|st: DHL is what I prefer here in finland, but they suck in many other countries11:10
AL13N_workthis was a time when there was no bitcoin yet11:10
Aardups route for a parcel russia-finland is something like russia-sweden-denmark-germany-denmark-sweden-denmark-sweden-finland11:10
AL13N_workdamn, we really need a unicode for *fingers crossed*11:11
AL13N_workAard: lol11:11
chem|stDHL marked a package delivered, to a wrong address and claimed it was right to do, it wasn't even delivered to the wrong address... it was sitting in their office waiting to get picked up by me or sent back...11:11
peppelakappaAard: maybe they wanted to be sure that sweden and denmark weren't the right delivery place lol11:11
AL13N_workwe've had packages not arriving, and when asked they told us it was picked up and signed off11:12
chem|stso plain DHL is only trustworthy on xmas, they even deliver on sundays before xmas11:12
Aardchem|st: DPD is the most fucked up here in finland. the claim two delivery attempts without even trying, an then don't bother notifying you. so unless you expecte a parcel and go asking them you'll never know there's one sitting there for you11:12
peppelakapparegarding wrong deliveries http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/24sdzp/i_think_i_just_got_a_drone_in_the_mail/11:12
chem|stAard: yeah DPD and GP are pretty annoying, I worked at a GP center once, updating address databases next to a "lost packages tracking" guy, you don't want to know what a single station can loose on a days work...11:14
AL13N_workpeppelakappa: that's a real good one11:15
chem|stpeppelakappa: I'd love those11:15
Aardchem|st: I'm carefully avoiding ordering stuff from shops sending by dpd nowadays. lost money that way by dpd claiming they delivered11:15
AL13N_workpeppelakappa: plz return to: Aircraft operation center11:15
AL13N_worksend it back with a bomb11:15
peppelakappayes... return lol11:15
AL13N_workmaybe you can fly it to them11:15
AL13N_workthough the range will probably be insufficient11:16
peppelakappaif you read the thread there was someone who sait that if something arrives in your inbox automagically becomes yours11:16
peppelakappa(in US)11:16
chem|stanyone familiar with fedex? I got a number that is not working on the general page and the page I should use needs login...11:18
peppelakappayour tracking number will be activated soon11:18
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chem|stand there is no number shown, it shows FedEx as number11:20
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chem|stah no there is something wrong with that sms... the page does not exist...11:21
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chem|stthe url is the original fedex.com11:22
chem|stthe site exists in other languages but not in german^^11:22
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javispedropeppelakappa: lol11:28
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javispedroprobably someone wants to save fuel by adding more expense to already budget-starved mail11:29
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* javispedro ponders if the qt5.3 migration will also require w00t to pull another overnighter :)11:32
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javispedroI hope it's somewhat simpler without so many scenegraph changes11:36
w00tjavispedro: the overnight part was making sure everything built so i didn't disrupt others :p11:37
w00ti have some hope that future jumps will be less painful. but the js engine in qtqml is still going through a lot of change, which makes it non-zero effort11:38
javispedrooh well11:41
javispedro(above is a nice counterpoint if you're a Gtk+ guy and thinking "oh damn, keeping up with Gtk+ 3.1x is so hard, I'll switch to Qt which at least respects ABI promises..." :) )11:42
w00tjavispedro: for simpler things, it isn't too bad11:42
sharpneli"I'll switch to Qt which at least respects ABI promises..." :D11:43
w00twe're a rather strenuous testcase, simply thanks to the gigantic pile of code we have using it11:43
sharpneliI sincerely hope it's better nowadays than it used to be. Back in 4.sumthin days a minor version change required total rebuild of everything due to C++ templates.11:43
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javispedromeh, don't blame the language, Gtk+ manages to break ABI a lot [1] even without C++ at all :)11:45
javispedro[1] http://blogs.gnome.org/mortenw/2014/06/23/how-does-one-create-a-gtk-application/11:45
sharpneliThat kinda sounds like he's talking about API compatibility if a fix on the source fixes it instead of mere recompilation11:47
w00tsharpneli: *if* that happened, then you hit a bug, and you should have made a lot of noise about it. i never saw such a problem.11:47
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w00tsomething compiled with 4.x should work with 4.x and any minor (or patch release) above x, same for 5411:48
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javispedrosharpneli: you are right. he's also right though as ABI > API :)11:48
slettaIt should be said that we’ve been relying a bit on internal API as well.. That is has been the biggest issue in upgrading11:48
w00t(if you're interested in the rules for keeping such compatibility, see http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Binary_Compatibility_Issues_With_C++ :p)11:50
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chem|stthose people... calling Harmattan more consistent than Sailfish... is being constantly inconsistent a new consistency?12:08
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aupoIt's sort of a type of post-post-modern consistency, yes.12:12
ggabrielchem|st: those people in tjc?12:12
ggabrieltime for a yoda user?12:12
chem|stggabriel: yes12:13
chem|stggabriel: yes12:14
ggabrielit'd be banned tho12:14
ggabrielbecause it'll be seen as taking the piss12:14
ggabrielbut yeah, people have to unlearn what they know12:14
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ggabrielembrace change and all that12:14
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ggabrielthis one guy wanted to change the push swipe because he got used to the iphone12:14
ggabrielwtf, honestly, the iphone's gesture is an inconsistent hack12:15
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chem|stall those guys who want to redesign the UI to fit their Harmattan idea... they don't get that their "everything is a swype away" idea never got delivered to N9s, Sailfish otoh did deliver!12:16
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ggabrielagree, harmattan was a starting point, and an unchallenged one until sailfish for that matter12:16
ggabrielinb4 sailfish isn't 100% a swipe away :)12:17
ggabrielthere are buttons here and there12:17
chem|stI can go to any of the main pages/screens without even looking at the phone, on any jolla12:17
ggabrielwell, if you're in a zoomed in email, you can't go back until you unzoom12:18
ggabrieltidings is a bit better, altho hacky, in the sense that you can go back with the pulley menu12:18
chem|stI currently use my N9 again and it is pretty painful to unlock and be in the msg-app then I close that an be on the notifications, plainly cause I opened a notification and did not close the darn app again...12:18
ggabriellol, happened to me, yeah12:18
ggabrielmaybe you're a quick learner12:19
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ggabrielbut sailfish is easier than harmattan is easier than ios is easier than android12:19
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Stskeepsnext up we just have to touch a screenless button and it does what we want12:19
ggabrieli vote for neural laces12:20
chem|stI used it for 2 years so yes I adapt to its flaws again but I really mis to pull the phone out of my pocket and be on the launcher before I even see the display properly12:20
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ggabrielchem|st: no lock code i assume12:20
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chem|stggabriel: if I do not mistype blindly...12:21
chem|stggabriel: sometimes I get a wrong input instead of launcher^^12:21
chem|stand I need to set a better code... having a 1 in it isn't very good for single handed input12:21
chem|stStskeeps: ?12:22
chem|stscreenless button?12:22
Stskeepsas a illustration of 'everything much simplified'12:22
chem|stStskeeps: and btw who do I need to shoot for the one android-app per window thing?12:23
Stskeepschem|st: isn't it a bit early to shoot people before you have it? :P12:24
chem|stggabriel: I mean the other way round, it is said to be in one of the coming upgrades...12:24
Stskeepstry it out, then you can go on a murderous rampage12:24
chem|stStskeeps: I want to shoot before I have it, that is the point in shooting!12:24
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chem|stStskeeps: what are we doing with the backbutton then? the other one isn't needed so it is wasiting screenestate for a backbutton12:25
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Stskeepschem|st: okay, so, i'm not a UX guy.. :P12:26
Nicd-the apps use the back button inside them too...12:26
Stskeepsi make things that you can get pissed about in 12-18 months :P12:26
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chem|stStskeeps: I know, I am asking more generally, have any good idea for how to get rid of it?12:26
Stskeepsyou need the back button as part of android interaction in general, AFAIK12:27
faenilStskeeps, lol12:27
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chem|stStskeeps: yes you do, the back button is one of the most used features in android!12:27
ggabrielyup, "apps" use the back button within them12:27
chem|styou cannot even close an app without goig back through the hundred pages... and don't say use the task-manager as that one does not show the app you are currently using!12:28
ggabrielso the one window per app will solve that problem :)12:28
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chem|stggabriel: well, that I only have on android devices^^12:29
chem|ston jolla I just close what I want to be closed12:29
* artemma wonders how would sailfish feel if it also had a universal Back gesture working everywhere as Android Back button12:29
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ggabrielartemma: there's something for that already12:30
Nicd-I really don't get why you are against the "one cover per android app" chem|st12:30
chem|startemma: flick right is the gesture12:30
ggabrielyou can universally swipe to the last page12:30
artemmaCan't see that. As pretty much everything in sailfish UX it is working sometimes somewhere12:30
ggabrielgesture that you can switch off e.g., maps12:30
artemmaAs in, you know "we are evolving" :)12:30
artemmasometimes it's a back gesture, sometimes it's switching tabs, sometimes (as in maps or in browser) it doesn't exist at all12:31
ggabrielnot sure i get your point then artemma12:31
chem|stNicd-: I have an android device, so now I have to crosslink that android on my phone does not behave the same as android on my tablet...12:31
ggabrielartemma: oh, i guess the universal back then applies to applications that have pages12:31
artemmaexcept if they are used as tabs :)12:31
ggabrieladmittedly, browser(s) can do a bit of a better job, or at least it's a different ux challenge12:31
ggabrielmaps is similar12:31
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chem|stand yes I try to close things with swipe down on my tablet, sadly it is no nexus7 and wont have sfos any time soon12:31
Nicd-chem|st: it doesn't behave the same now either. it's not an android device. before it was really clumsy to switch between android apps, so why shouldn't sailfish raise the bar?12:31
artemmaor if they are full screne12:31
ggabrielbut check tidings, that's pretty cool in terms of going back/forwards12:32
ggabrielemail similar12:32
ggabrielnotes as well12:32
ggabrieloh, notes12:32
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ggabrielman, i keep losing notes in android because sailfish's notes is too good12:32
ggabrieli'll open a tjc to make notes worse on sailfish :P12:32
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chem|stNicd-: sure, sfos ftw - any idea how to get rid of the then lonely back button?12:33
Nicd-chem|st: you can't get rid of it, it's used inside apps. why does it matter?12:34
Nicd-the user experience is vastly improved and you're worrying about a button which does the exact same thing it used to?12:34
chem|startemma: Jolla apps are consistent, developers are misusing it afaik, the browser is indeed a challenge as is any FS app12:34
chem|stNicd-: I do not mean to get rid of the function, I do mean to get rid of the bottom bar12:35
AL13N_workin respect to consistency, i think all the apps should be consistent wrt edge swipes12:35
fluxchem|st, while it would be nice, but it's not really possible because applications make use of the back button12:35
chem|stAL13N_work: which one isnt?12:35
Nicd-chem|st: where would the back button be then?12:35
AL13N_workbrowser + fingerterm12:35
fluxand if you emulate a swipe to a back, it will likely break stuff like browsers where you swipe a lot.12:35
chem|stNicd-: exactly what I ask about ;)12:35
AL13N_worki donno which ones is good or bad, but they are different12:36
fluxinstead of getting rid of the bottom bar, the app button could be replaced with a transition to the jolla app grid12:36
AL13N_workif you are in landscape, you need to go from left edge swipe to close the browser, and top edge to close fingerterm12:36
fluxhmm, not app grid but the running apps view12:36
chem|stAL13N_work: swipe is from outside the screen and works on browser and fingerterm respectively12:36
AL13N_workit's a bit annoying, hold the phone in landscape and topswipe the browser12:37
AL13N_workyou'd have to left-swipe to close it12:37
chem|stAL13N_work: that is a bug, happens if you turn the phone while the app is starting12:37
AL13N_workno, i have this all the time12:37
chem|stif you flip it twice it behaves itself12:37
artemmachem|st: well if you indeed consider jolla ux being consitent, it is a topic for way bigger talk with arguments and discussion, got to run now12:37
AL13N_workstill a consistency bug imho12:37
artemmastill, I must say I am surprised to see people who really find jolla ux consistent12:38
fluxI should chime in at this point that I don't like that the physical gestures get changed depending on which orientation the device thinks it is in ;-)12:38
chem|startemma: all arguments so far, calling jolla inconsistent brought up examples of inconsistency of Harmattan they consider consistent12:38
flux(whenever I'm in landscape and I want to swipe away, I need to be extra careful to swipe from to right or from the bottom, because if I do it from the left end and I happen to reorient the device during the swipe, I could end up closing the app.)12:39
chem|stflux: yap12:39
artemmasorry, got to go, later. can bring arguments too12:39
ggabrielflux: orientation of the application, not the device ;)12:39
AL13N_workwell, i donno, it's pretty consistent to me12:39
fluxalso there are apps where it's difficult to see its orientation12:39
fluxfor example camera12:39
chem|stoh sry12:39
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fluxyou have those small icons indicating it12:40
ggabrielif you're in landscape and are using a portrait application, i think the gestures are still portrait12:40
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chem|stggabriel: ah yeah, swipe by app orientation I mean12:40
AL13N_workwhat i meant is that the edge swipes should be device specific, not app specific12:40
chem|stit is inconsistent12:40
AL13N_work(only the edge swipes)12:40
ggabrieli got used to it12:41
AL13N_workand should be a checkbox in system where people who don't want to re-orient the edge swipes12:41
chem|stconsistent is "close is where the earpiece is" and not where an app currently thinks is top as flat on a table there is no top!12:41
ggabrielbasically, when in landscape, i always push slower than usual12:41
AL13N_workggabriel: me too12:41
AL13N_workbut that's not good12:41
chem|stAL13N_work: you are confusing things... can we call it swipe and pull like in the manual?12:42
ggabrielno, still i don't complain too much as it's much faster than android/ios12:42
ggabrielthe manual is push and pull actually12:42
ggabrieli made a mistake - i _push_ slower12:42
ggabrielpull at the same speed12:42
AL13N_workthe changed manual is push and pull12:42
AL13N_workthe old one was swipe and pull12:43
chem|stoh hell, why that now?12:43
AL13N_workanyway, you guys knew what i meant12:43
* AL13N_work goes back to work12:43
chem|stit took month to get tjc and people aligned to swipe and pull and now they changed it again?12:43
ggabrieli thought it was always push and pull :P12:43
ggabrieli remember the first videos12:43
flux..what's push and pull?12:43
ggabrielpush=from edge; pull=from within the screen12:44
ggabrielso, they are swipes basically12:44
chem|stok push=swipe then12:44
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ggabrielchem|st: aye12:44
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chem|styou push buttons, that is no moving action for me...12:45
ggabrielbuttons? what's that?12:45
ggabrielyou can argue that you tap buttons on a touch screen12:45
chem|stif you refer to it as buttons it makes sense btw^^12:45
chem|stggabriel: right ;)12:45
ggabrielthis is why i don't like ux too much12:45
chem|stAL13N_work: ok so, we are talking about push moves12:46
chem|stswipe from outside the screen12:46
ggabrielbtw, i should do what AL13N_work is doing12:46
ggabrielnamely, working12:46
chem|stwhat happens inside apps is pretty inconsistent as developers have their own ideas and some coming from N9 even try to put buttons somewhere... or even use the button but somehow disabled the pull gesture so you actually have to tap the indicator12:47
faenilchem|st, you push your app away12:47
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faenillike you push a box out of your room12:47
faenilthat's the metaphore, I think12:48
chem|stfaenil: now make that with "close" please12:48
ggabriel...or the drunk guy who's standing in front of the tv in the pub12:48
faenilchem|st, ? :D12:48
faenilggabriel, lol12:48
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ggabrielchem|st: it's like hitting something with your fist, except that you're like superman and your figer suffices12:48
chem|stfaenil: you push the app to close and you push from bottom to go to events has nothing to do with "push away"12:48
ggabrieland poof, the application is gone12:48
faenilchem|st, you're pushing the app away from the foreground, that's the thing12:49
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chem|stwell lets leave the metaphorical speaking part to the guy writing the manual^^12:49
ggabrielfrom bottom, imagine you're gandalf and you're emerging something out of nowhere12:49
chem|stfaenil: and that describes only two actions of 412:49
ggabrielchem|st: +112:49
faenilchem|st, it doesn't matter to which side it goes, it disappears from backgroun, so you "pushed it away from background" :D12:49
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faenilfrom foreground I meant, ofc :P12:50
chem|stjust messing with you!12:50
faenilbut I agree that the actual fading animation has nothing to do with the verb12:50
faenilN9 could have used "push" :)12:50
faenilin this case, you're more like gandalf, yeah12:51
chem|stso people argueing that harmattan is more consistent than sfos...12:51
faenilI have no opinion on that :)12:51
fluxwhy can't we make Sailfish more like N900?-(12:51
flux(was that a too obvious troll..)12:52
chem|stpeople do and they argue 'pushs' which were never in Harmattan that way... and argue that it is consistent to never know on which screen you end when closing an app...12:52
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faenilah :)12:53
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ggabrielsome questions in tjc are good candidates for a reality show12:54
chem|stflux: pretty good idea... but I kinda like to not have a desktop, I do not have any icons on my desktop-system either12:55
chem|stmy laptop does not have a desktop...12:55
fluxme2. actually I also use the search to start apps on my desktop, nice that there is QuickSearch (?) for Jolla ;-)12:55
fluxin addition I use it to find documents, such as datasheets, that I don't have for Jolla, yet :(12:56
chem|stggabriel: yes! and it is scary that they get 100+ or even 200+ upvotes12:56
sledgeschem|st: a one-off observation (re tjc toh charge)12:57
sledgesthanks for mention though12:57
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chem|stsledges: what do you mean by one-off?12:57
chem|stflux: I have something that is called bash... and a windowmanager that works in tiles...12:59
fluxchem|st, yes, I too start apps with q graphicalApp &| exit12:59
fluxbut sometimes it's simpler and faster to use the search.12:59
flux(actually probably not the q-function if I exit the shell right away ;-))13:00
ggabrielchem|st: flux: hotkeys ftw13:00
chem|stflux: problem is, once you get used to it you forget the actual app's names13:00
fluxggabriel, hotkeys for what?13:00
ggabrieland so on13:00
fluxI don't want to allocate a hotkey for each app I run13:00
ggabrielnot each, most popular13:00
ggabrielthen you use terminal13:00
fluxchem|st, hasn't happened to me so far. actually it wouldn't even work as it doesn't seem to search from app descriptions etc.13:01
chem|stflux: I use 6 layers of kbd on my laptop...13:01
chem|stif you know the touchpad you know why everything has its shortcut13:02
fluxnevertheles, I don't see how starting a shell for starting one application is superior to using the already running environment for doing it ;)13:02
flux(I have a hotkey for starting a shell of course)13:02
ggabrielflux: ok, then you use hotkeys already :P13:03
chem|stflux: gui stuff I do not invoke from shell, at least if I don't want to have any verbose output13:03
ggabrielin my case, things like skype/pidgin which need to be on or off depending on where i am13:03
ggabrielit's faster with a hotkey13:03
ggabrielfor everything else, terminal+locate/find/whatever13:03
chem|stshortcuts inlcude things like ssh which gives a little textfield to enter the server13:03
sledgeschem|st: is in comments - problem gone after reboot13:05
chem|stsledges: ah I didn't read that thanks13:05
chem|stwell what to do with that item? close?13:06
chem|stor is it actually something that can happen and should not13:07
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chem|stI need to get off tjcc or I explode...13:25
chem|stggabriel: I am so close to shout at people that they are ignorant dumb idiots...13:26
ggabrielchem|st: i feel your pain, been there before13:26
ggabrielso either impersonate yoda13:26
ggabrielor get away13:26
thargorwelcome to IT with customer contact :-D13:26
ggabriellet it cool13:26
ggabrielchem|st: (sfw) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKorP55Aqvg13:27
chem|stthargor: doing that for some years now...13:27
thargorme too and I know your pain13:27
chem|stI want my locked gestures back13:27
thargorggabriel I currently searching the location where the cam was hidden in my meeting this morning13:28
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* ggabriel watching the video again for the 6th time13:32
thargorggabriel: I'm still not sure if this is a joke or a real meeting....13:33
ggabrielthargor: like the title says "short comedy sketch" :)13:33
chem|stggabriel: awesome!13:33
ggabrielbut it does happen for real13:33
thargornot sure at all I was asked this morning to change the memory allocation behavior of an AIX system13:34
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ggabrielthargor: pff, easy task13:36
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stephgyeah that's a great video13:38
ale_any idea why my jolla suddenly can't find any gsm network?13:39
Stskeepswhat does the indicator say?13:39
ale_grey stripes :|13:39
Stskeepsas in like a \| ?13:40
SK_workisn't it switching to 4G ?13:40
ale_and in settyes13:40
chem|stale_: sure the indicator is a reception bar and not an SIM icon?13:41
ale_it could be a sim icon i guess13:41
ale_i will investigate further when i get to home13:44
ggabrielale_: did you try removing and reinserting the sim card? :)13:44
ggabrielthat happened to me a couple of times13:45
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ggabrielstrange phone/network behaviour13:45
ggabrielused to happen with the n9 too when i used to run through a specific area13:45
ale_ggabriel: yes, i've tried13:46
ggabrielstephg: admittedly, i've only noticed just now that "go over their location and inflate the balloon" may have a second meaning13:46
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ggabrielale_: ok, then i wouldn't know13:46
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chem|stblah... a full blown filemanager needs 5+ entries in the pulley - no it does not, or do you need "select" 5 times?13:49
gogetaI've recived android testing13:50
gogetafor the alpha13:50
gogetabut not works the link13:50
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ggabrielgogeta: probably best to comment that in the tjc question where this was announced?13:51
ggabriel(was Aard behind all this?)13:51
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chem|stor wait a bit and try again...13:52
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LarstiQchem|st: do you have ideas on how we could make progress on  https://together.jolla.com/question/39281/bug-wpa2-enterprise-wpa_supplicant-fails-when-server-cert-is-also-client-cert-radius-radsec-eduroam/ ?14:20
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peppelakappaso there's a method to use eduroam connections?14:21
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LarstiQpeppelakappa: yes14:22
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LarstiQpeppelakappa: see https://together.jolla.com/question/315/wpa-8021x-enteprise-others-wifi-support-needed-workaround/#post-id-38843 for the wifi_eduroam.config example14:22
LarstiQpeppelakappa: the issue for me is that wpa_supplicant refuses to connect because the server certificate is also signed as a client cert14:23
LarstiQpeppelakappa: so as an Aalto university student, that basically means no eduroam14:24
peppelakappaI'll check tomorrow with UniSA eduroam14:24
peppelakappai don't remember if there's a cert or not14:24
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LarstiQpeppelakappa: if you have issues, maybe I can help debug14:25
TMavicaany link of jolla launcher?14:25
peppelakappabut wth, they have to implement a native interface!14:25
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LarstiQpeppelakappa: running `wpa_cli` is helpful to see what is going on14:25
LarstiQpeppelakappa: sure14:25
peppelakappaLarstiQ: thanks, if there will be any problem i'll drop a message here14:25
LarstiQpeppelakappa: but a network connection is more important to me than the UI :)14:25
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faenilpeppelakappa, "first we have to stabilize connectivity, before implementing new features"14:40
faeniland they're right14:41
faenil(even though this means a very important feature like this gets delayed :( )14:41
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gogetafaenil: if I replace mce14:43
gogetaU fuckup whole image ?14:43
faenilwell, mce is quite crucial :)14:44
faenilI wouldn't be surprised if it didn't boot anymore after touching mce14:44
faenilbut I don't know details ;)14:44
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peppelakappan00b question: mce?14:44
SK_work(or better, what MCE don't do ?)14:45
SK_workpeppelakappa: a rather critical daemon: eg your screen turning on off is managed by MCE14:45
gogetadouble tap and all magic14:45
peppelakappaquite interesting, thanks!14:45
faenilpeppelakappa, it's one of those things you don't want to have to debug :D14:46
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peppelakappafaenil: probably :P14:46
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chem|stpeppelakappa: eduroam needs a downpatched wpa_supplicant as the current (last 3 releases) declines service as soon as the certificate is a client cert too15:05
chem|stLarstiQ: get jolla to update wpa_supplicant15:05
chem|stafaik upstream wpa_sup is fine15:06
LarstiQchem|st: maybe confirm wpa_supplicant 2.2 is fine15:06
chem|stbut they are not at wpa-enterprise support yet so they just want to get connman stable atm15:06
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LarstiQchem|st: meh15:07
specialour wpa_supplicant packages build from that repository. If there are updates or patches you want, submit PRs there15:07
LarstiQspecial: thanks!15:07
chem|stLarstiQ: well it is more important to have connman behave than have new features, that is at least something I totally agree on15:07
fennekkiIs anyone else experiencing crashing apparently resulting from simply having a mobile network connection15:07
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chem|stfennekki: my sister has/had several issues and many others too15:08
LarstiQchem|st: I understand that, it's just rather inconvenient to only have network at home. But yes.15:08
fennekkias it doesn't seem to matter which apps I have open, nor whether I've connected to wi-fi, nor whether data is enabled, nor whether I've limited connectivity to 4G (which I don't have anyway) 3G or 2G15:08
chem|stfennekki: reboot when putting load on the modem15:08
fennekkiThe weird thing is, this doesn't seem to happen while charging15:08
fennekkichem|st: pretty much15:08
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chem|stfennekki: battery percentage played a role though15:09
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fennekkithough usually it's some background thing so the device might just crash as soon as it gets a connection15:09
fennekkiI'm experiencing it when a) connected to mobile b) battery at around 80% or below c) not charging15:09
chem|stfennekki: it used to be about 55% before last release, and before it was sent to care@, now it reboots at ~60%15:10
fennekkiWhich is peculiar. I've tried going through the logs but apparently nobody ever thought of writing a guide on how to see the last log messages before the current boot in journald.15:10
fennekkichem|st: for me this only started happening like a week ago15:10
fennekkibefore that I had no "random" reboots at all15:10
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chem|stfennekki: you need to make it persistent15:10
fennekkithe log?15:10
fennekkiOh, so it isn't persistent by default. Right, guess I'll do that then.15:11
chem|st/etc/systemd/journald.conf. Change setting Storage to be "Storage=persistent"15:11
chem|stfennekki: that would fill your internal storage over time15:11
fennekkiRight, I'll do that and trigger a crash so I'll get some logs15:11
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fennekkiguess I'll have to deplete the battery a bit first, though15:12
chem|stAard: is there anything else fennekki may activate for this matter? ^^15:12
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chem|stwho are the userguide lads/ladies? https://together.jolla.com/question/48408/lock-code-needs-proper-warning/15:14
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Turskifennekki: you need to create /var/log/journal directory too15:14
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fennekkiTurski: the journald.conf manpage seems to indicate that Storage=persistent would create that directory, but I guess I will, then15:15
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Turskioh, i remembered it was the opposite15:16
fennekki'https://together.jolla.com/question/48408/lock-code-needs-prope r-warning/15:16
fennekkichrist wrong paste15:16
fennekki'"auto" is similar to "persistent" but the directory /var/log/journal is not created if needed, so that its existence controls where log data goes.'15:16
fennekkiThis seems to be saying that persistent creates the directory.15:16
Turskifennekki: oh, that's it15:17
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chem|st"your phone has been repaired and sent back to you." hail!15:18
LarstiQspecial: the update to 6280df31bbbd015cb857630868a49c373325ba10 gets rid of the (presumably) offending code, so it looks like the problem will be resolved by waiting. Thanks again!15:18
chem|stLarstiQ: as said, they need to pull upstream... for now you may reinstall a patched version and be good15:19
chem|stLarstiQ: things being in mer does not mean they automagically ended up in sailfish yet15:20
LarstiQchem|st: I meant to say that the code in https://github.com/mer-packages is fine now, so it is already one step downstream15:20
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LarstiQchem|st: right, so then the next pull to sailfish will get it15:20
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specialchem|st: they do automagically end up in sailfish. We build directly from those repositories.15:21
special*but* master or whichever branch does not necessarily point to the next update15:21
* LarstiQ nods15:21
LarstiQchem|st: I have several hours of travel scheduled next week, good time to do the patched version then :)15:22
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chem|stspecial: hmm, then it depends if it is built again^^ as the last patch is 14 days old and the cert patch is even older15:24
LarstiQchem|st: the cert patch wasn't included in the previous state though, so sailfish could have picked it up the earliest two weeks ago15:25
specialwell, at some point we froze the content for update 815:25
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specialif it wasn't in at that time, it'll be part of update 915:25
special(generally speaking.)15:26
chem|stspecial: no biggy, I know it is there, I was just wondering as a newer version was in the connman openbeta (7.18) but it wasn't that new15:26
chem|stspecial: better get the framework itself stable before looking for more mature things!15:27
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faenilactually, I heard that the patch allowing those connections was applied and then reverted15:27
faenil(in upstream repo, I think)15:27
faenilare you sure that patch is currently applied?15:27
LarstiQfaenil: yes, I checked the diff15:27
faenilLarstiQ, ok ;)15:27
LarstiQfaenil: unless the code is also somewhere else, hmm15:28
faenilno, as special said, github repo is what's used15:28
LarstiQfaenil: I mean, there is one diff hunk removing the openssl_tls_fail_event and none adding it. But if the failure is coded differently I may have missed it15:29
faenilI see15:29
faenilyou should ask lpotter when he wakes up, to be sure15:30
LarstiQit's a 80klines diff so I'm not reading it line by line ;)15:30
faenilah, peanuts :)15:30
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jmlichMy application is crashing while closing. http://pastebin.com/73jJ352x It is possible to install debuginfos ?15:40
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SK_workjmlich: zypper in qt5-core-debuginfo etc ?15:42
SK_workjmlich: brr, that's not a nice stack trace15:43
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SK_workGoogle IO :)15:56
SK_workwill we have a SFOS conference one day ?15:57
peppelakappasure ;)15:57
faenilSK_work, we will! o/15:57
Stskeepsmonday mourning with jolla15:57
SK_workanyway, let's see what Google have for us15:57
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Stskeepsgah, i/o live site won't render for me16:01
tango_Stskeeps: mourning?16:01
Stskeepstango_: joke of the last meego conference16:01
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peppelakappaready for another laggy android version?16:02
faenilStskeeps, same here, not working16:02
faenilare you using chrome?16:02
Stskeepsfirefox and chrome16:03
SK_workworks here firefox16:03
* Stskeeps watches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXjhC6LXefk&feature=youtu.be16:03
Stskeepsah, refreshed16:04
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faenilworks here as well now16:07
SK_workandroid homescreen16:08
faenilmm no audio though16:08
SK_workno audio yeah16:09
faenilah ok16:09
Stskeepsit's obviously a brain interface16:09
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SK_worklet's have android 516:11
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Triztis there a new alien dalvik release soon or a way to revert to previous version? the system_server leaks memory like hell16:18
louisdkIs there any minor effect on battery life whatever you have brightness set to lowest, 80% or 100%?16:19
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SK_workwoow < 100$ phone16:20
peppelakappalet's see what hardware will mount16:20
StskeepsSK_work: 100 USD is not an accomplishment today..16:21
SK_workStskeeps: ship a SFOS with a 100USD HW16:21
SK_workI think that only Google (+ some big manufacturers) can do16:22
jmlichSK_work, installation of  qt5-core-debuginfo doesn't help16:22
peppelakappawoow new buttons16:22
SK_workha: super flat design of android l16:22
SK_workjmlich: does gdb tells you which package to install ?16:22
StskeepsSK_work: i didn't say it's a good business16:23
Stskeepsbut see armdevices.net16:23
SK_worka screen that changes shape16:23
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SK_workthat's not bad16:24
SK_worka lot of animation, but not bad16:24
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peppelakappagallery seems the ubuntu touch one16:24
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faenilrealtime shadows, as if android wasn't heavy already :D16:24
SK_workz: 100016:25
SK_workbut woow, that's so awesome16:25
SK_workfaenil: it looks good16:25
faenilof course it does16:25
SK_workit's ambience !16:25
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SK_workwindows phone like16:26
* Stskeeps is massively annoyed that he is behind in stream..16:27
peppelakappai know that feel Stskeeps16:27
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SK_workthe new design is finally pleasant16:28
faenilyeah, it's nice16:28
SK_workI wonder how Qt can do this16:28
SK_workI think it's not hard for many stuff16:29
SK_worklike animating shapes is really simple16:29
SK_workbut animated icons, not that nice16:29
slettaSK_work: AnimatedImage and AnimatedSprite doesn’t cut it?16:30
SK_worksletta: it can, but I don't know how google's framework draw the arrow to go to the circle16:30
slettaNot sure I’ve seen this.. got a link?16:31
SK_worksletta: follow google io :P16:31
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Stskeepssletta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtLJPvx7-ys16:31
SK_worktoo colored16:31
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SK_workthe animation of the dialer is basic16:32
SK_workripple don't convince me16:32
SK_workI wonder why people are happy about this it's SO absic16:32
SK_worknot convinced with swipe to get more notif16:34
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SK_workthe context locking thing is nice16:36
peppelakappaa lot16:36
peppelakappamaybe could we do a similar thing with sailfish lockscreen and pebble?16:37
SK_workthe animation from a title to a top header is nice16:39
SK_workand I wonder how to do this on Qt16:39
jmlichSK_work, I am not sure where to find it. It seems, there is missing a lot of debug infos http://pastebin.com/vBpsdjgm16:39
SK_workpfff recents is horrible :(16:40
SK_workhow's stack trace now ?16:40
SK_workjmlich: not a problem16:40
SK_workright, what the Nokia N9 did ... 3 years ago ?16:41
SK_work(and what Jolla's missing actually :))16:41
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peppelakappathat seems maliit.16:42
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jmlichSK_work, the backtrace looks very same as before16:44
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SK_workdon't know16:45
pdanekWatching Google I/O?16:45
peppelakappayep pdanek16:45
pdanekThe new designs?16:45
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SK_worknow ART16:45
peppelakappatappy chicken lol16:49
SK_workthere were some flickers16:49
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SK_workand basically we don't know anything about HW etc.16:49
peppelakappahe talked about "new nvidia tablet", i assume that was a k116:50
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SK_workbattery saver ? meh16:52
SK_workjmlich: installed glibc debug symbols ?16:52
SK_workjmlich: should install this at first16:52
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Stskeepsis there somebody screaming in the background..?16:54
SK_workcool n7 image, let's check this16:54
Stskeepslike saying something16:54
Morpog_PC__engadget wrote there was a protester16:54
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SK_workg play services :D16:56
jmlichSK_work, I have installed a few another debuginfos and started gdb from command line directly on device. Current backtrace looks like this http://pastebin.com/GbyNeNUb16:56
SK_workgplay services: making the open platform close since ....16:56
jmlichYou can install the software from source codes https://gitorious.org/foursail/foursail/ - Reproducer is easy. Install, Run in debug mode, login to 4sq and close app16:56
SK_workjmlich: install glibc debug16:57
SK_workbut I guess you find a Qt bug16:57
jmlichglibc-debuginfo was installed16:57
SK_workit's related to scene graph16:58
pdanekSo what do you think about ART? Better performance, less memory usage.16:58
jmlichI heard, new Qt is coming soon16:58
jmlichSo I will wait ..16:58
peppelakappapdanek: i'll install and report later ;)16:58
Morpog_PC__jmlich, I guess that will come earliest with update 9, so after the summer break16:58
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pdanekAlso the Android One... everyone can now easil use stock Android on their cheap phones.17:00
peppelakappaluckly for them, but motog and motoe are already cheap17:00
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pdaneknot cheap enough17:02
peppelakappawhy? moto e costs 120$17:02
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pdanekyes, too much17:02
pdanekGoogle wants to eventually replace every phone with Android17:02
pdanekeven dumb phones17:02
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peppelakappayes but, android one costs not much less in my opinion17:03
pdanekI can imagine that some people can only afford like $80 phone17:03
SK_workthey said 100$17:04
pdanekthe guy in google I/O has shown the ANdroid smartphone from India, 4.5" screen and he said it costs less than 100 dollars17:04
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pdanekwith Google One17:04
pdanekhe said less than 10017:04
pdanekalthough it can be $99.99 :D17:04
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fennekkiAlright, finally this thing decided to crash17:17
fennekkilet's do the logging thing17:18
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pdanek1Too bad that Sailyfish doesn't have online high-score  table.17:20
pdanek1It's fun to compete in high-score with such small community as Sailfish17:20
fennekkiWait, but, does journald flush the log to drive after every write17:21
fennekkiBecause otherwise I'm just going to lose the last few lines anyway17:21
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harryghello how can i use pgp on jolla?17:25
harrygi noticed the is gpg installed in terminal but how can i activate it in email?17:26
pdanek1So basically, what Apple has shown between the phones and desktop, the sync between apps. Google has shown between phones and wearables.17:26
pdanek1harryg: np pgp support in Jolla email client as far I know, at the moment17:26
harrygwow thats sad17:27
harrygis there an alternate client? I guess there was evolution for the N900?17:27
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peppelakappayou can use some android apps for now17:27
harrygi tried k9-mail on android once and that sucked.17:28
pdanek1harryg: https://together.jolla.com/question/887/gpg-for-email-and-other-stuff/17:28
pdanek1K-9 is one of them :(17:28
harrygthanks for the link, just reading again17:29
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harryghas anyone tried r2mail217:30
harrygit's not free, mmh.17:30
harrygand what is that mutt thing?17:31
sledgesmutt - text-based mail client, awesom! :))17:31
harrygsledges? on terminal? on jolla???17:32
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harrygsledges is it working? Then I will try it? At least it is free:)17:34
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pdaneksledges: mutt in Jolla terminal must be pain17:40
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fennekkiThere's literally nothing in the system log before the sudden reboot17:41
fennekkisomething just fails17:41
pdanekfennekki: was your battery low?17:41
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harrygdamned got disconnected17:42
fennekkiso thus far the only confirmed thing is that when the battery has been depleted a bit and something puts stress on the modem - dunno how much, because it certainly is possible to operate over a mobile network for a while17:42
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fennekkiunder those conditions the device reboots17:43
fennekkiwithout anything indicating why in the log17:44
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pdanekfennekki: yes that was my case as well, battery low, modem under stress17:44
fennekkiI've both saved the log and followed it via ssh - nothing there17:44
fennekkipdanek: well, the battery isn't exactly *low* considering I should be able to use my phone below 80%17:44
pdanekfennekki: and it rebooted by itself or you initiated call?17:44
fennekkirebooted itself, though presumably would also reboot on call17:44
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fennekkiI can try initiating a call, that should reboot it as well, probably17:45
pdanekI see.17:46
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fennekkiWell, calling myself didn't trigger it17:47
fennekkibut mobile data doesn't have to be on, as far as I recall17:47
fennekkilet's see17:47
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pdanekGoogle I/O: same phone and chromebook integration as apple has!17:51
fennekkiwell! It's not rebooting now17:51
fennekkiso... Maybe it's only with mobile data17:52
fennekkior maybe it just takes longer17:52
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fennekkiI should just disable joins for this channel, how did you do that again with irssi17:55
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lipifennekki: ./ignore -channels #jollamobile * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS18:00
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fennekkiI wanna have NICKS but thanks for the other things18:01
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pdanek1Why during Apple event, people screamed more, clapped more, enjoyed more?18:02
pdanek1Google I/O seems much more sleepy.18:02
pdanek1Apple knows how to present.18:03
Jopeor apple's fans are more devoted18:03
fennekkiThey probably are, since Apple p much provides everything under one brand18:03
fennekkiHardware and software18:03
fennekkiand even their own peripherals18:04
Jope"tim cook: we invented for you, something that already existed" "crowd: this changes EVERYTHING"18:04
fennekkiGoogle is mostly focused on the software side, afaik18:04
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pdanek1The guy screaming about robots that kill people. :D18:11
pdanek1Have you guys just hear?18:11
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Kondoupdanek: The presenting guys reaction was way better imho :D18:38
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KondouUmm … Uh … So … Um …18:38
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chem|stso google is now doing what nokia did the last 15 years... provide cheap completely locked-down phones to areas where carriers want full control over their customers... neat19:21
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fennekkiWhat's wrong with that?19:25
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fennekkiWell! it finally crashed even without mobile data19:28
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fennekkiso yeah guess it's just that the modem is enabled at all19:28
chem|stNothing, that is where Nokia was unable to deliver anymore19:28
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chem|stA company trying to silence a phone that sells better on markets it was not directly delivered to without marketing than those they officially put on markets with proper marketing is doomed19:29
chem|stthankfully they sponsored a startup.. what was it called again?19:30
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gogetahi guys19:38
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gogetaAard: are u here19:38
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fennekkiI guess the amusing thing about Nokia is, when Elop was announced to be the new CEO everyone just basically started betting on when it'd be acquired by Microsoft.19:43
fennekkiAnd yet for some reason everyone seemed surprised19:44
gogetawho is responsible for sailfish android launcher19:47
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Aardgogeta: not really19:49
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gogetai have requested alpha for a non google play email19:50
Aardgogeta: I have nothing to do with the android launcher, and I'm not sure if anyone handling that is currently in here19:52
jake9xxask 'harha' in @twitter maybe19:52
gogetabut i've see the youtube demo19:52
gogetait rocks19:53
gogetai don't know hime19:53
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Aardgogeta: just give it a try, he might help you out19:53
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gogetai'll wait19:58
gogetai prefer to port native19:59
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gogetahi b0bben20:12
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pdanek1Most of the time, I don't actually choose roll-out menu item directly, but roll-out completely and click afterward. Is it similar for your usage?20:14
giucamroll out, as in pull down?20:15
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pdanekgiucam: yes20:19
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pdanekMost of the time, I don't actually choose pull-down menu item directly, but pull-down completely and click afterward. Is it similar for your usage?20:20
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giucampdanek: nope, i never click on them afterwards20:20
giucami'd have to move the finger for that20:21
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P67_hi there.. i am trying to troubleshoot an issue concerning an android app that crashes out when i want to watch television. concerns the dutch app Horizon TV.. how do i go around? all journalctl said is a rather cryptic stacktrace.21:06
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chem|stgiucam: good boy^^21:07
chem|stnice to read someone actually prefering it how it is meant to be used21:07
P67_how do you mean?21:09
chem|stP67_: I was not refering to you, but anyways, can you pastebin the logs you feel are cryptic to you?21:11
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P67_chem|st: i figured as much.. just wondering if i missed something and might learn something :)21:13
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chem|stP67_: for your problem, does aliendalvik crash or just the horizon app?21:20
P67_chem|st: just the app. working on getting logs asap21:22
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P67chem|ist: I got the logs now: http://pastebin.com/E529kFce21:39
P67chem|st: even21:39
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chem|stpage faults could be memory issues, there was a tjc about alien system_service leaking21:47
chem|stbut that is cryptic for me too lets wait and see if some of the jolla guys read it21:48
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P67chem|st: Mmm. Let's hope so.21:50
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phdeswerP67: E dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.buydrm.mediaplayer.MediaPlayer$DisplayTracker', referenced from method com.buydrm.mediaplayer.MediaPlayer.setDataSource Seems to indicate something does not exist22:03
phdeswerso that MediaPlayerList segfaults most likely because it tries to access something that is not there22:03
P67phdeswer: I noticed that too, But i have little explanation to it.22:04
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phdeswerWell the page fault stuff indicates an invalid memory access from that program (which is why it segfaults)22:06
chem|stphdeswer: oh I am getting tired, I overread it completely22:06
phdeswerBut well what goes on in the android emulation I have no clue. I don't use it (nor want it anywhere close to my Jolla).22:06
phdeswerchem|st: happens to us all ;)22:07
chem|stphdeswer: seems like alien is missing a display-plugin22:07
chem|stDisplayTracker sounds something like from the samsung "displaychooser" to handle where to play back22:09
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chem|stP67: do you have an android with the app?22:10
P67chem|st: I do yes22:11
chem|stdoes the player show some TV like icon with a number in it?22:11
chem|stor even without number22:12
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P67chem|st: You mean the play/pause/stop overlay and whatnot?22:12
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chem|stthe "window"22:12
P67chem|st: Yes it does. Has an overlay with fullscreen stop and next channel and whatnot22:15
chem|stfrom the variable name I'd guess it is either unable to return a display to output22:15
P67Just wondering if i could do anything to it. I don't mind if it's just not working.. Just tinkering with it as to get things working that don't work. hehe.22:16
chem|stI have no idea what debug features are available to find out what that variable should have returned22:17
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P67chem|st: Hmm.. I guess i will get back to it soon then. Thanks for your time so far mate22:21
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sledgeschem|st: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=jolla+toh+wireless+charger&tbm=isch23:29
sledgesit might be that s3 receiver will not be best bet :/23:30
sledgesour community fellow has ordered it from somewhere and s3 receiver has been manually cut to fit inside 3d printed toh, it appears they've cut the circuitry too23:31
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sledgeshow l8me... :/23:31
sledgessorry about that, but you might need to look for a more suitable shape of form: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=9205923:31
sledgesor trace two wires instead :)23:32
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chem|stsledges: to find one with 5V on the right side was hard enough... as it seemed to be S3 only23:44
chem|stsledges: it might be not the best fit, I was looking for one that looks more square'ish in shape than the others23:45
chem|stwe will see... 9.10eur isn't that much compared to a 30eur toh with a 5c rfid23:46
* sledges nods and smiles23:46
sledgesthat tmo thread discusses many other shapes available23:47
sledgesand im looking through my photo album from the first london meetup in march - Jari had one and i took a pix23:48
sledgeswill find tomorrow :)23:48
sledgesnight now!23:48
chem|stthink I found what you mean23:50
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