#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2015-07-04

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intewhat are the latest rumors about the upcoming anouncement of Jolla new Hardware partner?06:52
inteNokia, Sony, Fairphone, Jotaphone...?06:52
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* tbr votes for Siemens07:05
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intetbr :)07:19
inteweren't they indeed supplying the reference design?07:20
intethey could surely do a phone then:)07:20
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*** Pilke <Pilke!~Pilke@85-76-139-63-nat.elisa-mobile.fi> has joined #jollamobile07:47
tbrwould be kinda fun to bring a smartphone to market under the "Marconi" brand :D07:47
tbrbonus points if it has a straight key button on the back07:48
HelleI'll go for Telefunken07:50
ninnnuBQ is currently selling Android and Ubuntu phones to Europe... IMO they could be a potential partner, too :P07:53
ninnnuNo idea about the quality, though07:53
ninnnuAnd then there's Meizu (Chiense) which also release an Ubuntu phone recently...07:54
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inteafaik all those ubuntu phones beeing currently released dont even support LTE08:10
intei wouldnt bet on that hardware08:10
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ninnnuHaven't needed LTE :P08:19
Mikaelano LTE sounds surprising08:21
*** adherry <adherry!~adherry@p549AC97A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de> has joined #jollamobile08:24
adherrygood morning fins08:25
HelleMikaela: chinese chipset, no LTE in China for the forseeable future08:27
Mikaelaoh, I see08:27
adherryso you are telling me that the chinese are producing tech for us that they can’t use?08:29
Helleadherry: exactly08:29
adherryWell, if the LTE in the Jolla would work correct, I would be very happy08:29
Helleit works correct, it just can't do the voice mode most companies are using08:30
Hellebut for data it's fine08:30
adherryWell, if LTE is on and connected I can get any calls08:30
adherrythats far from “works correct”08:30
adherryI get ringing, but cant accept the call, and after it the call disappears from the call log08:30
adherryand I cant get sms too08:30
adherrysince I disabled LTE the phone works normal08:31
Helleadherry: that is your network not handling phones with this valid configuration correctly08:33
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Helleit's in the LTE specifications that a phone can use LTE for just data and will get an OOB message indicating a call is happening and it should drop to 3G to handle it08:33
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adherrythe problem is that it is easier to get jolla to support quirks than for a network company to change that08:49
ilpianistaanyone experiencing segfaults when creating a QWebPage?08:50
Helleadherry: Jolla doesn't need to support a quirk to deal with that, it needs to actually implement Voice over IP over LTE, which is a completely different HW path then regular voice08:52
adherrymy nerf gun is here08:54
adherrynow i am the king of the office08:54
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adherrysince I am the only one with a semi-automatic blaster08:55
Hellealso I am not sure if the chipset in the phone can actually do VoIPoLTE to 3G fallback08:55
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SQUelcherOn T-Mobile Germany it switches from 4G to 3G on incoming calls without any problems09:00
SQUelcherBut VoLTE to 3G isn't implemented, of course..09:00
tbrinte: you've been looking for rumours - http://news.yahoo.com/yotaphone-says-bye-bye-android-161653714.html09:06
tbrHelle: the chipset in the jolla does not support VoLTE. It does support fallback to 3G and 2G just fine, sadly many operators have broken setups, still.09:07
Helletbr: yeah, hence they'd have to do VoIPoLTE which is also a legal mode, but I quite well understand that they dont09:08
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kjetilhohere in Norway the 3G network is getting switched off, so you'll get really bad data while talking.09:12
tbror not at all. many devices don't support parallel data and voice on GSM/GPRS/EDGE09:17
Helleit sort of makes sense though to do it09:18
Helle3G is really bandwidth hungry09:18
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kjetilhoyeah.  with LTE on 800 MHz you get good coverage, too09:20
SQUelcherimho 2G will outlive 3G by far09:23
SQUelcherso in a few years there will be 4G and 2G..09:23
HelleSQUelcher: by design really09:23
SQUelcherthere are lots and lots of m2m devices which only support 2G09:24
kjetilhoexactly, that's what Telenor is saying, too.  they don't want to upset their customers who want to turn on the heat in their mountain cabins before they arrive :)09:26
adherry2g and 4g only would be a reason for me to get a new phone09:27
Stskeepslte, 28 c, no clouds, sunshine09:31
Stskeepsso good09:31
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Yanielyour weather app disagrees09:33
adherrywe have currently 31° and will get 37 today09:33
adherryand it will stay being that hot till tuesday09:33
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inteI find implementing VoLTE but not VoWIFI quite useless10:03
inteI don't know a single place with LTE coverage but no UMTS/GSM coverage10:04
inteHowever, I know a coupke of places w/o cellular coverage, but wifi10:04
intee.g. my home10:04
inteGerman network providers suck since no one offers VoWIFI10:05
intetbr: interesting!!10:06
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adherryahh, my ventilator is finished10:21
Yanielyou know when you can't distinguish between a freshly toasted bread and your laptop based on temperature?10:23
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adherryI have a macbook10:28
adherryand I know that feeling10:28
Yanielit's awesome during winter though10:30
Yaniel(and yes I have a macbook too)10:31
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r0kk3rzi thought they stopped doing that10:45
adherrymy boss has a 12” macbook10:45
adherrythe keyboard is really cool10:46
adherrywell, the case is still aluminium10:46
r0kk3rzmy sisters mbp used to get so hot you couldnt touch it10:46
adherryand heat still spreads through metal10:46
r0kk3rzwell, its supposed to10:46
adherrywell for that you really have to keep it on full load for a while10:46
r0kk3rzits directtly connected isnt it? ie as a heatsink10:46
r0kk3rzbut the difference is that the intel chips and graphics cards dont get as hot as they used to10:47
Yanielhehe yeah this one is a mid-2009 model with a geforce 9400m coffee heater built in10:47
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adherryI have a 2012 mba10:49
r0kk3rzyeah sounds like the same as my sisters old one10:51
r0kk3rzcoffee heater, useful idea, never thought of that10:51
r0kk3rzbut ive made the mistake of resting my hand on it a few times10:51
adherryif mine would get too hot during work i would simply ask our buisness guy to order me a keyboard and a magic trackpad10:53
Yanielhey, no cold wrists while typing10:53
Yanielalso the heated keyboard feels nice during the less hot season10:54
r0kk3rzsister ended up getting a powered laptop stand wedge thing10:54
adherryour ac on work is in a small room noone uses10:54
r0kk3rzsuper hot computer isnt always nice when you live in australia10:55
adherryso we use fans to distribute cool air10:55
adherrya lot of fans10:55
adherryyou walk around and feel like you are in a wind tunnel10:55
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Yanielisn't the noise uncomfortable?10:55
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r0kk3rzeugh fan noise10:56
r0kk3rzscientifically proven to destroy your concentration10:56
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adherryI hear music10:59
adherryso I dont really hear it10:59
adherrywe have very liberal rules. As long as you get shit done you are allowed to do whatever you want11:00
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r0kk3rzas it should be11:08
r0kk3rzgetting shit done is the goal, not meeting whatever bureaucratic rules are in place11:09
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kimmolifans reminds me this https://youtu.be/K8kua5B5K3I?t=4m54s11:29
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dr_gogeta86hi guys12:04
adherryhi, 28 year old12:04
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alex25_chAre this old news? http://news.yahoo.com/yotaphone-says-bye-bye-android-161653714.html12:36
alex25_chWould be great if this is true...12:36
Yanielthe negotiations have been on the news a couple of times12:39
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r0kk3rzthe idea that yota is picking up sailfish has been rumor for a while now12:44
r0kk3rzbut dropping android completely? thats news12:44
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coderusyota making just one device in two years, so no need to make Yota2 on android and sailfishos12:52
r0kk3rzyeah but betting the farm on someone elses niche OS is what Nokia did, and that didnt really work out12:58
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r0kk3rzand that was betting on microsoft, you know that company with a long history of making operating systems12:59
coderusyota devices market is very small13:00
coderusin real life nobody want it13:00
coderusso maybe sailfishos helps :)13:00
r0kk3rzmaybe it does13:00
r0kk3rzi would have thought it would hurt more than help, but im sure they've done some market analysis13:00
r0kk3rzbut maybe they werent different enough to compete with the likes of samsung et al13:01
coderusi think if YotaPhone S price will be lower than Jolla/Jolla2 it will have success in russia13:01
r0kk3rzand sailfishos helps them be different13:01
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Stskeepscoderus: which is interesting (nobody wants it) -when i saw one at mwc it wasnt half bad13:07
coderusjust look at the price: https://market.yandex.ru/product/11743876?ncrnd=992513:09
Stskeepswhat is that in EUR / compared to a nexus 5?13:09
coderusits ridiculous13:10
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r0kk3rzits low volume though13:11
coderusi don't know more details13:12
Stskeepsn5 list price was 500 usd13:12
coderusso, decide how many peoples want to add $150 mode for extra eink screen13:14
r0kk3rzthrow in the fact that its russian made as well, at least for the russian market13:15
Stskeepseverything is made in china today13:15
Stskeepsor taiwan13:15
r0kk3rzperhaps made is the wrong word, designed?13:16
Stskeepslets not fool ourselves that russians or africans cant do a good product:)13:16
r0kk3rzadmittedly when i played around with a yota in london my thoughts were 'seems cool, but it doesnt run sailfishos'13:17
r0kk3rzbut i was biased by the jolla phone in my pocket i think13:18
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coderuswe have different vendors making devices "for russian market", not just Yota: https://market.yandex.ru/catalog/54726/list?hid=91491&gfilter=1801946%3A11042954&in-stock=1&exc=1&regprice=9&how=dpop https://market.yandex.ru/catalog/54726/list?hid=91491&gfilter=1801946%3A6139980&in-stock=1&exc=1&regprice=9&how=dpop ...13:27
coderus... https://market.yandex.ru/catalog/54726/list?hid=91491&gfilter=1801946%3A5515883&in-stock=1&exc=1&regprice=9&how=dpop13:27
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Hartzicoderus: I actually know one guy who bought yota phone13:35
Hartzibut I dont know how much it cost him13:35
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coderusHartzi: yotaphone2?14:11
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coderusthere is also old yotaphone1 for $17014:12
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Yanielif the next yotaphone comes with sailfish and it is possible to read pdfs with the eink that could be a reason for me to buy one14:21
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Yanielbut eh, russia hasn't exactly been making good PR for themselves lately14:22
coderusYaniel: there are was very big PR, but, russians actually doesnt believe in self made products :D14:23
coderuscars are cr*p, mobile phones are same, rockets are falling down :D14:24
Yanielwell it could help with sales if everyone didn't hate your country to begin with14:24
Yanielbut let's not go into politics14:25
coderusi see no reason to "hate country", it's just a place on the earth :)14:27
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StskeepsYaniel: to be honest i'd kill for a qHD eink without normal display15:20
Stskeepsi can see interesting uses15:20
r0kk3rzimagine the battery life15:23
r0kk3rzthat alone would be a major win15:23
r0kk3rzthe key would me making the eink be responsive enough for general inputs like texting15:24
Stskeepsthere was some awesome e-paper phone.. sec15:25
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r0kk3rzi guess it would be poor for taking photos and youtubing on the go, which are two rather large usecases15:30
Yaniel"why not both"15:30
Stskeepsbut if you make it the primary interface15:30
YanielI suppose that is what yota went with15:31
Stskeepsand then switch for more vivid content..15:31
r0kk3rzi think its a fair enough trade-off15:35
r0kk3rzif you care that much about it, you'd buy something else15:35
r0kk3rzthe idea that you have to appeal to *everyone* with your device is a little limiting, as theres already a lot of companies doing just that15:36
Yanieldamn, I have to try to get higher resolution cover art for my music library15:38
Yanielwith the tablet having a 2k screen...15:39
Yanieland my desktop 4K15:39
Yaniel300x300 is way too small there15:39
r0kk3rzyeah just a touch15:41
r0kk3rzwonder how often people use tablets for music though15:41
Yanielhardly, I guess15:43
r0kk3rzdoes seem to suit the phone sized form factor a bit better15:44
r0kk3rzi hope they backport the opencv stuff for qtmultimedia for the tablet, that would be cool15:45
r0kk3rzor integrate newer version or whatever15:46
r0kk3rzhaving the tablet as a CV/AR platform could get interesting15:47
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r0kk3rzStskeeps: http://arstechnica.co.uk/gadgets/2015/07/a-floating-holographic-plasma-display-that-you-can-touch/15:50
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Stskeepsthe question is rather how much power it consumes15:50
Heller0kk3rz: mmmm, I have my own little hooklet for QtMultimedia that works on the phone15:52
HelleI'll publish it sometime this summer15:52
Yanielhow much power it consumes, and how much it costs for now15:52
r0kk3rzStskeeps: my guess is loads15:52
r0kk3rzbut it seems very much like we're living in the future15:52
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ursr0kk3rz: problem with those floating holograms created with pulse lasers: the plasma dot creates lots of ozone and nitrous oxides15:55
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r0kk3rzwhy is that a problem?15:57
ursthose aren't exactly healthy.15:57
ursIt doesn't affect the function of the display of course, but it's nothing I'd want in my living room.15:58
r0kk3rzi didnt realise that the human body really doesnt like ozone15:59
r0kk3rznitrous oxide is laughing gas, so i figured it would be fairly benign16:00
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urswell N2O is the least problematic one, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NOx are worse.16:04
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adherryStarted my first faith war. Feels kinda good17:23
Stskeepsemacs vs vim?17:25
Yanielspeaking of war, I might feel a bit like doing some head detaching if the sfos2.0 media player still can't handle cover art17:27
Yanielor replaygain17:27
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Stskeepshopefully you'll be able to patch that soon..17:27
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Yanielhmmmm *checks email*17:28
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Stskeepsone day.17:29
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Nicd-so was the YotaPhone thing a fluke?17:30
Nicd-I mean wrong news17:30
Nicd-or was it valid?17:30
adherryI began a war between the one true Divintiy, the allmighty Bob, and the impostor, the blood god^^17:31
r0kk3rzgstreamer 1.0 should do replaygain17:33
r0kk3rznot sure about the current version, or how you access it through qtmultimedia17:34
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coderusr0kk3rz: msameer said gst1.0 is almost ready, and it will be included in next (?) update18:33
r0kk3rzyeah i saw18:33
HtheBmsameer is still alive?18:33
r0kk3rzincluded so long as it tests out anyway18:33
Helleis the QtMultimedia gst1.0 support also going in ?18:33
HelleI've been keeping a project on hold over that18:33
r0kk3rzit will have to be i think18:34
svuorelaI guess qt 5.5 came out 3 days ago with gst1.0 support in qtmm. I'd be surprised to see qt5.5 in jolla this month :)18:35
r0kk3rzsvuorela: that entirely depends on who patched in gst1.0 support18:36
r0kk3rzseems a coincidence that its just been released and jolla have been working towards using gst1.0 for long time now18:36
Hellegst0.10 is so restrictive18:39
HelleI was pondering using it with some tricks, but egh18:39
r0kk3rzHelle: what are you building?18:40
Heller0kk3rz: well, two things, one is a Twitch/Hitbox/UStream client and the other is one for a system used in universities here for streaming and replaying lectures18:41
r0kk3rzsounds cool :)18:41
HelleBut I need HLS support18:42
Helleand usable HLS support is not in gst0.1018:43
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r0kk3rzwell hopefully testing goes well18:44
r0kk3rzand then we get new things to play with in the next update18:45
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louisdkYay! Tried to apply the scandic kb patch to my jolla. Sadly I made a line break in a config file before reboot, which made the touchscreen unable to react. And of course I've installed an SSH Access confirmation app which required accept after login via the touch screen. Luckly I was able to put in recovery mode, chroot and uninstall the app so I could SSH to my device and get the touch screen working.19:59
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coderuslouisdk: recovery shell20:11
coderusyou can edit your file here and not uninstall anything20:11
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louisdkcoderus, you can chroot from recovery shell and from here uninstall things at least with zypper20:14
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coderuswhy? if you can just edit this conf file to fix screen and not uninstall anything20:26
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locusfeh wot20:27
locusfoh crap20:28
locusfthats probably what broke on the previous guy as well20:29
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locusfline break in compositor config file20:29
r0kk3rzsounds a bit fragile20:29
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GyrthIt is juli. So the Jolla Tablet will soon be released.21:16
GyrthHow exciting.21:16
dirkvlit is crazy21:17
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Lieke_tablet soon, tohkbd soon, good times21:18
GyrthOr will it be posponed again?21:18
r0kk3rzwho knows, can only wait21:21
r0kk3rzbut i hope soon21:21
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r0kk3rzwonder how quickly it will hit general release after the igg backers have shipped21:23
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louisdkcoderus, i didn't knew the precise error back then. It was first when I resized my terminal application I discovered the line break.21:40
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coderuswonder if tohkbd or tablet will be delivered first...22:01
svuorelatohkbd for tablet.22:02
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