#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2018-04-08

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aoeusorry if this comes out as harsh, but why is Jolla's GUI just as mediocre as other mobile OSes?13:54
aoeuit's still the same old WIMP interface13:54
aoeuyou have the opportunity to make something truly better and different, yet you create just another poor clone13:55
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Nicd-what's your vision of something truly better and different?15:02
Nicd-seems WIMP means "windows, icons, menus, pointer", but I don't see much of the windows or pointers concept in SFOS15:04
aoeulet's start with a unified inbox15:22
aoeuin  which goes every message you receive, pictures you capture, emails, notifications, recommendations, search results, etc.15:22
Yanielthat has nothing to do with the navigation paradigm though15:27
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Yanielalso I'd like to remind you that Jolla's GUI used to be more.. creative before SailfishOS 2.015:27
Yanielapparently people didn't like it so they made it more like android15:28
aoeuthis has something to do with the navigation paradigm15:30
aoeuyou don't navigate between apps, you navigate between tasks/todo items/inbox items15:30
aoeuthe launcher is an inbox15:30
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Yanielsure, but WIMP is about *how* you do the navigating15:36
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aoeudon't get stuck on WIMP, it's the general term to describe the standard OS GUI with icons and apps and stuff15:38
aoeueither you don't innovate because you're afraid it would hurt adoption, either you don't innovate because there's no need (things are perfect as is), either you don't innovate because you don't know how15:39
aoeui don't know which is the case15:39
Nicd-SFOS was more innovative before15:44
Nicd-people didn't like it15:44
aoeuwhat kind of people? close-minded people or even early adopters?15:46
aoeuin one case, do you really want them as users?15:46
aoeuin the other, why not learn from those criticism and make something innovative but better15:46
Nicd-who cares what kind of people? people are who you are making the prouct for15:46
Nicd-as a business you can't just say "well we don't want those customers anyway"15:46
Nicd-there's a reason why the desktop paradigm still exists: it works for people. I'm thinking we're reaching some sort of equilibrium on mobile too15:48
aoeuwhat's the purpose of Sailfish OS?15:48
aoeumaybe i just don't understand it15:48
aoeui thought the goal was to make a better OS15:48
aoeubut perhaps i'm wrong15:48
Nicd-is the goal of others to be "worse" then? :D15:49
YanielI'm sure it's one goal15:49
Yanielbut for a company "get more customers" is a pretty vital goal15:49
aoeuNicd-: old people use the others, they can't really do anything radical15:51
aoeuNicd-: so they settle for mediocre15:51
aoeuand then SFOS comes in, and replicates that mediocrity15:51
aoeuand then i'm mad15:51
Nicd-there's no linear scale of "better" and "worse"15:51
Nicd-if you think that you are thinking too simple15:51
aoeuwell, some things are objectively worse than others15:52
Nicd-not many things15:52
Nicd-my wife uses iOS and sure she can't do some things I do on Android. but it's "better" for her because she gets what she wants done very well, it feels natural to her. I don't think she would gain much by changing whereas she would have to endure the learning process. she never really got the hang of my Jolla while I had it, not because she couldn't learn it but because she didn't want to, because the15:55
Nicd-"innovative" stuff like gestures didn't offer anything she needed15:55
Nicd-personally I loved the gesture system in SFOS, but I switched to Android eventually because things just worked15:55
Nicd-and I realise I don't really miss the gestures nowadays15:55
YanielI miss them a lot15:56
aoeuit's not enough to just add gestures, that's not a good enough reason for most to get over the learning curve15:56
Yanieltapping on a touchscreen is and remains infuriating15:56
Yanielway too inaccurate - or a colossal waste of space15:56
Nicd-I have fingerprint reader gestures now, it's nice15:56
aoeuwhat i'm proposing is 10x improvement over iOS and Android15:57
Nicd-according to whom?15:57
Nicd-still don't know what you're proposing, any pictures? have you done research with users?`15:57
Yanielaccording to the salesman, as usual15:57
aoeui'll have to create mockups and a blog post15:57
Nicd-being "innovative" really comes at a cost, btw15:58
aoeuresearch with users, i don't think is that important15:58
aoeuNicd-: what cost15:58
Yanielit's not important no15:58
Nicd-first the cost of planning and implementing something totally new, then the cost of onboarding users15:58
Yanielat least if you don't care whether anyone will actually use it15:58
Nicd-Jolla already struggled with the cost aspect because they had so much of everything else to do15:58
Nicd-like the whole OS15:59
aoeui think doing the whole OS is a waste of time15:59
aoeui'd just build on top of Android15:59
Nicd-then you don't share their vision16:00
aoeuheck, start with an Android launcher even16:00
aoeuwhat's their vision?16:00
Yanieljolla did start with an android launcher16:00
aoeualso, if it's so much better people will all adopt it16:00
Yanielin case you've missed it16:00
aoeuthen i get bought by Google16:00
aoeuYaniel: i've missed16:00
Nicd-I think some of the big points were: openness, privacy focus, independence from other OSes, full linux system, spiritual successor of Maemo/MeeGo16:03
Nicd-not sure if "being innovative in the UI" was ever up there, but I don't work for them16:03
aoeu"being innovative in the UI" not being up there would explain everything16:05
aoeuit's a hacker OS for hackers16:05
Nicd-so what you have to offer is a totally untested, unresearched, totally new UI paradigm, but you're 100 % sure it will be much better than everything there is16:06
aoeui've been told to talk to you as i want to make a better OS, but if the community's goal aren't aligned with mine, i'll look elsewhere16:06
aoeuNicd-: it's not difficult to tell that something will be better when looking at its design, is it?16:06
Nicd-well I mean you could have started "I want to collaborate with SFOS development, I have these UI concepts" instead of "why is SFOS shit" :D16:07
Nicd-people have totally different ideas of what is "better"16:07
Nicd-based on your description I probably wouldn't think yours is better16:07
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mermanI think nicd makes a good point19:03
mermanaoeu: I'm not knocking you for wanting to try new things but I personally would not use a unified inbox because I think it would get too spammy, if you ended up separating the notifications into types then you'd end up with pretty much the same issue as before19:05
mermanbesides the current notifications paradigm is more or less a "universal inbox" since everything notifies to it, including email etc19:06
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aoeuaguaman: notifications don't hold the full content of the message19:11
aoeunotifications can't be snoozed, forwarded, split, etc.19:12
aoeunot everything ends up as a notification (i.e., pictures taken)19:12
aoeuevery message on IRC doesn't get added as a notification19:13
aoeuan inbox item and a notification are different things19:13
malyou really want everything as notifications? I would never want that19:14
aoeuit's not spammy if your inbox only shows things that are relevant to you in this particular context, sorted by relevance19:14
aguamanaoeu: I don't know what you mean by split but why wouldn't you just suggest those features?19:14
aguaman(for notifications I mean)19:14
aoeui want everything to be a card19:15
aoeuthe inbox is a stack of cards19:15
aguamanalso I'm not sure why you'd want a notification that you took a picture...would this be an event log/syslog type thing?19:15
aoeuyou can organize those cards, bundle them, split them, merge them, send them, etc.19:15
aoeuyou take a picture, it creates a card, where does it get added?19:15
aoeuit makes sense that it should get added to our inbox stack19:16
aoeuso that you can then process it19:16
aoeuis it a receipt, a thing you want to fix/purchase, a nutrition label of something you ate, a beautiful landscape, a thing that you want to share with your friend, ettc.19:17
aguamanso if I spend the day at the zoo taking pictures, I then have to go through my inbox later and decide where I want them sent rather than having them just saved to my photos directory?19:17
aguamanI apologize if I'm being obtuse, I'm just puzzled why this would be better19:17
aoeubut they can be bundled together and sent to some album easily19:17
aguamanas it is right now in any os I've seen they default to the general photos directory and then you can choose to go in and move them later if you wish19:18
aoeuyou can even bundle videos, recording of animal sounds, your ticket/pass/entry, etc. in that "zoo 2018" stack19:18
aoeuyour parking location, whatever you want19:18
aoeuthe default doesn't make sense as you use your camera for more than just taking pictures19:19
aguamanthis is something photos apps currently do though...19:19
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aoeuyou might want to snap a qr code, bar code, movie ticket, wifi password, foreign text, etc. these things don't belong in a photo album19:20
aguamannot on sailfish, but on my day to day phone, I can pull up photos and videos by date or geo location easily19:20
aoeuyou can't add your parking geocoordinates or zoo entry ticket to a photo album19:20
aguamansure you can -- photos have exif data and the zoo ticket is also just another picture19:21
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aoeuthat's a hack19:22
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aoeuyou're not storing your parking location or ticket, but pictures of them19:22
aoeuthose are not the same things19:23
aguamanI guess what I'm saying is I'm not sure how it would be more productive for me as a user to have to sort everything manually as a mandatory process rather than putting it in a default queue/album so I can do it later if I need to19:23
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aguamanoh ok I see what you're saying, the "album" would not be a photo album, it'd just be a bunch of stuff sorted by the album's "tag" applied to it19:24
aoeusomething like that yes19:24
aguamanI like that idea but maybe it could be something like an indexing service that you can search in local files/apps with and then you could apply tags to the search results19:25
aoeumy point is that a mobile device should make it SUPER easy to capture things (geocoordinates, audio, video, text input, drawing input, nfc tag, proximity beacon), then process them (that's a voice command, that's a song, that's a plant, that's a qr code to some website, that's a movie ticket, that's a book, that's a restaurant), and then let you process them19:27
aoeuthis is based on the GTD methodology19:27
aoeuthere's a 5-step process19:27
aoeucapture, clarify, organize, reflect, engage19:27
aoeui think it's the perfect workflow, and i'd like to make it built in mobile OSes19:28
aguamanare there any examples of this being used already in an os?19:30
aguamanI like what I'm hearing except for the part where you have to manually interact with all of them, unless I'm misunderstanding that part19:31
aoeurelated things get bundled automatically19:34
aoeuin all cases, you need to manually review what you captured (or what was captured for you, aka recommendations or incoming messages/notifications)19:36
aoeuin most cases, it's just one swipe19:36
aoeufor each item, you usually snooze (remind me later) or complete (archive)19:37
aoeuhere's the inbox processing flow: https://flow-e.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/GTD-Flowchart-654x1024.jpg19:38
aoeuyou can defer, delegate, or do19:38
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aguamanbut why make manual review obligatory? if you think of this universal inbox as a stack of sorts then there really isn't any reason background apps can't pull things off of it to process20:02
aoeusome things will be automated, but there's a limit to what a machine can infer20:11
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