#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-06-07

*** Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz11:15
M-schmittlauchJaymzz__: Hei, any news regarding the Youyota tablet issues? Have you found time to look into that?11:43
r0kk3rzisnt that project crashing and burning anyway?11:47
M-schmittlauchyes, it is. Or at least that's very likely because there's utter silence.11:53
M-schmittlauchIn one of the last community meetings Jaymzz__ promised to look into that.11:53
M-schmittlauchThere's one app I'd like to write for SFOS, but it only makes sense with a tablet… so I'm still waiting11:57
r0kk3rzbuy a sonytab? sonytab is nice12:08
Nicd-oh another SFOS tablet failed?12:20
Nicd-people seriously underestimate the cost of hardware12:20
r0kk3rzi dont think its the cost12:36
r0kk3rzits actually getting candy mountain to make your thing12:37
r0kk3rzsince its not an unlimited resource12:37
Nicd-I don't understand your metaphor12:38
r0kk3rzsorry, candy mountain == shenzen12:39
Nicd-but that is the cost of hardware12:40
r0kk3rzthe manufacturers there will say 'no worries it will cost X to make your thing!' but when it comes to actual scheduling the bigger jobs get priority12:40
Nicd-designing, contracting, manufacturing, overseeing, certifying, validating, ...12:41
r0kk3rzyeah but the problem isnt the cost, its scheduling12:43
hahlor0kk3rz: what sonytab?12:47
r0kk3rzz3 tablet12:48
hahloI thought it run sfos13:05
r0kk3rzit does, because i ported it13:07
Renaultr0kk3rz: that is a cost issue, because you have to spend more time than expected, you have to pay providers, components or employees without more money and in the end you don't have enough money to finish the project13:20
M-schmittlauchI'm sad that they won't say "we fucked up" or "we probably fucked up, unless our last idea doesn't work", but resort to complete silence.13:37
cb400feverybody please stop updating your sailfishOS, so there's more bandwidth for me18:26
pketo_the possible slowness of the update download is most likely not a matter of bandwith, but actually the deltarpm regeneration taking some time on the device18:41
cb400fok, either way everyone is free to update again now ;-)18:59
r0kk3rztwas a biiiig update19:09
louisdkI'm unable to connect to wifi on my Jolla Tablet after update to 2.2. Can somehow get it to work before resetting?19:34
cb400flouisdk: worksforme19:50
M4rtinKBTW, anyone encountered a Xperia X with unlocking allowed: no ?20:42
M4rtinKa friend of mine got one like this20:42
M4rtinKany way around that ?20:42
M4rtinKmal, you are our only hope! ;-)20:42
M4rtinK(possibly ;-) )20:42
r0kk3rzi dont think so20:44
r0kk3rzsome of them were locked like that from carriers20:45
M4rtinKr0kk3rz: still it's weird - there is no branding, no sim locking20:48
M4rtinKr0kk3rz, so I wonder why carriers would do that20:48
M4rtinKfunnily we found this in the TA image: AOP_ID="8773";OP_NAME="EE";CDA_NR="1303-0378";ROOTING_ALLOWED="0";20:49
M4rtinKbut I guess we can't just edit it in vim to 1 and flash it back due to the locked bootloader20:50
M4rtinKI wonder if the dirtycow based dumping tool could do that but haven't found anything about that so far20:50
malM4rtinK: I know very little about the unlocking things20:56
M4rtinKmal: ok, thanks :)20:59
M4rtinKmal: I'll just advise him to return the phone and get different one21:00
r0kk3rzOP_NAME=EE i wonder if thats EE the carrier :)21:00

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