#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2018-06-12

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest1577202:11
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault07:07
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault07:46
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault07:55
*** jbadiapa_ is now known as jbadiapa08:00
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil08:59
*** rubdos_ is now known as rubdos10:44
nylhas anyone managed to get latest play store running properly13:23
* Trizt managed to loose internet and just half of the stuff installed16:15
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius19:33
* Trizt managed to update his jolla after moving away a load of directories with stale files and now can get a virtual keyboard so he can enter password for safe-lite19:55

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.17.1 by Marius Gedminas - find it at https://mg.pov.lt/irclog2html/!