#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-06-14

*** Guest53867 is now known as kimmoli02:29
*** leinir_ is now known as leinir06:43
sledgesPSA: Sailfish OS collab at #mer-meeting in under 10mins07:51
*** rainemak_ is now known as rainemak08:03
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault08:14
MarzannaIs it possible to read logs of meeting somewhere?08:40
r0kk3rzmeeting is still ongoing08:42
Marzannajakibaki: thanks08:42
MarzannaWhat is the best Hipstergram client for SFOS? There is new Depecher. Is it good?12:50
*** rubdos_ is now known as rubdos13:05
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius20:32

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