#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2018-07-18

*** zama_ is now known as zama05:20
nemo235hi, what is the supposed way to use encryption and dsa/rsa signatures (openssl) with sailfishos?19:56
abransonnemo235: there's a new component in development called sailfish secrets. it's not quite ready yet though.20:21
nemo235abranson: until then, what to use now? i am working on an app where i need to sign and verify data.20:23
*** Nokius_ is now known as Nokius20:26
nemo235r0kk3rz: looks promising - is this usable with openssl?20:34
abransonopenssl is available and installed if you want to use that directly.20:37
abransonbut there are some apps around already doing crypto. i think there's gpgme too?20:39
nemo235i have some code ready now for openssl, but i dont need to stick with it, for my case gpg should also be enough, but i am going with what i have for now20:42

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