#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2018-08-12

attahBest way to view a /dev/video on SFOS?14:43
tbryou mean you attached a USB video device like a webcam or a framegrabber/digitizer?15:13
tbrI'd expect there to be camera apps or such. Under the hood they probably all just use a gstreamer pipeline15:14
kimmolii tried to get 3rd camera working but gave up15:25
kimmoliusb. dmesg and /dev/.. looks fine, and some parts of gst returns 3 cameras, but when trying to get caps, it returned them from first camera15:26
attahYeah, i connected up a borescope that got recognized15:34
attahNot on the phone though, it needed to be on the tablet.. same as with the wired ethernet card :(15:35
attahkimmoli: how did you capture?15:35
kimmolii didn't, as i didn't get it working15:35
attahbut you got *something* working15:36
attahas in pictures from the first camera15:36
attahoh... there are caps and caps15:39
attahnot paying attention that means captures to me15:39
kimmoliyes "caps" as https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/documentation/design/caps.html15:41
attahI'm slightly too stupid for gstreamer.. so when it's not googlable i have no idea where to start... and sfos is not very standard in this department it seems15:43
tbrgstreamer is too stupid for everything. It's pipelining is horrible15:45
attahIf anyone is sitting ona pipeline that will play anything at all on sfos, even that would be helpful15:51
kimmolipipelines remind me to revisit lipstick-recorder-streaming version..15:58
attahAlso.. how to configure network interfaces for dhcp?15:59
attahno /etc/network, no dhclient16:00
kimmolihmh. nothing provides pkgconfig(Qt5PlatformSupport)16:03
attahgood suggestion.. still didn't do it though16:08
attahudhcpc did the trick16:10
attahor so i thought.. i got a lease, but no connectivity16:11
attahconnmanctl connect <service> did it, but it's a bit flaky about recovering16:25
r0kk3rztheres method to gstreamers pipeline madness16:35

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