#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-09-28

*** sledges_ is now known as sledges06:56
sledgesPSA: Sailfish OS community collab #mer-meeting in just under an hour07:03
* XenoPL wonders if anybody ever considered replacing, connman with NetworkManager. Yeah, lots of work would have to be done, but nm is closer to most of the distros upstream, is feture-rich and mature.12:38
coderusWhy nm? Replace with systemd-networkd then12:51
XenoPLisn't it lower part of the stack? AFAIK systemd-networkd is a service to bring up network devices, NM is for users to configure and manage networks12:57
r0kk3rzXenoPL: you're welcome to try12:58
r0kk3rzim sure connman was chosen for hysterical reasons with meego12:58
XenoPLhistorical/political (connman was intel thing)12:59
tbryes it was one of those NIH things12:59
XenoPLI guess packaging and taping it to sailfish systemd wouldnt't be that hard, but it'd require rewriting all the network related parts of  settings app13:01
XenoPLI was just wondering if it wouldn't make handling advanced netwroking scenarios (vpns, ap roaming connection type roaming) easier13:02
XenoPLNM seems to be working well for most of the desktop distros13:03
r0kk3rzyeah there might be some dbus api issues with things13:04
r0kk3rznot sure how comman specific any integration bits are between usb-moded, bluez, lipstick .etc13:05
XenoPLyeah, some changes would be needed there as well, but maybe some of the magic glue thah holds sailfish network stack together would became redundant and obsolete13:11
XenoPLMaybe a thing for a SF 4.0 :)13:17
r0kk3rzim not sure i could see jolla ever doing it13:27
r0kk3rzunless connman as an upstream was totally abandoned13:32
r0kk3rzbut i wonder if you'd also want ModemManager as well instead of ofono...13:33
XenoPLwell NM can use ofono as modemmanager replacement, if there's no real advantage on over another I wouldn't change that. Unless Modem Manager does something much better13:39
r0kk3rzis that a common configuration though?13:40
XenoPLnot really, but 'm not sure how modem manager handles telephony side of the communication13:41
attahTo XA2, or not to XA2, that is the question...19:57
attahScrew it... i have just about every other device... can't break the streak now20:03
attahN9 in both black and cyan, J1, JC, AF(new in pieces), Tablet(!) Xperia X20:09
attahNever had an android device for personal use20:10
r0kk3rzgemini pda?20:11
attahoh, snap :P20:11
attahis that official-official?20:11
FireFlyI'm actually looking for a new phone currently...20:11
FireFlyI'm pondering just going for android >.>20:11
attahboooo! :P20:12
FireFlybut even that is proving problematic... why are phones so darn huge these days20:12
attahI have large hands.. so i don't mind that much20:12
r0kk3rzfor fat handed twats20:12
FireFlythe jolla1 is slightly on the big end for me20:12
FireFlyand I'm definitely looking at an increase in size if I buy a new phone, I feel >.<20:13
* attah takes J1 from shelf20:13
r0kk3rzjust start using two hands like everyone else20:13
FireFlybut yeah, I think it's about time to upgrade from my J120:13
FireFlyJ1-with-tohkbd; its size is always a conversation starter :p20:14
r0kk3rzconversation starters are good!20:14
attahXperia X compact is *just* smaller than J120:15
malfairphone also raises questions sometimes, especially with the transparent cover20:15
attahNot supported afaik.. (i have it for work)20:15
coderusattah: it's nothing if you don't own N9 in white20:16
attahcoderus: true :(20:17
attahOr N950?20:17
FireFlyHmm the XA2 looks alright from a hardware POV20:41
FireFlymaybe I should go for XA2 and at least try to continue avoiding Android :p20:41
tiwakeFireFly: have they made the port for the XA2 yet?22:46
tiwakeoh hey there is a blog thing about sailfish 3 with a thing about the XA222:47

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