#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-10-11

sledgesPSA: short SFOS community collab. #mer-meeting in under a half-hour07:39
FaerieFlyHmm, do you happen to know if there's any transcripts of recent mer meetings? https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Sailfish/CommunityMeetings ends mid 201707:47
FaerieFlyah cool, thanks07:50
FaerieFlyI should probably have started paying a bit of attention to those ages ago, but ah well :p07:56
r0kk3rzthe next one is starting in a few minutes, feel free to join07:57
FaerieFlyyep, joined the channel :)07:58
FaerieFlyI'll pay a bit of attention, nominally working :p07:58
hahloany plans to add xz1 for supported devices?08:02
*** ecloud_wfh is now known as ecloud11:23
*** zama_ is now known as zama16:34
FaerieFlyXA2 arrived... now hoping for SFOS for the XA2 to be released fairly soon :p20:45
hge+1 :)21:24

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