#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-11-08

Sm4"Android support update is going first for XA2. We shall see how feasible it would be for us to update the one on the Xperia X as well. Please stay tuned, we will communicate this."11:52
Sm4what bs11:52
tango_I'm still on the first one11:53
tango_no android updates for us 8-(11:53
mornfalllikewise :(11:54
Sm4feel really angry and betrayed atm11:54
mornfallSm4: that's a bit of a recurring theme with jolla11:54
Nicd-I'm on Android and I get no Android updates :D11:54
Nicd-they promised updates for X?11:55
Sm4there hasn't been specific mention that android on X will be updated, but imo it was implied11:56
Sm4sailfish 3 coming to X + sailfish 3 getting an updated version of android11:58
r0kk3rzthey are quite separate though11:58
r0kk3rzthe issue is that the new runtime is android 8.1, which is fine for the XA2 because its base version is android 8.111:59
mornfallwell, depends on how you look at it... for all i can tell, sfos3 is basically a UI tweak11:59
r0kk3rzon the X adaptation is android 611:59
RaYmAnr0kk3rz: isn't it based on Sony Open Devices project, not stock?12:00
r0kk3rzit is yeah12:01
Nicd-so they did move from Android 4 onwards after all :D12:03
mornfallcan android run with mesa libgl, btw?12:06
mornfall(as in, could you run android with freedreno for a gpu driver?)12:06
r0kk3rzwhy on earth would you want to do such a thing12:09
RaYmAnto avoid the super crappy vendor drivers? :P12:14
RaYmAnmornfall: https://memcpy.io/android-enabling-mainline-graphics.html is one example so it is possible12:14
mornfallr0kk3rz: if you could do that, the kernel on jolla1 could be updated, along with the android runtime12:16
mornfallr0kk3rz: i don't think anyone is going to do, but i was curious in principle12:17
tadzikSm4: where's that from?12:17
tadzikthe quote12:17
r0kk3rzmornfall: maybe? no idea tbh. a bit dangerous for community members without flashable images12:18
mornfall'a bit' :p12:19
mornfallno i think only jolla themselves could do that12:19
mornfall(to be fair, it's somewhat surprising they still put out updates for jolla1 at all)12:19
mornfallwhich is also why i think it's not going to happen12:20
r0kk3rzyeah jolla wont touch the core layers of the j112:20
mornfallbtw. anyone noticed that if you open the app drawer and swipe from the side, the notification screen slides in from the wrong side? :p12:20
mornfallit's a little jarring12:21
mornfall(on sfos3 that is)12:21
Sm4tadzik: Noori commented on the sailfish 3 release blog post about 2hrs ago12:39
tadzikSm4: nodnod, thanks12:40
phlixi_oand xa2 flashing instructions are online12:41
caitlinhttps://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4862/45730123972_ee0b0d9a0f_c.jpg ?13:17
caitlinno androidses?13:17
r0kk3rzsailfish x free?13:27
phlixi_oi guess its not finished yet13:28
r0kk3rzyeah its a bit of a cop out though13:31
caitlini'm unclear on what's coming out today, just free or both?13:35
caitlinhard to read that page which has also stopped being served again13:36
r0kk3rzfree it said13:36
caitlinah well, i'd better go buy an iphone then :D13:37
r0kk3rzyeah its getting about that time13:37
* FireFly wants to start using their XA2 already13:37
FireFlyhoping I won't have to give up and roll with Android13:38
caitlinsites backup with full version as 'coming soon'13:47
caitlinthat's been basically a lie then, nice work on trust there jolla13:47
caitlinmaybe lineageos or whatever then13:48
* Yaniel skims the purism page again13:55
* r0kk3rz wheels out akbar13:57
mornfallhmm, any news wrt purism 5? :)14:01
mornfalllibrem 5 i mean14:01
r0kk3rzit was delayed14:01
r0kk3rzthat was the news14:01
mornfallis it me, or was a smidge of schadenfreude in there :p14:03
r0kk3rzits a slow motion trainwreck of a project14:10
r0kk3rzso yes14:11
r0kk3rzmy schadenfreude is in overdrive14:11
r0kk3rzbut i wish them the best of luck14:11
r0kk3rzthey're trying to do a hard thing in a hard way, and we all know how that works out14:11
nekronopenmoko 2.014:13
nekronso the updated shop sells no longer licenses for xperia x, but only the try b4 u buy?14:16
pketoXperia X license will be back soonTM14:19
nekronok 😉14:20
caitlinwe whined so much about having an old version of android compatability that we got less android than ever :D14:56
r0kk3rzat least you arent tempted to try and use it now14:58
caitlinno, i have 100% android compatability by being on android :P15:00
r0kk3rzstrange that15:04
abransoncaitlin: in that case you're not on android, android's on you15:27
caitlinturns out there is a native subsonic client i can use so that's most of my arguments over15:33
caitlinthe only other android app i regularly use is the bbc iplayer radio app15:33
caitlini was wondering about getting back with spotify but meh15:34
caitlineverything else had already broken because dalvik15:34
abransonthere's a new client called hutspot for spotify that's shaping up lovely15:35
abransonsupports spotify connect15:35
* pahartik at "Sailfish 3 day"15:37
mornfallmuch wow15:38
mornfallwhat is it about? :p15:38
caitlinwhat's OBS? that's what hutspot seems to be assocated with15:40
mornfallr0kk3rz: well, they are doing a lot better job at talking to their supporters than jolla ever did15:40
Yanielcaitlin: open broadcast studio? a screen recording / streaming application15:41
Yanielor open build service15:41
Yanielwhich is the package builder for suse, sailfish and possibly some others15:41
r0kk3rzmornfall: do you want talk or something you can actually use?15:44
FireFlyThe most critical Android app for me is banking stuffs15:44
FireFlyWhich stopped being compatible with alien-dalvik-on-J1 last summer..15:44
mornfallr0kk3rz: if they keep their support base happy, they might actually deliver something useful15:45
mornfalljolla could never make their mind whether they want a community or not15:46
r0kk3rzyes well community is a critical part of the purism strategy15:48
TofeWasn't there supposed to be a livestream of the Helsinki event? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGkyWm4RINU15:50
mornfallthere's enough comparatively rich geeks willing to splurge on overpriced gadgets to keep the endeavour afloat15:50
mornfalli still don't understand how jolla managed to trainwreck the tablet so badly :\15:51
mornfallit had a lot of momentum and goodwill during that campaign15:51
r0kk3rzit was a bit of a perfect typhoon that killed it15:52
caitlinhmm, the subsonic app i found that can actually do https doesn't actually work very well, abooo15:52
mornfallyeah, this just keeps happening to the maemo progeny :p15:52
Tofeok, the stream is actually there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65Ob80PRT3c was a misleading link15:53
r0kk3rzmornfall: the purism project is far from over though15:54
mornfallTofe: okay that's literally painful to watch15:55
Tofemornfall: yes, literally...15:55
Tofemornfall: ...and it's over :)15:56
mornfalli thought there'll be footage of the free drinks!15:56
mornfallalso that first one t-shirt /o\15:57
FireFlyHmm I have my first one t-shirt somewhere15:57
r0kk3rzim surprised anyone went15:57
TofeAndroid 8.1 support for Sony XA2, that's nice -- and a needed move I guess15:57
caitlinshame it's vaporware :)16:13
FireFlyHm "by the end of 2018" blah..17:10
caitlinanyone clicked the button and got the install instructions yet?18:05
caitlini'd rather like a read through them18:05
caitlinoh found some18:06
r0kk3rzshould be much the same as the xperia x18:09
caitlini wsa careful to ignore those because i didn't want to confuse myself :P18:12
caitlinpondering this dirtycow ta dumping business18:33
r0kk3rzyeah, if you want to put android back on it and relock the bootloader18:33
caitlinlooks like  a crazy process18:47
caitlinmaybe not18:47
FireFlycaitlin: what are you reading about it, ooc?18:59
FireFly(I've been interested in the same)18:59
caitlinmainly that you have to do horrific exploits to get at the TA partition which introduces all kinds of bits into its brains19:16
caitlinyou only need it if you intend to pretend that you've NOT been rooting the thing for months and presumably want to take it back or demand a fresh one from sony19:16
caitlina specific kit doesn't appear to exist for the xa219:16
caitlinit depends on a vulnerability to work and that isn't available after nougat? and i don't know the sequence of android names or what even is on my xa219:17
caitlinpeople are variously reporting that without the drm the camera is shit, but also that it's fine actually19:17
caitlini'm coming down on the side of 'i really want the sailfish to install right so why would i dick around with a phone that's not VERY expensive and risk the whole show'19:18
Jope7 n 8 o 9 p19:18
caitlini have other insurances that would probably pay out if my phone went all bricked and i needed a new one and had no space on my credit card19:19
caitlinanyone flashed one yet and found out what kind of sd card support it's got19:19
caitlini'm looking at a 128gig sd card and wondering if it'll work19:19
ender|since 64GB cards work, 128GB should work as well19:33
FireFlycaitlin: oh I was more hoping for like, a link to what you were reading if it was a specific thing :p19:50
FireFlybut thanks, appreciate the summary :)19:50
FireFlyI'm mostly just paranoid about backing things up if I can, before doing things, and in particular if I can use these keys for something in the future I'd rather have them than not19:51
caitlini was reading a couple of things, but they weren't going to be approprate anyway20:28
caitlingoogle around 'xa2 TA backup and you'll find everything id id20:28
FireFlyI'll probably care more about this tomorrow/weekend21:22

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