#jollamobile log for Saturday, 2018-11-17

tiwakeI got my xperia xa208:09
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KabouikI have bought a Sailfish X licence last year when I received a discount code, but can't find any confirmation email with the licence. Is there a way to see my past purchases on the website? I can't see any history or page showing my licenses10:45
pahartikKabouik: "Subject: Thank you for your Jolla shop purchase"11:36
pahartikKabouik: "The purchase details are available at https://shop.jolla.com/payment/purchase/${SECRET}/"11:42
pahartikKabouik: But I paid for it with debit card11:42
KabouikThanks pahartik. And does the link still work for you? It doesn't just send you to the new website with the Saiflish X trial description?11:43
KabouikBecause valentine day there is a discount code for SailfishOS X:11:48
Kabouik   code: BEMYVALENTINE11:48
Kabouikdiscount 50%11:48
Kabouikso if you want SailfishOS go to shop.jolla.com11:48
KabouikAnd the same day I have a purchase for 24.95€ titled 'JOLLA OY'11:48
KabouikBut no email. :/11:48
pketo_Kabouik: I'm not sure but the purchase ID might be in your payment details, if you can see those12:00
KabouikIs info@jolla.com the correct email address to use for customer service? I thought there was a dedicated one but it's not here: https://jolla.com/contact/12:00
KabouikI found the corresponding Paypal bill pketo_, but no email from Jolla with the Licence it seems12:01
pketo_Kabouik: is there a 10 character code in paypal payment details?12:03
KabouikThere is one indeed, capital letters and digits. Is that the licence?12:03
KabouikThen I just need to understand where to download it12:03
KabouikI mean where to download Sailfish X12:04
pketo_oh, for that you can just go to https://shop.jolla.com/downloads/12:04
pketo_login with the account you used for the purchase12:05
KabouikOh damn, that's just what I needed!12:05
KabouikI couldn't find this webpage. My licence for X is there, waiting for me. :p12:05
KabouikThanks a ton pketo_!12:05
pketo_we will probably add purchase history in the shop and make things a bit more discoverable there in the near future12:06
KabouikThere is no "Download" link in the burger menu on the top right of the shop, when clicking on the username, so I had no idea where to go to see my previous purchases12:07
pketo_yeah, we'll try to improve that soon12:08
pketo_and in case you need to contact customer care, you can do it here https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us12:08
KabouikThanks pketo_, really appreciated.12:09
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caitlinxa2 isn't detecting headphones plugged in and changing output :/13:21
caitlinit was a day or so ago13:22
maldoes reboot help?13:25
caitlinseemingly not, must be hardware yay13:27
malcaitlin: that would be odd, check logs like dmesg to see if there are any messages related to that, also installing mce-tools and using evdev_trace -t to see if there are events from the connector13:30
caitlinnowt in dmesg :/13:34
caitlin/dev/input/event5: 1542461791.157 - 0x05/EV_SW - 0x006/SW_LINEOUT_INSERT - 113:36
caitlin/dev/input/event5: 1542461791.157 - 0x05/EV_SW - 0x007/SW_JACK_PHYSICAL_INSERT - 113:36
caitlin/dev/input/event5: 1542461791.157 - 0x00/EV_SYN - 0x000/SYN_REPORT - 013:36
caitlinaudio resultely comes out of the main speaker thoughbut :/13:37
caitlinso the device knows it's been plugged13:44
malcaitlin: does it matter which device you connect, I mean you have it reported as lineout, for me headphones work fine14:10
malI get 0x004/SW_MICROPHONE_INSERT - 114:11
caitlini just shoved some headphones in and after a few secs it switched to them14:19
caitlinthe other things i was trying were actuall legit line outs14:19
caitlinso maybe there's some sensing of something down the wire somehow, impedances?14:20
caitlinI'm being dragged out by the other half right now, but i'll do some science later, like a scientist might. thanks for the steer on that command, i like it a lot14:21
LouisDK3Does anyone have a good method for backing up contacts and messages in Android, so the can be imported into Sailfish?14:35
malcaitlin: not sure how line out is handled in sailfish, or is it even supported14:52
tiwakealright, lets see about making this xperia xa2 usable16:28
tiwakeyes, according to my internet connection, I am in germany... and it can't be wrong, right?16:40
tiwakebleh, so much effort17:41
tiwaketo unlock a stupid cellphone17:41
tiwakeeee last step17:52
tiwakewatch me brick everything17:52
tiwakeI have it installed18:25
caitlinis one supposd to relock the bootloader somehow? every boot i get a warning about it18:43
tiwakeI was kind of curious about that however I'm pretty sure its just some latent firmware complaining about it18:44
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