#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2018-12-06

kidJust ask and hang around for a response :)11:21
sebsebsebwhos got the xa211:43
sebsebseband really only still a trial of sailifsh x for it still ? no full11:43
sebsebsebkid: are you really a kid, how old :D11:43
kidsebsebseb: it's my initials, not an indication of my age :-P11:46
Oni^just the mental age?12:00
coderussebsebseb: full X license for XA2 soon12:02
sebsebsebroboro: when and do you have one ?  the xa2 ?12:24
sebsebsebalso why din't it have a full to begin with12:24
coderusdo you know what the difference between full and trial?12:25
sebsebsebroboro: kind  of12:25
sebsebsebno android support  in trial12:25
sebsebsebapp support12:25
sebsebsebno ms exchange etc, what it says on site12:25
sebsebsebtrial is just some sucky cut down version it seems,  like the old propritary sofware model12:26
sebsebsebfree trial / shareware12:26
sebsebsebpay and get access to more features12:26
sebsebsebput a code in12:26
sebsebsebI know Salifish is good, but honestly, Jolla really is doing things like propritary software !12:26
sebsebseband I know the GUI is actsually closd source software :D12:27
coderustrial - no paid 3rd party components. full sfos you can use with no limitations, update to new version with no problems. when licensing issues will be solved, you will be able to buy it and install paid components on your device.s12:27
sebsebsebbut I meant with the releases12:27
sebsebsebwhat are the licensing issues ?12:27
coderuswho knows, big companies like licenses12:28
sebsebsebroboro: I  will get a XA2 soon on another deal, getting a free PS4 even,  however since I already got a sim and more recently a phone too from that network, I will have to get another sim12:29
sebsebsebbut got lots of smartp hones anyway12:29
coderussebsebseb: why you highlight roboro?12:30
sebsebsebcan't see,  properly, bad light etcv12:30
sebsebsebalso r and c is close on the keyboard :D12:31
sebsebsebseems too me though thaat the trial will  be a bit sucky12:31
coderusno exchange, xt9, aliendalvik.12:32
* sebsebseb may actsaully re flash the Sony Xperai X finally, this weekend, still on Android for certain reasons, after all this time12:32
sebsebsebI don't care about exchange, but Android app support is nice12:32
sebsebsebalso I assume like the X,  the camera won't work as well on the XA2 once Salifish is on it ?12:32
coderusif you need paid stuff - you buy license. this is the only difference between trial and full.12:33
sebsebsebits the propritary software  approach though, selling android support and such12:33
sebsebsebthings that could have been in for free, like with the original salifish 1 etc12:33
coderuslicenses are only for non-jolla devices12:34
sebsebsebcoderus: thing is now, since they can't sell hardware anymore that they made12:34
sebsebsebthey got to do something like this12:34
coderuswhen you buy jolla phone you already paid for all licenses12:34
sebsebsebor Jolla geos bank rupt again12:34
coderusjolla not producing devices anymore12:34
sebsebsebyes what I just put12:34
sebsebsebso they do this instead12:34
coderusso yoou have to pay for stuff jolla not developing itself12:35
coderusbecause it costs money!12:35
sebsebsebandroid  support is something else though i think12:35
r0kk3rzthey have a decent revenue stream coming from russia these days12:35
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: yeah maybe so, but yet no one has got their full  tablet refund yet12:35
sebsebsebI was asking sledges about that in person the other week :D12:36
r0kk3rzyeah... they should really finish that off12:36
r0kk3rzonce and for all12:36
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: sounded like, when they get spare money12:36
sebsebsebthey spend it on other things like getting a sailfish 3 out12:36
coderuslike paying salaries for peoples? :D12:37
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: then since the jolla tablet mess up, some of us crowd funded a Yougota tablet, that now won't get it seems, so lost money on that too12:38
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: I have lost on three campaigins,  assuming I don't get this vega pluss too,  and issues with one, and yeah did the yougota12:38
sebsebsebbut others been ok12:39
sebsebsebdone a few12:39
sebsebseb  coderus well yeah it's stuff like that too,  so sledges and so on can do their thing, and get paid for it12:39
sebsebsebbut regardless of all that, the general appraoche, is still like well the classic style of propritary software,  with  trial ware and so on12:40
coderusoh, enough for me, bye12:41
sebsebsebcoderus: I understand the reasons why, but the approahce is like the 90's12:41
sebsebsebwhere as take something like ubports for example, totally open source and volunteer,  :)12:41
sebsebsebforked from something that was commercial eevn12:41
sebsebsebr0kk3rz: yes and then I read that Salifish X  owners with it for Xperia X, should get some kind of discount on it for the XA2,  but then hang on a min, they owe lots of these people money still, since the tablet :D12:43
sebsebsebor maybe like before, use the owed money on the thing for that, for that as well some of it12:43
r0kk3rzits much easier to give people discounts than to give them money i think13:00
tbrespecially discounts on fictional MSRP…13:10

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