#jollamobile log for Monday, 2018-12-10

*** gordon is now known as gordonzola09:27
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest2942520:50
FireFlythe SFOS "import contacts" wizard is asking if I want to import from Lumia, Android, iPhone or "Other"23:11
FireFlyI guess the Sailfish->Sailfish case didn't occur to them23:11
FireFlythere also doesn't seem to be much in way of *exporting* contacts easily/obviously, though I'm sure it can be accomplished23:13
malFireFly: if you create a backup of contacts using the normal backup system then you can extract the contacts file from the backup zip23:30
malI agree that there should be soe easier way to export those23:31
malFireFly: you can of course send contacts via bluetooth to another device, just select all contacts in the contacts app and then select share via bluetooth23:33
FireFlyI noticed the old J1 (on 2.something) has "import vis bluetooth", but that option seems strangely missing on the XA2 running SFOS323:43
FireFlyI had few enough contacts that it was easy enough to copy over manually anyhow :p23:44
FireFly(hm, I guess the option might've moved from settings > people to somewhere else)23:45
malFireFly: yes, there used to be a bluetooth sync but afaik it was buggy and was disabled23:45
malI remember having problems with it that it only worked between some devices and a bit randomly23:46
malbut once the data was moved it was ok23:46
malFireFly: selecting the contacts manually and moving is quite simple as long as there is some reasonable amount of contacts, maybe it could have an select all option23:48

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