#jollamobile log for Friday, 2018-12-21

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest5086905:57
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil08:56
*** gordon is now known as gordonzola10:45
r0kk3rzhave we moved on from lakes and rivers to national parks as the release naming convention?11:12
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault14:30
phlixir0kk3rz: yes https://blog.jolla.com/sailfish3/ "We’ve always aimed at respecting our Finnish roots in naming our software versions: previously we’ve covered lakes and rivers, and now we’re set to explore our beautiful national parks."15:11
Nicd-maybe soon they will start using Russian placenames, plenty to choose from ;)15:45
tbr(I guess you meant Niznhyi Novgorod?)18:14
Yanielthe release that finally melts the remaining Jolla 1s18:15
tbror makes people smash it18:15
YanielI'm this close to that *points at distance of 9000km as the crow flies18:16
* tbr has been to NN on business, surprisingly18:16
svuorelahmm.. there aren't many days left to get sailfish for xa out ...19:02
r0kk3rznext year19:05

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