#jollamobile log for Monday, 2019-01-07

*** kimmoli_ is now known as kimmoli05:32
*** kimmoli is now known as Guest5042505:33
*** kimmoli__ is now known as kimmoli05:33
tadzikwoo, that's like the 2nd pronouncable update15:48
malvery difficult to describe how to pronounce those15:52
tadzikr0kk3rz: that sounds a death metal band. Very finnish indeed16:04
Tegusuddenly it's not a lake nor a river16:17
Lucioletadzik: I mean, naming metal bands after lakes is pretty Finnish16:22
kimmoliit's the most forest forest in finland ... and natural park19:08
Smar...next to the capital19:53
Nicd-so what is the name?19:54
Smarforesty wilderness of Sipoo19:55
Nicd-the name is Sipoo?19:58
Nicd-still waiting for Paska-Avenue19:59
TeguNicd-: Sipoonkorpi19:59

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