#jollamobile log for Monday, 2019-01-21

Teguoh well, I tried to update to sipoonkorpi (3.0.1) but the progress bar does not even start progressing.. blah, google/tjc/zendesk time12:06
Teguupdated successfully on command line with help of  https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360005795474-Installing-an-OS-update-fails-download-worked-12:37
coderusTegu: do not install/remove any packages after you pressed to download update12:38
Teguoh. I did..12:39
Tegu(except it should work so it's a bug)12:39
coderusTegu: yeah this is the most common cause to fail upgrade12:39
TeguI just installed updates on the jolla store, nothing else. but that is installing packages, so it's probably the cause12:40
Teguthere probably isn't an easy fix if it's known but not fixed already12:41

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