#jollamobile log for Monday, 2019-02-04

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henkhi, my jolla recently started just rebooting: I noticed at least two times in the last week that it just vibrated for like 1/10 of a second and then just rebooted.  it needs me to unlock the sim card afterwards.  so this completely disconnects me, it seems.   how can I find out why that happens?08:52
Jopeclean all the contacts related to the battery..09:12
henkJope: is that for me?09:14
henkJope: I don’t understand how that will help finding out why the reboots happen?09:16
Jopeif they stop, then that was the root cause09:17
Jopeif not, then you need to keep looking09:17
Jopejollas had a history of bad contacts in the pogo pins between the pcba and rear cover, and also between the battery and battery contacts09:17
Jopeso I thought it might be worth getting the easy and known thing out of the way09:18
henkok? and the bad pins cause a _reboot_?  not just a reset?09:18
Jopeso yours actually does a neat shutdown?09:18
henkhu, I’m not quite sure actually …09:19
henkJope: I’ll try cleaning the contacts and observe … thanks09:21
Jopehope you can find out what it is09:21
kimmolihenk: if the interrupt in battery is brief enough, i.e. voltage just drops, it will just reboot, not shutdown like if you take battery out.09:53
henkkimmoli: that explains how the contacts might be at fault, thank you09:55
henkoh, but, just to make sure we are talking about the same thing: "reboot" means to me "clean shutdown, followed by boot", while "reset" means "no clean shutdown, but a power cycle, followed by a normal boot".  your "reboot" is my "reset" in this case, right?09:58
henkI doubt the phone has as10:02
henkI doubt the phone has any reason to do a "clean shutdown/reboot" but to make sure: is there any log that would show a controlled shutdown?  So I can verify that it was actually a "reset"?10:03
kimmolihenk: see e.g. /var/log/systemboot.log10:20
henkkimmoli: great, thanks10:21
henk»20190131_153225 Received: shutdown request from dsme« what is dsme?10:24
kimmolilegacy meego stuff. https://image.slidesharecdn.com/meegopresentation-copy-110406060306-phpapp02/95/meego-presentation-14-728.jpg?cb=130207000410:26
Nicd-prolly this: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/dsme10:26
henkhttps://paste.debian.net/plain/1064967 the boot-events on 20190131 and 20190202 were almost certainly not intended by me.  but they also don’t seem like "resets" when they were able to log the shutdown request.  OTOH I also did not have to power on the device using the power key.  I’m confused.  does this log tell anything useful about what happened?10:31
kimmolihenk: search for TJC, there should be a couple of threads about jolla reboots, and how to find out reason10:34
kimmoliwelll... one of my https://together.jolla.com/question/57254/personal-log-battery-contact-issue-observations/10:35
henkkimmoli: hu, interesting, thank you.  I’ll just try with the contacts and observe, I guess …10:43
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