#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2019-02-13

rigojolla still rocks :)10:11
Nicd-does it?10:11
rigoI still think the sandboxing of evil android apps like whatsapp is underexplored, but for the rest, it works pretty well given the resources behind and compared to the giants behind the other platforms10:23
mornfallfor a boat, rocking is not the most desirable thing in the world11:11
ajnieminenjust yesterday got my sony xa2 and back sailing after many years. Still missing most of my daily apps, but still loving it.11:16
ajnieminencannot wait to get full support for android apps and fingerprint scanner working.11:17
Teguit's funny that one pays for getting fewer features11:17
tadzikis sailfish actually sandboxing the android apps though?11:19
TeguI've just heard something about using LXC containers but don't know the details11:19
ajnieminenTegu: yeah it is. But i had that jolla tablet voucher :D11:22
Teguah, nice11:22
rigoTegu: you're paying to get a feeling of control. And this is worth it. I still wonder why nobody has yet started to make a living out of providing out of the box running phones11:23
rigotadzik: sandboxing works without intention. E.g. Whatsapp wants your entire addressbook. But as it is android, it never gets to it. :)11:24
rigoresult: Whatsapp only sees whatsapp. The invasive part disappears11:25
tadzikwell, they do see files normally though, don't they?11:26
Nicd-you can do that on android already :P11:26
rigotadzik: no, they can't access the addressbook11:28
Nicd-in fact I think SFOS has very little sandboxing compared to other mobile OSes11:28
rigoNicd-: not for whatsapp AFAIK11:28
Nicd-oh you can11:28
Nicd-it'll ask for permission to access the address book11:28
Nicd-just deny it11:28
rigobut does it work then?11:28
Nicd-yep you need to add contacts manually11:29
Nicd-there are many apps on android that I don't give permissions to that I don't want them to have. this is not possible on SFOS11:32
rigoyes, that's the system, permission cutting works for everything but for the google apps11:32
rigosfos is one of the few options to get rid of the leviathan11:32
rigoI remember on my N9 it was impossible to uninstall facebook11:33
Nicd-it works for google provided apps too. there's of course black box stuff in the OS that I can't control 🤷 there's always trade offs11:34
Nicd-(but there is plenty of black box stuff in SFOS as well)11:35
tadzikrigo: well, but they can literally open /home/nemo/.../addressbook.db as a normal file if they wanted to11:36
tadzikthe only thing sailfish actually safeguards is android addressbook APIs11:37
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