#jollamobile log for Thursday, 2019-02-21

sledgesPSA: Sailfish OS community collab. at #mer-meeting in 14 minutes <- to /join or not to /join, that is the question08:46
Coolgeekthe answer is obvious : to join :D08:47
Nicd-ehkä /join, ehkä en08:56
*** Helle is now known as Guest3109813:53
*** Guest31098 is now known as Helle15:29
Sailor6441_can't believe i've had my Jolla 1 since 2014 and this is the first time hooking up to irc19:18
Sailor6441_do you have any channel suggestions for general talk?19:19
cb400fthis one I guess, believe there are other more developer'ish channels19:21
Nicd-this is about jolla though, not just any general talk19:21
Sailor6441_i'm slowly making a comeback to life online after a 3 month hiatus, and so naturally i figured maybe i'd kill time talking crap somewhere20:05

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