#jollamobile log for Monday, 2019-03-18

lpotterjust wish I knew more about opengl/webgl and friends00:00
r0kk3rzyeah cant say ive done too much with them either00:02
r0kk3rzdid some basic opengl at uni and thats about it00:03
r0kk3rzis there any plans for not having js-ception? or do all the browsers properly support wasm now00:03
lpotterya, they all do now00:27
lpottersome of them load it faster than others00:37
r0kk3rzyeah the last time i tried some qml wasm stuff it was all a bit slow really00:38
lpotterwell loading is slower, but once it's loaded it's near desktop speed.03:08
r0kk3rzi think the last time i looked, it was still all emscripten based so still running JS03:16
lpotterya, the js is slow04:10
lpotterand the jolla browser doesn't support wasm... I checked a while ago04:11
lpotterjust to make it relevant :)04:11
r0kk3rzjolla browser doesnt support much these days ;)04:19
*** ecloud_wfh is now known as ecloud10:02
*** mdxth_ is now known as mdxth10:28
attah"Memory leak fixed" almost like christmas :)20:19
tadzikoh wow, another pronouncable release name! \o/20:32
r0kk3rzhmm i might actually have to turn on one of my sailfish devices21:51
r0kk3rz"WLAN network scan around a lot of WLAN hotspots no longer slows down the whole device"21:53
r0kk3rzid often have to turn off wifi to stop my device melting21:53
r0kk3rzlooks like a decent bugfix update22:04

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