#jollamobile log for Tuesday, 2019-08-20

InteGood morning. Are  there sny news regarding the Android-offline-issue?05:03
_inte_get an internet connection for my android apps05:05
_inte_are there any workarounds to get android apps online as well on mobile data as on wifi or is internet wifi-only for android?05:07
ender|internet works just fine on data for me when using firefox08:11
*** vals_ is now known as tango_15:29
cb400fr0kk3rz: you'll be happy to know I finally succeeded! For the life of me I couldn't get it to work on my Thinkpad T410. So I tried on my Shuttle PC instead, and it flashed without any issue whatsoever (both machines running openSUSE Leap 15.0)... guess there must be some hardware/usb issue with the darn Thinkpad16:27
cb400fOn the thinkpad it was very on/off... the flashing script only found the device at all in maybe 1 out of 7 runs... and when it found it, it would fail seconds later16:28
cb400fon the shuttle pc... first try.... wroooom... flashing complete16:29
cb400fthe error pattern was actually quite similar to those reported with Ubuntu and usb3 (https://jolla.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012031854?fbclid=IwAR31vpvRe3qFLjx6i0v1IVSzezg3JOdPWwyhDAkpataScR3E547JkZ6AmnM), but my ancient Thinkpad has usb 2.016:31
r0kk3rzlike you said, must be something with the usb hardware16:31
* cb400f swipes his XA2 Plus and he sees that it is good16:39
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault22:50

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