#jollamobile log for Friday, 2019-08-23

*** ahjolinna_ is now known as ahjolinna04:46
Teguhumm, jolla 1 needs a new battery but those third-party batteries feel somewhat repulsive after brief tjc reading07:22
Teguregarding the temperature readings, that is07:33
Teguthe comments on this suggest an original htc battery but I wonder if they can be bought anywhere anymore. :\  and all the third-party batteries that the guy has tested have had fake temperatures08:19
r0kk3rzi wonder if you could recalibrate the temp readings09:14
r0kk3rzbut the third party ones are your only choice, i dont think theres any new official ones left09:15
hallynis there a keyutils rpm someplace ?  not finding it on in storeman or jolla store15:22

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