#jollamobile log for Sunday, 2019-12-22

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest31706:15
*** Renault_ is now known as Renault15:04
mornfallandroid > 4.4 is not coming to xperia x, is it?15:15
mornfall(my wife has misplaced her jolla1 and i'm wondering if it makes any sense to get another sailfish device as a replacement...)15:17
mpolmornfall: you could also get an XA2 or 1015:17
mpolThey have Alien Dalvik 8.115:17
mornfallnah, they are both too big15:19
mornfall(and also expensive)15:19
mornfallmakes more sense to get xperia x and keep the android 6 that it comes with15:22
mpolThere is a community effort underway for the X, but there are many bugs. It is on TJC15:22
mornfallcommunity effort = no alien at all?15:24
mpolno, built by people not working for jolla15:25
mornfalloh okay, i thought you were talking about https://sailfishos.org/wiki/Sailfish_X_Build_and_Flash15:27
*** Snoras_ is now known as Snoras23:04

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