#jollamobile log for Wednesday, 2020-01-01

*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest3964303:55
*** BitEvil is now known as SpeedEvil12:31
*** SpeedEvil is now known as Guest7209818:01
rigoHi all, is the jolla distrib server down? pkcon refresh gets endless "waiting in queue". Anybody a clue here?20:18
malare you sure you didn't have any other command running already, I think that waiting in queue means packagekit is already doing something and it cannot do two things at the same time20:21
rigohm, will look at this immediately20:21
rigohm, no, only20:22
rigoroot      6779  0.0  0.4  64064  9008 ?        Ssl   2019   0:38 /usr/libexec/packagekitd20:22
rigoroot     21515  0.0  0.0   2548   616 pts/0    S+   21:21   0:00 grep -i packagekit20:22
rigoand thanks for the feedback. I have updates saying it is already but saying "update available". Triggering the download in that interface ends after some time. So I tried the command line. And there, waiting is endless. :-/20:24
rigoI will try to reboot and do it again20:24
rigoafter pkcon refresh it says "starting" and remains there :(( I get the feeling that something went wrong with the update20:28
malI mean internally packagekit could be doing something, I didn't mean another process20:31
malso what are you trying to do?20:32
rigoI try to get the update for my JollaC to Nuuksio. Before reboot it said it is already but after reboot it says it is and up to date20:34
maltry with version --dup20:34
rigoI know that it was lying as I had no TLS indicator in the browser. So is the real state of it20:34
rigothanks, let's see ...20:35
rigo... waiting20:35
rigoIt may be that it was interrupted during the download process once as I changed WLAN. This may have messed up the process, but I'm unsure as the error message is really inconclusive :(20:37
rigo.... waiting20:37
malkill packagekitd process and try again, make sure you use devel-su to get root permissions20:38
rigook, will try, thanks20:40
rigohm, my noted password does not work for devel-su20:47
rigosomething went wrong...20:48
rigoI can ssh into root, but is that sufficient to recover devel-su?20:48
malsame password works for ssh and devel-su, the one you set in developer mode settings20:53
rigoError: /etc/zypp/repos.d/ssu_openrepos-fravaccaro_release.repo: Section [openrepos-fravaccaro]: Line 6 contains garbage (no '=' or ':/?|,\' in key)20:57
rigoneed to go fix this20:57
rigothere is no junk in there. I will delete the repo and retry20:59
rigonow working21:00
rigothanks mal!21:00
malgood that it works now21:04
rigonow considering upgrading to a xperia XA2 or xperia 10. I thin the 10 is a bit too big21:06
rigoAll bugs encountered until reboot are features. \o/21:21

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