#jollamobile log for Monday, 2020-01-13

ender|fun, i wanted to reoder my xperia 10 today, but was asked by the store to wait just a bit, until they finish the investigation (they already refunded me)…10:46
*** roboro is now known as Guest2401013:22
lachs0roh btw, i ran into the “sim card not recognized” thing with an xperia x a while ago14:30
lachs0rthis happened when i had a google fi SIM inserted, but the phone in airplane mode, then switched to a different SIM14:31
lachs0rit would not get recognized even after a couple reboots14:31
lachs0rmodem showed up as unavailable in csd14:31
lachs0ri think the way i fixed that was by turning off the phone, booting it without a SIM (making sure it was not in airplane mode), then booting it with the proper SIM inserted14:32
chopixhey attah19:29
attahchopix: how is the X10?19:35
chopixno fingerprint blob high cpu usage today19:45
chopixI am afraid some patches break the call dialer UI though19:45
attahHmm, perhaps...19:46
attahI never was much for UI patches19:46
chopixthey aren't UI patches19:46
attahwhat are they then?19:46
chopixbut they change the UI, and it breaks it apparently19:46
chopixit's called "Voicecall combined patch"19:47
chopixI also have installed systemdatascope20:03
chopixwhich with rrdtool and collectd monitors the phone20:03
chopixand unfortunately the cpu usage seems pretty high20:03
chopixeven when idle20:03
attahNever tried any of them20:04
attahCouldn't even find the first one by googling20:04
chopixwhat you can't find?20:04
chopixvoicecall combined patch?20:05
chopixor systemdatascope?20:05
attahthe voicecall thing20:05
chopixyou need patchmanager320:06
chopixfrom openrepos20:06
chopixdo you have openrepos installed?20:06
attahI just imagined the patches being listed online20:06
chopixthey arent, you need to access the patch catalog20:06
attahYou *install* openrepos?20:06
chopixyeah you install Storeman20:06
chopixwhich is a GUI to manage openrepos20:07
attahnow that i've heard of :)20:07
attahnever used tho20:07
chopixwell inside there's an application called patchmanager which is basically a tool to install patches20:08
attahyeah, i know of it20:08
attahafter all, i have been here since the start (:20:08
chopixpatches can then be found on openrepos directly or through the web catalog inside the app20:08
chopixanyway, the voicecall thing is to record calls20:09
chopixit adds a button the dialer UI so when you press it during a call it starts recording20:09
chopixyou never used an app from openrepos attah ?20:16
chopixyou are missing lot of usefull stuff20:16
attaha handful, but as loose rpms20:16
chopixoh I see20:17
chopixit becomes an hassle with the dependencies though20:17
* coderus coughing20:50
chopixhey coderus20:55
coderuschopix: sup?20:59
attahcoderus: are you part of Aurora, or is my memory playing tricks on me?21:02
coderusattah: correct :)21:03
attahfits you like a glove, i'd imagine?21:03
coderusattah: :)]21:04
chopixwhats Aurora?21:04
attah.ru ~government adaptation of SFOS21:05
chopixah aurora os i keep reading on together jolla21:05
chopixwhat is different between sfos and aurora?21:06
chopix...is there any difference beside the name?21:09
attahall i know is the mdm stuff and some extra stock apps21:10
attahbut i'm not read up on it really21:10
chopixi wish the EU would do something similar21:12
attahnah, we'll just put out abstract requirements that cement the duopoly even more (see: PSD2)21:12
attahwhatever happened to the free market?21:13
chopixI guess aurora os doesn't have any android support right coderus?21:14
coderuschopix: aurora is about adapting sfos for business purposes21:22
chopixbusiness or governments or both?21:23
chopixalso what kind of adaptations?21:23
attahcoderus: speaking of which... do feel free to poke me about SeaPrint21:24
coderuschopix: who knows :)21:26
coderusattah: i found ipp is not available for printer nearby(21:28
attahCUPS can re-serve a printer with whatever legacy horror on IPP21:29
attahbut yeah, more hassle21:29
pingutux[m]Tegu; chopix: I am Sailor 1283 from yesterday evening, now over Riot and Desktop. You are wright not to much happening in these channels. But what I am looking for is a xmpp client with omemo native for SFOS just like Conversations on F-Droid. Will there be something? Or is the integrated xmpp account going to be improved?22:08
Teguno idea, it's been a long while since I used XMPP at all, and that was with Pidgin on desktop22:09
pingutux[m]which IM do you use?22:09
pingutux[m]I just deinstalled the native Jolla IRC app - it worked fine the first time - cool look an behavior, but like many others if you end it, it crashes and makes the phone reboot. XperiaX. I liked it, but this way no chance - does not work. Any other Instant Messenger avaliable?23:06
pingutux[m]Maybe on Matrix? Not my favorite but better then WA, Threma, Wire, Signal(?), Telegram(?) - XMPP I would like to use in SFOS native.23:13

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