Thursday, 2024-08-22

rainemakI'm having troubles to idenfiy07:01
rainemakI doubt that bot likes me now07:02
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 8th August 202407:02
sailbotMeeting started Thu Aug 22 07:02:16 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.07:02
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Aug 22 07:02:33 2024 UTC.07:02
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 22nd August 202407:02
sailbotMeeting started Thu Aug 22 07:02:46 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.07:02
ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:02
rainemak#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here: #link I am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:02
rainemakI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:03
rainemak#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info07:03
ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:03
flypig#info David Llewellyn-Jones, community07:03
sebix[m]#info Sebix, community07:04
rainemak#info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla07:04
rainemakNo topics today but let's use more time to general discussion07:04
rainemakAnd of course Open PRs07:05
rainemak#topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)07:05
rainemakMaybe pvuorela, dcaliste, flypig,  rubdos (or somebody else) have some?07:06
direc85[m]#info Matti Viljanen, community07:08
rainemak#topic General discussion (20 mins)07:10
rainemakWe communicated a mandatory architectural change in the telephony stack a month07:12
rainemakago. I am pleased to update on the progress. We have successfully done 2G and 3G07:12
rainemakcalls also SMS works. There are tons of different telephony related APIs already07:12
rainemakworking which is very very good progress. We're working on VoLTE as well but07:12
direc85[m]Any progress with the Rust PR? Still issues with gecko?07:12
rainemakrequires still implementation time. As you may understand getting VoLTE working07:12
rainemakproperly in multiple countries is trick. Thus, we'd like to understand whether07:12
rainemakthere would be willingness to help test C2 VoLTE in different countries?07:12
flypigGreat to hear about the good progress. What would testing involve? I'd be more than willing to help if I can.07:16
direc85[m]I think []( might be interested?07:16
rainemakI'm thinking that few pre ordered ones could get their devices a earlier.07:16
flypigI'm sure you'll get a lot of uptake for help with that. Definitely I'd be in for testing in the UK if that's needed.07:17
rainemakSomething one Sailfish OS user per country where we're selling. I'm not saying that we should cover all EU counties but biggest ones.07:17
rainemaks/EU counties/EU countries/07:18
direc85[m]Perhaps a ping on the forum is needed, it's quiet in here...07:18
direc85[m]^for participants07:19
rainemakdirec85[m]: that's the thinking but first trying to understand it over here07:19
rainemakflypig: btw I reverted "Create GLLibraryEGL as a singleton in GLContextProviderEGL" from my gecko build but I don't have a good build yet07:20
rainemakdirec85[m]: you mean this one
sebix[m]rainemak: we can cover Austria and in parts also neighboring countries (not permanently, but for singular tests)07:21
direc85[m][]( yes07:22
rainemaksebix[m]: great!07:23
flypigrainemak: in case it helps, this morning I pushed two changes to fix Rust compilation using the 4.6 SDK. With krnlyng's fix, it runs on 4.6 as well for me here.07:23
rainemakflypig: did you have that "Create GLLibraryEGL as a singleton in GLContextProviderEGL" included or not07:24
rainemakflypig: I'll let my next build first finalize and then try with your latest changes07:24
flypigNo, I had to remove it too.07:24
rainemaklike it's in the libhybris07:25
flypigCould it be something getting released too early in the gecko code though?07:25
flypigThat's the sort of mistake I would make!07:25
rainemakdoesn't sound likely07:26
direc85[m]Re: newer Rust causes build failures: updating crates to newer patch releases can be more efficient than hunting for patches, maybe07:26
rainemakyour rpms worked on top 4.5.0 release as well after adding some symlinks and copying newer libstdc++ there07:27
rainemakflypig:  ^ that's why I don't think it's accidental unload on your code07:27
flypigdirec85[m]: that sounds like a good idea, but also something I wouldn't know how to do. Maybe you could give me some more detailed offline advice?07:28
rainemakflypig: will check your recent changes later07:28
direc85[m]The only thing I found about the possibly-wayland-related crash was flooding the API with palette related updates, but that was with Qt 6 I think07:29
flypigrainemak: yes, I see what you mean. I'm not sure I can help much if it's in hybris I'm afraid. But I'll check just in case I can see anything obvious on the gecko side today.07:29
rubdos[m]C2 other countries: I can do Belgium indeed, but I haven't received any info on the C2 payment yet07:29
direc85[m][]( sure thing! I'll try it myself first.07:30
flypigdirec85[m]: I saw thtat too in the Qt bug tracker I think. Thanks for checking for it.07:30
rubdos[m]I have a spare SIM that I can use, and I can probably use some sims from colleagues for it07:30
rubdos[m]and friends07:30
rainemakrubdos[m]: we'll do a separate update to the forum on this VoLTE / cellular testing07:30
flypigdirec85[m]: thank you, that's be really great!07:30
flypigWas there useful feedback from the C2 survey?
rainemakYes, and we're digesting results07:32
rainemakpretty silent here, should we schedule next meeting07:33
flypigI'd love it if you could give an idea of the "flavour" of the response you got at some point. Filling it out made me have to think about things...07:33
direc85[m]About C2: will it be flashable in case something goes wrong? Jolla Phone wasn't...07:33
direc85[m](had to dd some partitions)07:34
rainemakdirec85[m]: not concluded yet as there are options07:34
flypigAnother quick question from me. I'm getting a handle on the latest C2, Xperia 10 IV/V and Mind2 updates. Are these the best links?07:34
direc85[m][]( sounds good :)07:35
rainemak#info Handles on the latest C2, Xperia 10 IV/V and Mind2 updates07:35
rainemaklet's schedule next meeting07:36
flypigGreat, thank you rainemak. I try to keep track, but it's easy to get lost.07:36
rainemakmaybe we should pin them07:36
rainemak#topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)07:37
rainemakProposing Thursday 5th September at 07:00am UTC07:37
direc85[m]Ok with me07:39
rainemak#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-05T0700Z07:39
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Aug 22 07:39:24 2024 UTC.07:39
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
direc85[m]Thanks for the news :)07:40
flypigEnjoy your days everyone!07:40
ExTechOprainemak That Xperia IV/V update is a month old, anything new since?07:41
piggz[m]you guys get up too early for me :D07:41
piggz[m]im always missing hte meeting07:42
piggz[m]i blame flypig for not posting about gecko until after midnight07:42
rainemakThank you everybody!07:46
ExTechOpThanks everyone!07:47
flypigHaha! Sorry piggz[m]! But last time I posted it early you didn't like it if I recall correctly ;)07:47
flypigGreat to hear about your VoLTE success.07:47
piggz[m]yeah, its quite nice having volte just before they make it mandatory!07:48
flypigPerfect timing :)07:48
piggz[m]hopefully it will work nicely for other mediatek devices out there, seems more straightforward than the qcom based driver07:49
flypigpiggz[m], is there an explanation anywhere of what you & notkit did?07:50
piggz[m]flypig: just packaged up this
piggz[m]hard work is by notkit and some others in ubports community07:51
piggz[m]so, i have volte on x23 and pinephones now, so im sure to be able to make calls on sailfish going forward07:52
piggz[m]at some point i will see about hooking the pp code into the ui so AT commands arnt needed07:52
flypigIt looks like amazing work (and I include your packaging work in that!) and great to see it working across devices.07:54
piggz[m]...and distros07:55
flypigYes, absolutely!07:55
direc85[m]<piggz[m]> "so, i have volte on x23 and..." <- That's awesome!08:16
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