Thursday, 2024-10-03

ExTechOp(it seems the /topic hasn't been updated)06:54
ExTechOpGood Morning, everyone!06:54
rainemakgood morning06:58
direc85Good morning!06:58
dcalisteGood morning !06:58
rainemak#startmeeting Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 202407:00
sailbotMeeting started Thu Oct  3 07:00:08 2024 UTC. The chair is rainemak. Information about MeetBot at
sailbotUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.07:00
*** sailbot changes topic to " (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 2024)"07:00
rainemak#info Meeting information and agenda can be found here:07:00
rainemakI am the meeting's chairperson today, and will be doing my best to keep time and order. Please respect the timings and bee-hive.07:00
rainemak#topic Brief introduction (5 min). Please prefix your name/handle with #info07:00
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ExTechOp#info Otto Mäkelä, community07:00
dcaliste#info Damien Caliste, community07:00
rainemak#info Raine Mäkeläinen, Jolla07:01
Crabster#info Crabster - lurker07:01
pvuorela#info Pekka Vuorela, Jolla07:01
direc85#info Matti Viljanen, Jolla07:01
piggz[m]#info piggz community07:02
rainemakOne today07:05
rainemak#topic rewriting of QtMobility plugin providing an engine for QtOrganizer based on mKCal (15 mins -- asked by dcaliste)07:05
*** sailbot changes topic to "rewriting of QtMobility plugin providing an engine for QtOrganizer based on mKCal (15 mins -- asked by dcaliste) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 2024)"07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> Like QtContacts used in Sailifsh OS, QtPim (long heir of07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> QtMobility) provides a module to deal with events and todos :07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> QtOrganizer. It provides an API and QML bindings to handle07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> calendar items. It can use several backends for storage. Old07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> sources from QtMobility dated from Qt4.x era still have a plugin07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> based on mKCal (the SQLite backend for calendar event used in07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> Sailfish OS). But these sources are really out-dated, both mKCal07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> and QtOrganizer have largely changed API since Qt4.x era. I’ve07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> decided to rewrite the plugin, so current (or future) code using07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> QtPim/QtOrganizer can have a well debugged SQLite backend, or07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> even share data with an application based on07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> nemo-qml-plugin-calendar (like the calendar application). The new07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> implementation can be found in this git repository 2. The main07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> point of this topic is to announce the existence of this new07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> possibility to handle calendar events and todos. While I’m still07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> preferring to base new developments on the couple KCalendarCore/07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> mKCal, the community meeting may be the place to discuss the pros07:05
rainemak#info <dcaliste> and cons of this new possibility based on QtPim.07:05
rainemak#info <Jolla> Like dcaliste said in the forum, 5 to 15 minutes, depending if there07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> is interest to discuss the topic, or if the announcement is just07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> enough. This is a good discussion topic for a community meeting.07:06
rainemak#info <Jolla> Let's see how lively discussion we get.07:06
rainemakShall I open discussion07:07
dcalisteSure !07:07
rainemakDo you have an idea how widely QtOrganizer is used? Would that help application porters?07:07
sebix[m]#info sebix, community07:07
dcalisteThank you rainemak for the introduction. I can add that this work was started because UBports would like to move away from Evolution Data Server and use Buteo / mKCal and friends instead.07:07
dcalisteTo ease their migration, they wanted to keep their UI, and it was based on QtOrganizer.07:08
dcalisteSo, rainemak, to answer your question, at least Ubuntu Touch is using QtOrganizer.07:08
rainemakSo, there's at least one QtOrganizer user07:08
dcalisteYeah, seems so ;)07:09
pvuorelathat's interesting. though wonder if it's just for easing the migration or do they plan to keep on using qtorganizer07:09
pvuorelaif it's good enough for them, suppose it can easily just stick around.07:10
dcalisteAs far as I know, the first step is to migrate from EDS. I don't know if they plan to rewrite their UI to use KCalendarCore directly once it's done.07:10
dcalisteIf QtOrganizer suits their needs, I guess they will stay with it.07:11
rainemakI'm a bit worry that sticking with QtOrganizer may lead to unmaintained component07:11
dcalisteBut it's a good opportunity for us to widen the usage of mKCal (at least).07:11
rainemakWidening mKCal use I like07:11
pvuorelathat is nice indeed07:11
dcalisteYeah, it means more testing, feedback and maybe code contribution.07:12
pvuorelaand that's already good reason for the qtorganizer backend project to exist.07:12
dcalisterainemak, what do you mean about the unmaintained components in QtOrganizer ?07:12
pvuorelathough for sailfish context i'm not entirely sure how much we should be adopting it. so far we haven't used qtorganizer.07:13
dcalisteMy opinion for Sailfish is to stick with KCalendarCore, it removes one layer wrt. using QtOrganizer + mKCal.07:13
dcalisteKCalendarCore is (very) active with KDE, so I think it's a better choice.07:14
rainemakdcaliste, will QtOrganizer itself stay maintained07:14
dcalisteBut for codes that are already based on QtOrganizer, it helps to stay with a somehow laively backend.07:14
rainemakthat's true07:14
dcalisterainemak, ah this question about QtOrganizer. Yeah, good point. Since it's still under QtProject, I guess it will continue to be alive under a strictly minimal maintainance upgrade, from community help…07:15
piggz[m]Where os it maintained? The only code i saw was from 10 years ago, presume its not that :)07:16
rainemakand yeah, Sailfish OS to stick with KCalendarCore is the way I think07:17
dcalistepiggz[m], let me find again…07:17
dcalistepiggz[m], it's,general07:18
dcalisteLatest commit from 2021. Not _that_ bad.07:18
rainemak1 min left, should we extend by 5mins07:19
rainemakextending, topic ending in 5mins07:20
dcalisterainemak, for me it's fine, I guess I explained the purpose of the project. I've got already one user : Lionel Duboeuf from UBports ! Hopefully, if it's usefull for someone else for Sailfish OS, he or she may find the discussion here.07:21
rainemakI very much like this kind of community meeting topics07:21
rainemakand pleased to see constructing discussion07:22
dcalisteYeah, I'm happy too. Thank you for the discussions and the questions.07:23
rainemakdcaliste, well prepared topic and explained the purpose07:23
rainemakalso getting more use Buteo/mkCal is good07:24
rainemakfor Buteo/mkCal07:24
rainemakalright, let's move on07:24
rainemak#topic Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla)07:25
*** sailbot changes topic to "Open PR discussion (5 mins -- asked by Jolla) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 2024)"07:25
dcalisteIndeed, I forgot about Buteo, but yes, it also means more tests and usage for the CalDAV plugin for instance.07:25
rainemakthumbs up07:25
dcalisteWhile we are talking about mKCal, pvuorela, do you think we could restart the rework of it, with for instance ?07:26
pvuoreladcaliste: definitely.07:26
dcaliste(still with UBports, they may move to using timed for alarms too)07:27
dcalistepvuorela, good, good. Thanks !07:27
pvuoreladcaliste: for one i was thinking of checking the qmf thing first as that's in a bit fresher memory still.07:27
rainemakbtw, here's a shortcut for open & review required PRs:
dcalistepvuorela, yes, good point. And it may be usefull to get (Microsoft) IMAP to use OAuth2 for authentication.07:28
pvuorelaat the moment those should be the only things in my review queue even if both a bit bigger ones.07:29
dcalisteI need to see where I left my investigations when moving the existing sso plugins (password and oauth2) to the new credential API.07:30
dcalisteBecause as far as I remember, the opened PR only create the new credential plugin API, and provide a simple implementation for passwords, but not for oauth2.07:31
rainemakextra 3mins07:31
dcalisteBut I've got on my machine some attempts to create a unified sso plugin for both password and oauth2 using the new credential API.07:31
pvuorelaat least there's the separate oauth2 plugin thing that needs updating.07:32
dcalisteWhen looking at what it needs, it's almost copy-pasting from the password implementation. That's why I think, one can go for a unified credential plugin based on SSO (treating both password and oauth2 cases, and maybe all others supported by SSO itself).07:33
rainemaktime to move on07:35
rainemak#topic General discussion (10 mins)07:35
*** sailbot changes topic to "General discussion (10 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 2024)"07:35
piggz[m]Not sure if its relevant, but there is a qtnetworkauth module specifically for doing oauth type stuff07:35
piggz[m]For general, could i ask if there is any progress on the obs/sb2 issues ove been hitting07:35
pvuorelaon this we case we have the oauth stuff but the apis for secrets and password are just changed and the different components need to adapt.07:36
dcalistepiggz[m], interesting. Actually, as far as I understand, it's SSO that's doing all the network job behind the scene. The credential plugin in QMF just need to talk to SSO. As pvuorela mentioned, we're here changing the QMF APIs so it's not depending on SSO.07:37
rainemak#info There was a great Sailathon organized in Prague last week! Big hand to participants and to karry who afaik mostly organized it07:37
direc85Thank you from me as well!07:38
rainemakif you're testing Xperia 10 IV and 10 V, please use feedback topics in forum07:38
rainemakThere are known issues
rainemak5mins left07:40
riniguspiggz: judging from silence, I guess nobody had time to look into sb2 and obs troubles with compilation of qt6 on aarch64 (summary of troubles)07:42
piggz[m]Worried it may cause you additional trouble, as seems quite low level, and surprised its not been hit before07:43
rinigusI also wonder how frequently Jolla is internally hit by sb2 bugs. or is it just us able to hit them first?07:44
rainemakif you're testing esr91, please provide feedback to
rainemaklet's move on07:45
rainemak#topic Next meeting time and date (5 mins)07:45
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting time and date (5 mins) (Meeting topic: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 3rd October 2024)"07:45
rainemakProposing Thursday 17th October at 07:00am UTC07:46
rainemakUsual biweekly schedule07:46
rainemakI guess that the usual biweekly then07:48
NicoI wonder, is anybody using sailfish with nextcloud with 2fa enabled? I created an app password and it seems like everything works but only the backup upload does not. Has anyone run that setup as well and noticed the same issue or is that a problem with my nextcloud? :D07:48
rainemakThank you everybody!!07:48
dcalisteThat's ok for me also.07:48
rainemak#info Next meeting will be held on Thursday 17thd October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-17T0700Z07:48
sailbotMeeting ended Thu Oct  3 07:48:45 2024 UTC.07:48
sailbot Minutes:
sailbot Minutes (text):
sailbot Log:
*** sailbot changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th September 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-09-05T0700Z"07:48
rainemakThanks all! Very good meeting once again07:49
direc85Nico, I use NC with 2FA, and ran into something similar. In my case I had included some large folders (Whisperfish attachments) with MyBackup, which blew up the backup file size, which caused a "silent" failure from the server.07:49
dcalisteThank you everyone for the discussions. Enjoy the day.07:49
direc85Thanks all!07:49
ExTechOp(remember to update /topic with next meeting date)07:49
ExTechOpThank you everyone!07:49
NicoAh, I see, that sounds like it could be my issue as well, I will look into that! Thanks, direc85!07:50
Crabsterthx #?07:51
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Next meeting will be held on Thursday 17th October 2024 at 07:00am UTC: 2024-10-17T0700Z"08:38

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