*** ahjolinna_ is now known as ahjolinna | 04:46 | |
spiiroin | @DylanVanAssche about that mce & volume keys. mce itself does not emit or even use volume key events (except a bit, for display state management). but mce does policy logic that informs (over dbus) whether compositor/applications are allowed to use / should ignore volkey events they receive as input events | 04:50 |
spiiroin | in olden times the policy decisions were expressed by disabling hw interrupts etc, later on by having mce grab input device nodes, and currently by doing that dbus signaling | 04:52 |
spiiroin | some of the vocabulary in code / comments reflects this legacy (talk about grabbing and interrupts etc) | 04:53 |
spiiroin | but shortly: if lockscreen is active, everybody should be ignoring volume keys - except if there is ongoing "music playback" activity | 04:53 |
spiiroin | for more details, see https://git.sailfishos.org/mer-core/mce/blob/master/tklock.c#L4635 | 04:56 |
T42 | <birdzhang> mal, i found this udev rules cause my device's speaker no sound, after delete this line, all is working | 06:32 |
T42 | <birdzhang> ^^^ https://github.com/mer-hybris/droid-hal-configs/blob/master/sparse/lib/udev/rules.d/998-droid-system.rules#L62 | 06:32 |
T42 | <birdzhang> some dmesg logs: https://github.com/Sailfish-On-Vince/issues/issues/18 | 06:33 |
Mister_Magister | but that supposed to be improvement… | 06:33 |
T42 | <birdzhang> to make speaker has sound, i need put tas2557_uCDSP.bin to /etc/firmware/ , it's ugly but working | 06:35 |
Mister_Magister | i had to copy whole /system/etc/firmware to /etc so that ain't new thing | 06:35 |
mal | @birdzhang where is the firmware? | 08:57 |
T42 | <birdzhang> on hybris 15.1, i need put bin file to hybris-boot/initramfs/etc/firmware/, so that it can be loaded | 09:00 |
T42 | <birdzhang> i modified /usr/bin/droid/droid-load-firmware.sh, add /etc/firmware to FIRMWARE_FOLDERS, no luck | 09:01 |
mal | @birdzhang but where are the files originally on the device? | 09:12 |
T42 | <birdzhang> this is no /sys$DEVPATH/loading on my device, so droid-load-firmware.sh always failed | 09:13 |
T42 | <DylanVanAssche> @spiiroin since our lockscreen is still broken, it's normal that lipstick is ignoring the volume keys :P | 09:32 |
T42 | <DylanVanAssche> So the volume keys are actually working but they act broken due to the lockscreen troubles | 09:32 |
mal | @birdzhang you still didn't answer my question | 09:37 |
T42 | <birdzhang> mal, it's on /system/etc/firmware/ | 09:39 |
mal | so symlinking to /etc/firmware doesn't work anymore after the config change? | 09:39 |
T42 | <birdzhang> yup | 09:43 |
mal | why would that break it | 09:52 |
T42 | <birdzhang> firmware tas2557_uCDSP.bin: firmware_loading_store: unexpected value (0) | 09:55 |
mal | @birdzhang when did you update the config submodule? can you show journal log also | 11:23 |
T42 | <birdzhang> mal, about 7 days ago. i will show you when i get home | 11:34 |
17SABA241 | hi | 14:48 |
T42 | <birdzhang> mal, journalctl log https://pastebin.com/hqFNqsJt | 14:50 |
T42 | <birdzhang> wlan module also broken | 14:50 |
electro575 | NFS is needed for sailfishOS ? in the kernel defconfig | 15:04 |
electro575 | network file system is just for remote control a linux system, no ? | 15:05 |
Umeaboy | Hi! I made a booboo with the repo command: https://pastebin.com/dZUFAUai | 15:09 |
Umeaboy | How can I solve it? | 15:09 |
mal | @birdzhang does your device have this already https://github.com/mer-hybris/droid-hal-configs/commit/e0e51d4a37c328e5505b2ef31435e27f5c7d0407 | 15:09 |
mal | @birdzhang maybe you are missing this CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER_FALLBACK=y from kernel config? | 16:06 |
Umeaboy | mal: I'm following the wiki page for Xperia X so that's why Iäm asking. | 16:06 |
Umeaboy | I'm | 16:07 |
mal | Umeaboy: maybe your build device doesn't have ssh key generated? | 16:08 |
Umeaboy | mal: You mean inside the HABUILD SDK? | 16:09 |
Umeaboy | Because I just generated a ssh key on my build host and I still get the same error. | 16:10 |
mal | it uses the things from your normal home | 16:10 |
mal | Umeaboy: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19126603/android-source-repo-gpg-public-key-not-found/19126958#19126958 | 16:12 |
Umeaboy | Deleting the repo config did the trick | 16:14 |
Umeaboy | mal: Building with Dalvik support is not permitted or where are the instructions to do so? | 16:16 |
mal | not allowed | 16:18 |
electro5751 | all devices need watchdog to launch the kernel ? | 17:11 |
albertus1 | vknecht: did you have to figure out how to solve the conflicting files in the MIC step for your own porting to a new device, or did you just assemble it as ideas how to solve my problem? (I'd like to know if the problem is unique to me or rather based in the current software versions for "everybody") | 18:42 |
mal | albertus1: there is really something wrong in your setup as nobody has had same issues | 18:50 |
mal | albertus1: also there are many packages which have similar things that two or more packages provide the same folder and why are those not causing issues only if you have built one of those then there is a problem | 18:52 |
deathmist | how are people properly dealing with ofono-ril-binder-plugin needing more up-to-date versions of libgrilio and ofono? should I just downgrade this specific package? | 18:59 |
albertus1 | so do you think there it might be worth to start from scratch again? | 18:59 |
albertus1 | is there any sort of mechanism like reproducible builds or just checksums so I could compare files? | 19:03 |
mal | deathmist: usually people just build older ofono-ril-binder-plugin | 19:18 |
mal | deathmist: just like I have mentioned many times in channel logs | 19:18 |
T42 | <elros34> albertus1: you still didn't run mic with --verbose --debug? maybe it will reveal something | 20:00 |
mal | albertus1: can you check in platfrom sdk which grep is installed, using "sudo zypper se grep" | 20:07 |
deathmist | mal: alright seems binder version 1.0.7 works a-ok, sorry for annoying. I was just doing things a bit differently before and wanted to make sure | 20:09 |
albertus1 | @mal: https://pastebin.com/sU3ERbp8 | 20:13 |
albertus1 | @elros34: I did | 20:13 |
mal | hmm, that is normal | 20:13 |
albertus1 | running again (with --debug and --verbose) so I can paste the output | 20:16 |
albertus1 | after vknecht's suggested adjustment of the spec file, I got rid of all conflicts but one | 20:17 |
albertus1 | because all but one involved geoclue-provider(s) | 20:18 |
albertus1 | this is what it was before: https://pastebin.com/R1P4FLN1 | 20:18 |
mal | albertus1: the thing is that manyy other packages have similar conflicts and don't seem to be a problem | 20:18 |
albertus1 | hmm, that's very strange then | 20:18 |
mal | albertus1: I checked on my device and there were many cases with similar conflicts and those exact ones you have and all worked fine | 20:19 |
mal | so the issue is something else than the conflicts | 20:19 |
albertus1 | this is with --verbose and --debug https://pastebin.com/kyWNAuyT | 20:19 |
albertus1 | and all those conflicts do not cause any problems? if you say there exist many of them and it still works fine? | 20:21 |
mal | albertus1: yes, no issues from those, I mean nothing reports those as conflicts | 20:22 |
mal | albertus1: but manually checking package contents shows those ones you have and other similar ones but those are not considered conflicts | 20:23 |
albertus1 | hm, very strange | 20:23 |
albertus1 | this is about the `rpm` that i have: https://pastebin.com/5N5PaHt6 | 20:24 |
deathmist | https://pastebin.com/P4epxT2z well this is new O_o didn't find anything in logs either. used droidmedia source (w/ kimmoli's AudioPolicy patch) https://git.io/fjNiW | 20:25 |
mal | albertus1: check with "sudo zypper if rpm" | 20:30 |
mal | albertus1: i just did a clean reinstall of platform sdk and doing some testing | 20:30 |
albertus1 | https://pastebin.com/TbFNJ3UU | 20:31 |
mal | albertus1: I'm also now setting up clean build target to see what happens | 20:55 |
albertus1 | mhm | 20:56 |
mal | albertus1: mic build using OBS built packages worked fine so now trying locally built packages | 20:58 |
deathmist | found the culprit, the issue was indeed new. anyone with a Snapdragon 835 (MSM8998) device building droidmedia getting AudioMix errors w/ CAF sources: revert https://git.io/fjNih in hardware/qcom/audio-caf/msm8998/ | 21:24 |
mal | deathmist: what did the errors cause? | 21:27 |
deathmist | mal: https://pastebin.com/P4epxT2z during droidmedia building w/ AudioPolicy patch | 21:28 |
mal | ok, interesting | 21:30 |
mal | albertus1: I really can't understand your issue, I did a clean rebuild of packages using clean sdk and target and then built image using mic (for different device though) and I had no conflicts during mic build | 21:32 |
albertus1 | hm, that's odd. thanks for your effort | 21:43 |
albertus1 | maybe something wrong in the guide https://sailfishos.org/wiki/DRAFT-Sailfish_X_Xperia_XA2_Build_and_Flash or maybe I just got some important thing(s) wrong while going through it. maybe I should start from scratch... | 21:44 |
mal | albertus1: is there anything special in your build machine, like which filesystem does the disk used for sfos build environment have and so on? | 21:49 |
albertus1 | build environment should be ext4, just $ANDROID_ROOT is on ntfs due to its need for space | 21:54 |
albertus1 | is there anything to be seen from the verbose/debug output of mic I posted above? https://pastebin.com/kyWNAuyT | 21:56 |
albertus1 | there's a stacktrace looking like python stuff | 21:56 |
albertus1 | it doesn't even sound like the error is due to the conflicts (which are only warnings) | 21:59 |
deathmist | albertus1: I really try hard to avoid anything NTFS when it comes to Linuxy stuff. imo this could be the cause of all your issues. first off it doesn't have any concept of the Linux permission system and assumes 777 on everything | 22:00 |
mal | yes, it could be that during installation it somehow thinks the folder is not really a folder because of the non-linux filesystem | 22:02 |
albertus1 | true, but what's the way to go if I don't have enough space on my ext4 partition? should I create an "iso file" on the NTFS partition and build an ext4 file system "inside"? | 22:02 |
albertus1 | I've never seen any linux command fail to distinguish folders and non-folders on ntfs... | 22:03 |
albertus1 | I've even mounted it with options "suid,exec" (because usually I mount that with nosuid and noexec) | 22:05 |
mal | albertus1: well that is the only thing that seems to be different in your setup, I probably should have seen the same issues in my test if it was something generic | 22:09 |
albertus1 | hm, yes, and the device/family, which caused me to do some manual builds as hinted here | 22:10 |
mal | albertus1: maybe you could try to move only some stuff out of the ntfs disk? | 22:10 |
albertus1 | but how do I know which? | 22:10 |
albertus1 | I don't really understand all those things in $ANDROID_ROOT | 22:11 |
mal | albertus1: I mean keep only android sources in ntfs | 22:12 |
albertus1 | are those the largest part? | 22:12 |
mal | yes | 22:12 |
mal | other parts are only 1-2 gb max maybe | 22:13 |
albertus1 | hmm, "prebuilts" directory has 18 GB | 22:14 |
albertus1 | "out" hat 15.7 GB | 22:14 |
mal | that is android stuff | 22:14 |
mal | so the point is that all the platform sdk stuff would happen in ext4 disk | 22:15 |
albertus1 | well, platform sdk itself (the chroot) is on ext4 | 22:15 |
mal | it might need some hacking but shouldn't be too difficult | 22:15 |
mal | albertus1: yes but some stuff happens in android_root | 22:16 |
albertus1 | those hybris/ things | 22:16 |
mal | yes, hybris and rpm folders, and droid-local-repo, and you need to symlink or bind mount out/ from ntfs to the other android root, maybe also some other folder, like device and build | 22:18 |
albertus1 | hm hm, but should I then just copy the existing stuff over, or would I rather need to start anew from some earlier point? | 22:20 |
T42 | <adampigg> Mal: meta package would be a a repo containing only an.rpm/ folder and .spec, with focus on the Requires: lines? | 22:21 |
albertus1 | one more thing is that in ubu-chroot, $ANDROID_HOME needed to be /parentroot/parentroot/mnt/..... while in platform sdk it was only /parentroot/mnt/.... | 22:22 |
albertus1 | (I thought using /parentroot more convenient than bind-mounting all the way) | 22:22 |
mal | albertus1: you can have two copies of some things if it's easier, like hybris folder | 22:33 |
mal | albertus1: it might need some thinking to figure out the best way, it's quite late already so maybe not today | 22:34 |
mal | @adampigg that is one way, other would be to just have a new package in config repo with those | 22:35 |
albertus1 | maybe i'll try the entire build process on a remote virtual server with more space.... | 22:42 |
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