Saturday, 2020-01-18

T42<Srzsawdmfq> (Photo, 527x609) 电报/纸飞机国内48小时在线用户推广,别的业务请看图,有需要私聊|private: @Huanqiu2202:45
T42Sid127 was added by: Sid12703:59
T42<Sid127> I'm extremely new to build environments and such stuff, but I'm interested in porting SFOS to my device (Nokia X6 - DRG_Sprout), mainly because it's the only OS that my computer can build at the moment, and because I'm a big fan of open source software and want to move out of Google's ecosystem.04:50
T42<Sid127> Any help from you guys would be greatly appreciated04:50
T42<Sid127> The thing is, my device doesn't have an official LineageOS build, and hence I was wondering how to go about that issue04:51
T42熊琳彬 %lastname% was added by: 熊琳彬 %lastname%04:54
T42Gerald %lastname% was added by: Gerald %lastname%05:13
T42alexisrev was added by: alexisrev05:37
vknecht@Sid127: official LOS is not a requirement, unofficial LOS <= 16 is ok09:04
T42<Sid127> okay, thank you :) I'm also having trouble identifying the $VENDOR and $DEVICE strings.09:05
T42<Sid127> And I suppose that following the HADK PDF should help with porting SFOS, and I can ask here if I get stuck, right?09:06
vknechtsure, also check the FAQ
T42<Sid127> I will, thanks a lot!09:07
vknechtfor $VENDOR & $DEVICE, search for PRODUCT_BRAND (or maybe PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER) and PRODUCT_DEVICE (or maybe PRODUCT_MODEL) in device/ subtree09:10
T42<Sid127> I could also find these in my device's build.prop, right?09:11
vknechtcould be, but iiuc the authoritative source/setting is in the LOS makefiles09:12
T42<Sid127> could I also find these from the device's build fingerprint?09:18
vknechtsame answer :-)09:19
T42<Sid127> okay... alternatively, would it be possible to create a SFOS GSI for Android devices that support Project Treble?09:22
vknechtI don't know much about those, maybe search for irc logs about those since it's probably been discussed already09:27
Danct12[m]ok logged to freenode :P09:35
Danct12[m]so i just did sdk-assistant to create a device target09:36
Danct12[m]and there's a bunch of grep unknown option, then at the end i got this error09:36
Danct12[m]mount: /srv/mer/toolings/SailfishOS- special device /run/connman/resolv.conf does not exist09:36
Danct12[m]Toolchain 'patterns-sailfish-sb2-armv7hl' doesn't exist or is already installed - can not install.09:36
vknechtDanct12[m], it's unclear which steps you just followed... is it chapter 4.2 of hadk pdf ?09:53
Danct12[m]yep, but nevermind got that fixed09:57
Danct12[m]it was this file screaming errors /run/connman/resolv.conf09:57
Danct12[m]so i manually assigned a nameserver to it and got everything worked fine09:57
vknechtbeware that "“Quick start” section is enough, do not install SDK Targets yet" warning09:57
vknechttarget install comes at chapter 609:58
Danct12[m]is there anyway to make build_packages runs on all cores?10:48
deathmistdon't think so, you don't really have to worry about it once you get a stable port & start building on OBS11:09
deathmist@Danct12 also are you building everything each time? you can do build_packages -d for just HAL, -c for droid-configs and -i for mic image etc11:11
Danct12[m]deathmist: yeah i guess11:14
Danct12[m]anyway i have a error11:14
Danct12[m]while building11:16
* Danct12[m] sent a long message: < >11:16
deathmistthat indicates you have an outdated dhd submobule, it should be @ and it has a fix for that specific issue
deathmistwrong link sorry, I mean
Danct12_@deathmist, didn't that patch got merged to master?11:23
Danct12[m]didn't that patch got merged to master?11:23
Danct12[m]i just checked11:23
T42<Sid127> since I'm extremely new to OS development and porting, I'm gonna blindly follow the HADK11:25
Danct12_sidenote, i'm building on oreo11:25
T42<Sid127> and ask here if I get stuck11:25
T42<Sid127> I hope that's okay with you guys11:25
deathmistyou should not be using master branch of dhd, it's for >3.2.1 building and won't work for the current release properly afaik11:25
Danct12_will be switching to that, hold on11:26
Danct12_deathmist, just tried and still the same error11:39
Danct12_libncicore did get build and also successful too11:40
deathmiston nice there is another package you need to clone and build then, you can either just downgrade nfcd-binder-plugin to 1.0.5 like I've done or rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw=
deathmistafter that the full build script should go through11:43
deathmistmal: any clue if that above package should be in common repo later or be built manually by build_packages script?11:48
Danct12_you'll also need to run this first before installing things else11:52
Danct12_PlatformSDK [danct12@melttower hadk]$ rpm/dhd/helpers/ --mw=
Danct12_and finally i got it compiled!11:53
Danct12_full rebuild time because i want to waste my time while eating ramen11:53
T42<Sid127> I'm having trouble. when I try to run the command "repo init -u git:// -b hybris-16.0" I get an error saying "bash: repo: command not found" even though I followed the steps on the google site to install repo12:00
Danct12_Sid127, check your environment variable for $PATH12:00
deathmist@Sid127 run "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" and add it at the end of your ~/.bashrc12:03
T42<Sid127> I ran that on HOME $, you think I should try running it again on HABUILD_SDK $?12:04
deathmist??? what do you mean, just run it where the issue happens and do what I said, it's fixed.12:05
T42<Sid127> yup, it worked. thanks!12:05
maldeathmist: it's missing from upgrade-3.2.1 branch, it's built in master afaik12:06
maldeathmist: ah, missed that there are two packages with similar name12:08
deathmistmal: is also needed? apparently Danct12_ needed it too to finish building (I've just stuck with nfcd-binder 1.0.5 for now as to not deal with this)12:09
maldeathmist: you mean too old nfcd?12:11
maldeathmist: these things always happen sometimes when dependencies change12:13
Danct12_now when i build droidmedia i get this error12:14
Danct12_CameraService.cpp:2050:48: error: unused parameter 'kind' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]12:14
malwhich android base?12:14
deathmistthe file is broken lol, I just did 'sed "s/Werror/Werror -Wno-unused-parameter/" -i frameworks/av/services/camera/libcameraservice/' when I was still basing on Pie12:15
deathmistwell I mean there is an unused parameter in CameraService.cpp and the build is set to error on those warnings by default12:16
Danct12_does that means lineage-16.0 builds are also broken too?12:18
Danct12_i mean, on the android side, not us doing ports12:19
deathmistprobably not, I mean they would have fixed it by now if it was broken on their side too12:19
malmaybe some build parameter in droidmedia is needed now12:20
malor something12:20
T42<Sid127> the command "repo init -u git:// -b hybris-16.0" is supposed to take a while to execute, right?12:26
abransonages, you're cloning the full android source12:26
malinit should be quick, repo sync takes a while12:27
T42<Sid127> (please don't mind all my questions, I'm just a 16 year old who's just getting started with OS building and porting and SFOS is my first project)12:27
abransonah no that's sync. is it still doing anything?12:27
T42<Sid127> repo init just has the blinking cursor pointer going on12:27
T42<Sid127> it's been a good 20 minutes now12:27
malctrl+c and then try again12:28
T42<Sid127> >fatal: cannot make /home/onebigsucc/hadk/.repo/repo directory: File exists12:29
T42<Sid127> >fatal: cloning the git-repo repository failed, will remove '.repo/repo'12:29
T42<Sid127> I think I should delete that folder manually and try it12:29
Danct12_rm -rfv .repo12:29
Danct12_and then repo init again12:29
T42<Sid127> yup, it's working now12:29
T42<Sid127> this is what I got
T42<Sid127> I can continue, right? or has something gone wrong?12:31
Danct12_add --no-repo-verify12:31
Danct12_and it'll continue12:32
T42<Sid127> okay12:34
maldeathmist: I could build those nfc things in common also, need to think a bit12:38
T42<adampigg> mal: were those links any good for you12:39
mal@adampigg quite similar to the link I showed you, the other ble one was new, need to check that12:41
malalthough that was on top of java which is not as nice12:42
malcould still be useful for seeing how to send those protocol buffer things to bluez12:43
mal@adampigg I could first grab the raw data from the hcidump I got from a sync and see how to parse that12:45
T42<adampigg> mal: yeah, if you can get raw data over BT, you can look to parse it12:46
T42<adampigg> then, add support to amazfish ;)12:46
mal@adampigg in the hcidump log I have from the sync there are about 6000 packets send/received via bt, so I need to make some script to assemble those into something reasonable12:50
Danct12_ok so now i got this error while building version package12:53
malyou need to check the build log of that package12:54
T42richie_flicker was added by: richie_flicker12:54
Danct12_nothing too useful in there, except it provides two solution12:55
Danct12_Problem: droid-config-santoni-1-1.armv7hl obsoletes ofono-configs-mer provided by ofono-configs-mer-1.22+git9-1.26.1.jolla.armv7hl12:56
deathmistDanct12_: run the sb2 command from that my build_packages script does automatically for local builds, it also makes sure you get bluez5 packages instead of bluez4 (which my device uses, omit those packages from the list if yours doesn't)12:59
deathmist"sb2 -t $VENDOR-$DEVICE-$PORT_ARCH -m sdk-install -R zypper -n in droid-config-$DEVICE" alone should have worked too afaik13:06
Danct12_deathmist: thanks :013:12
deathmistDanct12_: assuming your device has a similar amount of work to do as my port was to rebase on 16.0, you only have a few steps remaining to get GUI back etc13:30
deathmistyou did already update init rc files for 16.0 in droid-configs locally as per FAQ 16.0 section, right?13:31
T42<Sid127> last question for the day - in the local_manifests file (as given in section) would I have to change the paths if I'm using unofficial Lineage as the base?14:03
deathmist@Sid127 you'll find what & where everything should be cloned to from the lineage.dependencies / cm.dependencies files in root of the unofficial android_device_* repository, do the same for other projects mentioned there14:14
T42<Sid127> I'm afraid I didn't understand14:15
deathmisthere's the file for my device it depends on android_device_oneplus_msm8998-common which has the following dependencies and so on, gather all of them in <project> entries and show the manifest when you're done14:18
T42<Sid127> strange, the repo for my device doesn't seem to have a branch for Lineage-16.014:20
deathmistok, well what branch are you trying to build for?14:20
deathmistit was JUST an example14:21
T42<Sid127> I'm trying to build for lineage 16, and I know it was just an example. My point is that my device (Nokia X6) doesn't have any official lineage release, and so I really don't think I'll find the required files on the official lineage repo14:22
deathmistfound it for you ofc you can't if it's not an official device14:24
T42<Sid127> thank you very much!14:25
deathmistyou can look at perhaps for an example of how to add additional remotes which you'll need to add hritikutekar & RaghuVarma331 as and use for the projects you're cloning, you also need to clone that repo I linked just above and ignore the android packages14:30
T42<Sid127> quite honestly, I'm stumped14:37
T42<Sid127> does this look good?14:39
T42<Sid127> sorry if I'm causing any inconvenience14:45
deathmistnope. remotes do NOT define a project (github repository) to clone, just where to look for them (i.e. a GitHub user account), why did you put "stable/lineage-16.0" as the branch? it's not needed when you define it in the remote and it clearly said "pie" on the dependencies file which you should be looking at, you didn't capitalize Dragon in vendor path and you incorrectly put device repo name on all projects14:48
deathmistthose aren't even your biggest issues, seems RaghuVarma removed pie branches from the kernel and vendor repositories entirely so you cannot use those sources and need to find different ones from github or elsewhere that are compatible with your device (nokia_sdm660 / Dragon)14:51
T42<Sid127> I found other another source with the pie branch14:51
T42<Sid127> how about this?14:53
deathmistwhy are you defining "android_device_nokia_Dragon" to be cloned to "vendor/nokia/dragon"? you should read the file and try to understand what it does. you need proper <project> entries for BOTH vendor and device seperately (3 projects total), you also need to remove "hritikutekar/" from name part on all projects, that assumed your remote is "" and just got appended to the URL14:57
T42<Sid127> ok, ok, I think I get it now. Allow me to find a vendor repo and get back15:05
T42موسوی %lastname% was added by: موسوی %lastname%15:10
T42Taufik %lastname% was added by: Taufik %lastname%15:12
T42<Sid127> how about this?15:15
T42<Sid127> @deathmist15:16
T42<Sid127> really sorry for all the trouble15:17
Mister_Magistercan i install mic outside of sfossdk?15:21
deathmist@Sid127 looks fine, not sure if sdm660-common vendor blobs will be enough for your phone (mine also has a dir specific to my phone on top of the common one) but you can try, and you may want to remove the trailing slash at the end of dragon_sfos fetch attribute15:33
T42<Sid127> those vendor blobs should work, because RaghuVarma used the same blobs to boot LineageOS17 on multiple nokia devices15:34
T42<Sid127> also, thanks, and sorry for all the inconvenience15:35
deathmistoh and also change vendor path from "vendor/nokia/Dragon" to "vendor/nokia" as to match that repo name15:35
T42<Sid127> okay, will do15:35
T42<Sid127> I can now move ahead with the repo sync, right?15:37
T42<Sid127> okay then. I'll stop for today after the repo sync and continue tomorrow15:45
Danct12_got sailfishos booted.. to ralsei15:45
Danct12_basically stuck at the splash screen15:46
Danct12_fastboot screen*15:46
Danct12_seems like the android services failed to start15:47
T42<Lukapanio> дщпі,15:52
T42<Lukapanio> any logs*15:52
T42<Lukapanio> Danct12_15:52
Danct12_dmesg, yes15:53
Danct12_i noticed there's a ton of [  445.702763] binder: 2673:2673 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 32-0 line 3015 in dmesg15:55
Danct12_and [  445.367021] binder: 4063:4063 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 32-0 line 301515:55
malDanct12_: did you check the android base specific things in faq?16:01
Danct12_i have16:03
malDanct12_: then why doesn't the dmesg you gave show droid-hal-init loading anything from /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init ?16:06
T42<Lukapanio> рьь дщі15 ифіу,16:07
T42<Lukapanio> Danct12_16:08
T42<Lukapanio> los 15?16:08
Danct12_lukapanio: hybris 1616:08
T42<Lukapanio> santoni?16:08
Danct12_yeah i wanted to rebase to pie16:08
T42<Lukapanio> Danct12_16:09
Danct12_i already have applied that16:09
Danct12_because you can't run make hybris-hal without them16:09
Danct12_regarding init files, mal: i think they just don't want to load, i checked the directory and everything was there16:10
T42<Lukapanio> Copy files from to your config repo (to hybris/droid-configs/sparse/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init) and rebuild config packages using rpm/dhd/helpers/ -c?16:10
T42<Lukapanio> but you did this step?16:10
Danct12_lukapanio: have also applied that, you can see the paste above for the output16:11
malDanct12_: and you are sure you ran the patching correctly?16:11
Danct12_i'm pretty sure, just ran the patch again and now i got "patch does not apply"16:12
Danct12_wait, does magisk also mess it up? as i haven't flashed the fresh los 15 before sailfish16:13
Danct12_just reflashed fresh los 16 and sailfish, nothing changed16:25
Danct12_however the binder kernel spam, i believe that's the cause16:26
malwhich device is that?16:26
Danct12_xiaomi redmi 4x16:26
malis the lineage 64-bit for that?16:27
maland you see /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/ on device?16:28
maland all *servicemanager.rc files in /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init have the preload for that16:29
malthere should be 3 of those16:29
Danct12_yeah, all of them are LD_PRELOAD /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/libselinux_stubs.so16:31
mala lot of android side services fail16:31
maldo you have ld.config.28.txt fix?16:32
malor what ever ld.config*.txt you have in /system/etc/16:32
Danct12_i have /system/etc/ld.config.vndk_lite.txt16:33
Danct12_oh i dont have that fix yet16:33
Danct12_i'll apply that16:34
deathmistok afaik that file hasn't needed any patching before since it hasn't specified "namespace.default.isolated = true"16:34
deathmistcheck if your file has that line Danct12_16:34
deathmistthere should also be plenty of lines with "permitted.paths"16:34
Danct12_namespace.default.isolated = false16:34
deathmistand no permitted.paths lines I presume? also try to get a full "journalctl -b --no-pager" output after boot16:37
Danct12_deathmist: here are all permitted.paths lines16:40
Danct12_and here is journalctl
deathmistseems servicemanager* services don't die at least so I think you're ok in terms of ld.config (no patch needed)16:45
Danct12_maybe it's because of firmwares?16:46
Danct12_since i noticed firmware load errors16:46
T42<elros34> disable selinux according to HADK 9.3.116:46
Danct12_elros34: selinux isn't compiled16:47
Danct12_as CONFIG_AUDIT is also disabled16:47
T42<elros34> yes its wrong, you need to have selinux disabled via bootparam16:48
deathmistperhaps give output of "mount" on device and "ls -l $ANDROID_ROOT/out/target/product/$DEVICE/root/" on platform SDK, you may be missing some straggler files16:50
T42<elros34> mer-kernel-checker is misleading and people usually disable audit which16:50
T42<elros34> is incorrect16:50
malDanct12_: ah, so you accidentially disabled audit, that is bad16:51
Danct12_blame mer kernel check >:(16:51
mal@elros34 PRs welcome for better descriptions to kernel checker16:52
Danct12_but the question is, does that also cause android services to fail?16:53
malDanct12_: could cause, android has quite strong dependency to selinux16:53
maland selinux needs audit16:53
Danct12_i see16:53
maleven if selinux is disabled16:53
malI mean disabled at runtime16:53
malDanct12_: what do you have in droid-hal spec?16:57
Danct12_i haven't touched this file since the start of this pie rebase16:58
deathmistDanct12_: show "ls -l /" from device16:58
deathmistyou probably need at least /persist, /firmware & /dsp as stragglers like in
malDanct12_: you probably should have some straggler_files in there: dsp, firmware, persist at least, do you have the custom vendor.mount which you probably need?17:00
Danct12_i don't think i do17:01
maldeathmist: did you need the vendor.mount hack to make sure mounts are done in correct order?17:02
Danct12_also regarding straggler files, they don't show up during i was building package, despite it was mentioned in the pdf file17:02
deathmistmal: I didn't even have /vendor in my fstab so I needed it due to that, not sure if he'd need it though17:02
malDanct12_: there is a bug17:02
maldeathmist: he needs it17:03
maldeathmist: check it has /vendor and then other partitions mounted to subfolders of /vendor17:03
malDanct12_: so you need these and (note that the latter of those is a symlink not a file)17:05
Danct12_replace /dev/sdf6 with the correct partition for /vendor?17:06
deathmistI think he also needs to remove vendor/cust line from fstab then as to not make droid-hal build pick those up and create incorrect units in droid-hal RPMs and cause conflict with droid-configs
deathmistofc Danct12_17:06
maldeathmist: true17:06
T42<Sid127> how large is the source tree after a sync with the hybris-16.0 branch?17:09
deathmistDanct12_: you should remove "vendor-bt_firmware.mount" from vendor.mount since you don't seem to have a mount for that17:09
deathmistmine was less than 50G but I also do a shallow clone, drop tags & bundles during sync etc17:11
T42<Sid127> Oh okay...17:12
T42<Sid127> This could be an issue17:12
Danct12_and now i need to add the straggler files to droid-hal17:12
T42<Sid127> I'm dual booting Linux and windows, and my dad has let me have only 100GB for the home partition on Linux17:13
Danct12_and then i rebuild droid-hal, droid-configs then update the packages17:13
deathmistDanct12_: sounds about right17:14
T42<Sid127> 100gb wouldn't be enough, right?17:16
Danct12_i'm suffering with 100 gb17:17
Danct12_and 53 gb is after i cloned everything17:17
T42<Sid127> I'll abandon ship for now then17:18
T42<Sid127> I'll give it a shot when I have more space17:18
Danct12_maybe you should just buy yourself a computer, you have more freedom on that one :P17:18
Danct12_and i dont think that's even needed, a portable hdd would do just fine17:19
T42<Sid127> I should get a computer :) but sadly, I can't do that yet because I'll be entering college in a few years17:20
T42<Sid127> but yes, portable hdd sounds like a good idea, and that's something I can save up for17:20
maldeathmist: btw, you don't have to edit fstab to skip generating mount services, you can add those to ignore line in droid-hal spec
deathmistah, right! @Sid127 you should add /vendor to your droid-hal spec then & not touch the fstab :)17:25
Danct12_while i'm at it, about audit17:25
deathmistwrong @ oop Danct12_17:25
Danct12_for selinux, you enable it, but disable it on runtime?17:26
Danct12_mal: ^17:27
deathmistbasically, you should leave it enabled in kernel and disable in cmdline (maybe not disable audit, it didn't have any visible regressions for me however)17:27
Danct12_deathmist: and the change to mount vendor in systemd is still to kept, right?17:28
deathmistyep, it's now provided by droid-config RPM instead of droid-hal after the changes17:29
Danct12_had to restart my computer lol17:56
T42<NotKit> @Sid127 [100gb wouldn't be enough, right?], can be enough, but do shallow clone17:59
Danct12_and also the minimum ram amount for sailfishos builds is 8 gb :P18:05
Danct12_not official minimum requirements but that's what i'm on now18:06
Danct12_deathmist: file /lib/systemd/system/vendor.mount conflicts between attempted installs of droid-config-santoni-1-1.armv7hl and droid-hal-santoni-0.0.6-202001181758.armv7hl18:07
Danct12_i guess that should be removed18:07
deathmistDanct12_: like mal linked before, just add /vendor to makefstab_skip_entries in droid-hal spec like so and build_packages -dc, should just work18:11
deathmistor is that on-device?18:19
*** ahjolinna_ is now known as ahjolinna20:02
Danct12_deathmist: okay so it's still broken20:08
deathmistwhat do you mean? what is broken, boot process? show new journal then20:10
Danct12_yeah the boot process is still broken :(20:11
Danct12_deathmist: ^20:14
T42<elros34> Did you follow 9.3.1? Selinux is still not disabled correctly20:17
deathmistyeah your journal should have "selinux: Disabled at boot" or something like that20:24
deathmistDanct12_: you didn't flash new hybris_boot.img did you? (or even make it for that matter)20:26
deathmistassuming you already added "selinux=0" to boot cmdline20:26
Danct12_just reflashed20:32
Danct12_still the same error:
Danct12_though, i don't think the binder spam was really a good error20:37
T42<elros34> it's better, at least you added selinux=0 to boot params but you still have wrong kernel config20:45
deathmistDanct12_: SELinux wasn't disabled... you don't have SECURITY_SELINUX_BOOTPARAM ( enabled in your kernel so right now doesn't care about the boot option20:45
deathmistbinder spam should go away once everything starts working20:49

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