rinigus | spiiroin: morning! as I am going to test updated fingerprint driver to check if they fixed remove(0), I have a chance to inject response to double tap on FP here https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/vendor-sony-oss-fingerprint/blob/master/fpc_imp_yoshino_nile_tama.c#L575 | 08:05 |
rinigus | spiiroin: if I want it to be hooked to doubletap at mce level, seems like KEY_POWER would be OK choice? | 08:06 |
rinigus | looks like that and MENU, BACK & HOMEPAGE are checked. or is there something better to consider? | 08:06 |
spiiroin | rinigus: power key events do work, but going via gesture events allows immediate configurability... e.g. mce assumes EV_MSC:MSC_GESTURE:4 is display double tap; then there is 16 = fingeprint wakeup; config info via: mcetool set-display-on-single-powerkey-press-actions set-touchscreen-gesture-actions | 09:03 |
spiiroin | if that low level fp tap detection uses less power than keeping sensor in identify -> I'd perhaps make it use that gesture(16) | 09:04 |
spiiroin | which would make it work pretty much similarly as fpwakeup already does | 09:05 |
rinigus | spiiroin: I don't know much about power use. by default, when not in identify, it does pull gestures though | 09:05 |
rinigus | so that's probably assumed to be rather small in terms of power consumption | 09:07 |
rinigus | so, to verify: EV_MSC:MSC_GESTURE:16 is recommended in this case? | 09:08 |
spiiroin | rinigus: diff between gestures and power key: latter differentiates behavior / display state -> can be used for unblank and blank; gestures are assumed to be wakeup signals | 09:08 |
spiiroin | so depends a bit how you want to use it | 09:09 |
spiiroin | EV_MSC:MSC_GESTURE:16 = if you want to make it compatible with mce fp wakeup; but you can as well take some other gesture code (<=20 iirc) and configure it according to your needs | 09:10 |
rinigus | spiiroin: mainly to unblank the screen when pickup gesture did not fire. although, it maybe useful to switch the screen off (latter probably requires power key). I'll have to experiment and will start with 16. | 09:11 |
spiiroin | rinigus: in case you've not seen it - there is some more info at https://together.jolla.com/question/212934/great-wake-up-with-fingerprint-but/?answer=214202#post-id-214202 | 09:12 |
rinigus | spiiroin: I saw it a while ago - thanks for the reference! | 09:14 |
rinigus | spiiroin: but the current fpwake does it bring fp reader into identify? | 09:15 |
spiiroin | rinigus: yes, but it is not used for authentication. and you probably need to enable it separately - iirc it is enabled only on select devices | 09:16 |
spiiroin | i.e. performs very similar function as what can be accomplished if driver would emit gesture events in any device that supports fp sensor | 09:18 |
rinigus | spiiroin: so, in my case, I would have to emit EV_MSC:MSC_GESTURE:16 on android side on double tap and then not enable indentify pulling by mce. or just emit :4 and then will not confuse users | 09:18 |
rinigus | understood | 09:18 |
spiiroin | yup | 09:19 |
T42 | Theresa %lastname% was added by: Theresa %lastname% | 09:50 |
T42 | <edp_17> @elros34: You advised me to remove TvoutService_C from droid-hal-init as it is crashing. The /sbin/droid-hal-init is an elf executable, so I am not sure how I can remove this TvoutService_C. Can you let me know, please? | 09:58 |
T42 | <edp_17> mal: You wrote the reason of 'ERROR! Can't connect to RILD: No such file or directory' error means "the android side service is not running properly" and the reason of this could be "either missing or broken mounts or not found firmware files". Can you tell me how I can check whether the mounts are missing/broken and the missing firmwa | 10:22 |
T42 | re files, please? | 10:22 |
T42 | <elros34> in one of *.rc file not in init binary | 10:35 |
T42 | <edp_17> @elros34: Oh, I see. Thanks. It was in init.universal5433.rc | 10:43 |
T42 | <edp_17> I have tried to add into defconfig: CONFIG_MEMCG_SWAP=y CONFIG_MEMCG=y CONFIG_MEMCG_KMEM=y CONFIG_AUTOFS4_FS=y | 10:46 |
T42 | <edp_17> but got an error: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cz7QvvGD7b/ | 10:46 |
T42 | <edp_17> I have checked all dependecies of those flags and all are fine. They also fine (the same) in .config file too. | 10:47 |
T42 | <edp_17> I am trying to fix the crashing rild by the way. | 10:48 |
rinigus | piggz: thanks for merging - still away from sources till later tonight | 12:10 |
T42 | <ankaos> wlan fiexd | 12:45 |
T42 | <ankaos> @edp_17 @elros34 @Verevka86 | 12:45 |
T42 | <ankaos> thank youuu | 12:45 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @ankaos [@edp_17 @elros34 @Verevka86], hello | 12:45 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> I Can Disable | 12:46 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> CONFIG_BT_HCIUART | 12:46 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> ? | 12:46 |
T42 | <ankaos> CONFIG_BT_HCIUART=y ı use | 12:52 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @ankaos [CONFIG_BT_HCIUART=y ı use], errors build | 12:53 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> :( | 12:53 |
T42 | <ankaos> error log please | 12:54 |
T42 | <ankaos> browser app not work. :( | 13:20 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix: To disable that just comment it out in defconfig like: # CONFIG_BT_HCIUART is not set | 13:57 |
T42 | <edp_17> However this probably will need for bt. | 13:57 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 [@KernelPanix: To disable that just comment it …], i can Add To Default Defconfig ( or Only Out Defconfig ) | 13:57 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix: Please don't use reply! You should comment it out in the default defconfig. | 13:59 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> Thanks U @edp_17 | 14:00 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix : Np. You should use a much shorter nick by the way. 😊 | 14:01 |
T42 | <edp_17> or less complex at least. | 14:01 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 [or less complex at least.], Yeah ( Like Name Kernel Panic ) | 14:01 |
T42 | <neochapay> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXVeLhWmsY8 | 14:40 |
T42 | <neochapay> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ag7KHinMSM | 14:40 |
rinigus | piggz: I can continue. thanks for moving Clear out - wasn't aware its not a part of the API | 15:14 |
T42 | <birdzhang> rinigus: it's working on vince, lel | 15:15 |
T42 | <birdzhang> https://imgur.com/gallery/5WexGpG | 15:15 |
T42 | <birdzhang> btw, i use rpms from your obs, too lazy to build them, xD | 15:16 |
rinigus | piggz: anything outstanding? | 15:18 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 hello | 15:18 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 /home/Nobita/hadk/kernel/xiaomi/whyred/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c:483:20: error: 'struct hci_uart' has no member named 'rx_lock' | 15:18 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @KernelPanix [@edp_17 /home/Nobita/hadk/kernel/xiaomi/whyred …], this log | 15:18 |
piggz | birdzhang: great | 15:19 |
T42 | <elros34> please stop, use pastebin | 15:19 |
piggz | rinigus: im about to start on 17 | 15:20 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix: Please use pastebin or paste.ubuntu.com and provide full log, not only pieces. | 15:21 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> okay | 15:22 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ttyZJSWPCP/ | 15:23 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> this log | 15:23 |
piggz | rinigus: correct, i _was_ about to start, now need to go and collect car | 15:24 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix: Lol, have you checked what you pasted? There's one line only. 😊 | 15:25 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 [@KernelPanix: Lol, have you checked what you p …], :( | 15:25 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 [@KernelPanix: Lol, have you checked what you p …], Idk Copy And Past Only | 15:25 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> i can give screenshot to web upload ? | 15:26 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @KernelPanix [i can give screenshot to web upload ?], @edp_17 | 15:26 |
T42 | <edp_17> @KernelPanix: Just select the text from the console, then right click and copy then paste into paste.ubuntu.com. | 15:27 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @KernelPanix [@edp_17 https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ttyZJSWPCP/], like this | 15:28 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @edp_17 https://ibb.co/vV6xPMt | 15:30 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> :( i can't Copy And paste | 15:31 |
T42 | <ankaos> https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xkNzxKHZ8b/ ofono :( | 15:34 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @elros34 [that is your error: ../../../../../../kernel/m …], yes. yes | 15:42 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @elros34 [that is your error: ../../../../../../kernel/m …], this errors | 15:42 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> that is your error: ../../../../../../kernel/motorola/sdm660/drivers/bluetooth/hci_ldisc.c:483:22: error: no member named 'rx_lock' in 'struct hci_uart' | 15:43 |
T42 | <elros34> why do you even care about bluetooth at this stage? Do you build it on device or what? I see no point in porting sailfish without pc with usb to debug things | 15:45 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @elros34 [why do you even care about bluetooth at this s …], my defconfig | 15:46 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> https://github.com/Linux-On-Whyred/mer-kernel-check/blob/hybris-16.0-kernel-4.4/check-kernel-config | 15:46 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> i will try remove BT HCI* | 15:47 |
T42 | <elros34> I suggest you to follow hadk and hadk-faq and not use some random scripts | 15:49 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @elros34 [I suggest you to follow hadk and hadk-faq and …], Okay | 15:50 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> I Make This By HADK . Auto Config Defconfig ( Like Halium ) | 15:50 |
zinstack | Hello, am trying to make it display something, at the moment all I can see is vendor image and a lot of binder transaction failed messages in dmesg and journalctl. Also there is failure mounting cpuctl, but that should only affect deep sleep. My device has QC sdm632, I believe it's caf/msm8996. test_hwcomposer just hangs, strace reports openat /dev/binder. I guess there is something wrong with binder, but what | 16:06 |
zinstack | exactly? | 16:06 |
rinigus | piggz: trying to figure out where some error messages disappeared ... something is wrong, will look into it - hopefully my setup | 16:10 |
rinigus | @birdzhang: that's why you have so old test app :). congratulations! | 16:11 |
rinigus | piggz: all is fine over here, just had to complain. probably compiled older version. | 16:14 |
rinigus | @birdzhang: rebuilding at OBS, let's see if it will go through | 16:17 |
rinigus | piggz: I will take #13. some really low hanging fruit :) | 16:27 |
T42 | <adampigg> (Photo, 2560x1920) https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/lYoYSInbfx.png | 16:57 |
T42 | <adampigg> One road legal renault 5 :D | 16:57 |
rinigus | :) | 16:59 |
piggz | rinigus: will fixing 17 also mean 5 can be closed, as, we have some docs now, and the folder handling will be moved into the daemon, and nothing will be needed on the droid-init side? | 17:04 |
piggz | rinigus: when you get reboot, what is the cause of it? | 17:05 |
piggz | sailfish or android? | 17:05 |
rinigus | piggz: regarding 5 - yes, sure. 17 will close 5 as well | 17:05 |
rinigus | piggz: regarding reboot - no idea. its all freezes, no journal, no logcat | 17:06 |
rinigus | but maybe we should ignore it for now... let's see if other devices will get similar | 17:07 |
rinigus | I'll try to see if sony's changes in FP module would clear #2 | 17:08 |
piggz | rinigus: have you tried tap to wake yet? | 17:11 |
rinigus | piggz: no. but if I can make new sony module to work, I will be able to inject that as well. should be very easy with their source | 17:12 |
piggz | rinigus: i was looking at how fp is implemented on mido, which is los14 .... different api, so would need a new android library and new implementation of androidfp | 17:13 |
rinigus | problem is that my last build was for other device, so most of aosp has to be rebuilt. so, will probably know tomorrow. | 17:13 |
piggz | i may look into that later | 17:13 |
rinigus | :( | 17:13 |
piggz | rinigus: for the fingerprint group id, we should use the userid ? | 17:20 |
rinigus | piggz: I think so. That should be unique | 17:25 |
rinigus | ooo, with `mmm` fp module was ready in 2 minutes. let's see whether it works... | 17:30 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> @piggz [rinigus: for the fingerprint group id, we shou …], Group id should be always 0 | 17:38 |
rinigus | piggz: see above. I probably missed the question - I thought it was regarding userID in the file path for stored FPs | 17:41 |
piggz | @erfanoabdi why is that? | 17:41 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> piggz: fp hal crashes for me on 3 devices when i used non 0 value for gid | 17:42 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Same as Android | 17:42 |
piggz | i was thinking that if you used different group id;s for each user, then their data would get sttored seperatley | 17:42 |
piggz | but, i guess we have to rely just on differnt paths | 17:43 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Yeah exactly i wanted to do that and realized not accepting non 0 | 17:47 |
rinigus | piggz: new sony module clears data correctly. and our daemon does not clear it correctly. will fix it for our daemon as well | 18:00 |
piggz | rinigus: gr8 ... should we go with the gid=0 limitation then? | 18:01 |
rinigus | (our module map stays bit off) | 18:01 |
rinigus | piggz: yes, let it be 0 | 18:01 |
rinigus | and if we run into trouble, it will be future piggz and rinigus problem. let them deal with it | 18:02 |
T42 | <adampigg> @erfanoabdi if we choose to use completely differnent paths for setActiveGroup, can we ignore that checking of api level and using the android folders? | 18:44 |
T42 | <adampigg> that isnt know to cause problems is it? | 18:44 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> @adampigg [@erfanoabdi if we choose to use completely dif …], First i tried to use my own path for active group but some phones qseecomd was looking at that specific path and results in enroll failure | 18:46 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> (Op5 and zenfone6) | 18:46 |
T42 | <adampigg> rinigus: ugh ^^ | 18:46 |
rinigus | @adampigg: I think its an issue of that phone, not ours. let's see if it is more widespread and use our own path. unless android api demands the path | 18:48 |
rinigus | I would expect that whatever we do, something will be wrong on some devices. | 18:49 |
rinigus | try to see if it works for your device. | 18:50 |
rinigus | piggz: will test on mine | 18:53 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Custom path worked for example on moto z2 force | 19:00 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> But i don't think it will work on newer devices | 19:00 |
rinigus | piggz and @erfanoabdi: works on sony xz2 (aosp9) | 19:02 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> https://github.com/LineageOS/android_hardware_interfaces/blob/lineage-17.1/biometrics/fingerprint/2.1/vts/functional/VtsHalBiometricsFingerprintV2_1TargetTest.cpp#L217 | 19:02 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Google does the same check in VTS | 19:02 |
rinigus | so I could use /var/lib/sailfishos-fpd-community/100000/fpdata/user.db to enroll, identify and so on | 19:03 |
rinigus | maybe devices not supporting custom path would be ok with changing gid? | 19:04 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Nope i don't think so | 19:04 |
rinigus | worked after reboot as well, btw | 19:04 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Are u doing this just to bring up multiuser support? | 19:05 |
rinigus | erfanoabdi: yes. | 19:05 |
rinigus | its not there yet, but there was a warning to expect it | 19:05 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> there's other thing we can do but dirty | 19:07 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Creating a file in fpdata and write down fingerid with enrolled user id | 19:07 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> And on auth we check for that fp id and uid | 19:07 |
rinigus | @erfanoabdi: yes, that could be done. or keeping separate maps for different users. but we are then still limited to 5 fingers in total | 19:08 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> @rinigus [@erfanoabdi: yes, that could be done. or keepi …], yeah | 19:09 |
rinigus | piggz: does the custom path work for you? | 19:17 |
piggz | rinigus: so, what do we choose as the least worst option? | 19:21 |
piggz | standard android folder, with limit of 5 fingers, and map per user? | 19:22 |
rinigus | piggz: obviously, we don't know when multiuser is going to come. so, in theory, we can keep 'standard' folder as well and have maps that are separate - when the multiuser will come. | 19:28 |
rinigus | but I would suggest to make that 'standard' folder in our daemon. | 19:28 |
rinigus | maybe we could even just have a config option which switches to the android standard folder if needed by that device | 19:29 |
rinigus | or command line option, as it easier. | 19:29 |
rinigus | piggz: hmm, in this respect, we can go with the original plan and then have cmd option to set folder to `/data/system/users/0/fpdata` or `/data/vendor_de/0/fpdata/` that porter will be able to specify in systemd unit | 19:31 |
piggz | hmm, ok | 19:32 |
piggz | sounds like a plan | 19:32 |
rinigus | piggz: would that be ok? | 19:33 |
piggz | yup | 19:34 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> how do u want to check uid if fpdata isn't in one user dir | 19:36 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> For example if data is on ../users/100/.. and ../users/101/.. | 19:36 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Set active dir is only set once and Auth function and others will act based on that dir | 19:36 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> We can't call auth 2 times | 19:36 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Sorry my English is bad i hope explained correctly | 19:36 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> but systemd plan is good imo | 19:37 |
piggz | @erfanoabdi can we not call setActiveGroup > 1 per run of the daemon? | 19:40 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Piggz: U can call it, but how are u gonna call the auth function if you don't know the user id yet | 19:43 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> I'm comparing with biomertyd bot sure how Sailfish fpd works, but there we have identifier function that recognizes user id based on authorized finger | 19:44 |
piggz | we should be ok .... we would call stActiveGroup on a (currently theoretical) user change .... that user would enroll, and we would store the userid against the fingerid .... or something like that! | 19:47 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> great | 19:48 |
rinigus | piggz, @erfanoabdi: don't forget we are talking about something that will happen after soon^TM. don't think they were suggesting it will happen in the near future | 19:50 |
rinigus | so, we should make it work well for one user and just have an eye for multiuser storage. so, that in X-XX years we can switch | 19:51 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Yeah cool | 19:51 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> I wanted to know how to do it correctly on biomertyd too | 19:51 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Because currently I just hardcoded userid.. :( | 19:51 |
rinigus | piggz: just sent PR ensuring that Clear works as expected | 19:52 |
rinigus | @erfanoabdi: depends on how you switch the user. if user first selects login name and then auth, it should be relatively simple to switch the databases | 19:52 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Yeah but when i checked 'user.current()' on where auth function called wasn't same as the enrolled userid | 19:56 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> For me only way is another map file to store uid, fid | 19:57 |
T42 | <adampigg> @erfanoabdi thats what im doing! :) | 20:14 |
T42 | <erfanoabdi> Nice thanks | 20:14 |
T42 | <ankaos> Hı | 21:24 |
T42 | <ankaos> ✋ | 21:24 |
T42 | <KernelPanix> @erfanoabdi [Nice thanks], u make GSI SailfishOS ? | 21:47 |
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