Thursday, 2020-12-24

T42Vltngry was added by: Vltngry00:43
T42Uditi %lastname% was added by: Uditi %lastname%09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> Anyone have idea about09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> Below topics:09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> .09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> We are09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> looking for beginner to advanced training for PostgreSQL and Sailfish.09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> Anyone can teach it09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> If yes09:35
T42<Uditi %lastname%> Plz ping me ASAP09:35
T42Yon Lee %lastname% was added by: Yon Lee %lastname%12:19
T42<Yon Lee %lastname%> Hello does sailfish os use connman?12:19
T42<Yon Lee %lastname%> For wifi12:19
T42<A_T_R> what should i run after repo sync12:36
T42<A_T_R> applied hybris-patches12:36
T42<A_T_R> then build this ?12:36
T42<elros34> @Yon Lee, yes sailfish use connman12:45
T42<elros34> @A_T_R both. First you build android part in HABUILD then you package it via --droid-hal in platform sdk. Don't forget about other parts which you need to build in platform sdk ( whole HADK 7.2.1)12:49
T42<A_T_R> thanks ...12:50
T42<A_T_R> make -j$(nproc --all) hybris-hal droidmedia13:29
T42<A_T_R> ninja: error: 'libhwc2_compat_layer', needed by 'hybris-hal', missing and no known rule to make it13:29
T42<A_T_R> paste log -
*** Oksana_ is now known as Oksana13:31
T42ADITI %lastname% was added by: ADITI %lastname%13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> Anyone have idea about13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> Below topic:13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> We are13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> looking for beginner to advanced training for13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> Sailfish.13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> Anyone can teach it13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> If yes13:52
T42<ADITI %lastname%> Plz ping me ASAP13:52
T42<elros34> @A_T_R you seems to forgot about libhybris step from hadk-faq related to hybris-16.014:00
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [@A_T_R you seems to forgot about libhybris ste …], but here it mentioned
T42<A_T_R> solution from this group14:47
T42<A_T_R> i run this ,it is compiling14:47
T42<A_T_R> :~/hadk/hybris/mw$ git clone --recurse-submodules
T42<A_T_R> error: in `sync --fetch-submodules`: revision master in libhybris/libhybris not found16:09
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [@A_T_R both. First you build android part in H …], after i completed android-part16:45
T42<A_T_R> trying to compile the16:45
T42<A_T_R> build_packages.sh16:45
T42<A_T_R> rpm/dhd/helpers/ --droid-hal16:45
T42<A_T_R> log
T42<A_T_R> @A_T_R [after i completed android-part16:45
T42<A_T_R> trying to compi …], RPM build errors:16:45
T42<A_T_R>     File not found: /home/iatr/hadk/installroot/init.mmi.boot.sh16:45
T42<A_T_R>     File not found: /home/iatr/hadk/installroot/init.mmi.touch.sh16:45
T42<A_T_R>     File not found: /home/iatr/hadk/installroot/init.qcom.ssr.sh16:45
T42<A_T_R>     File not found: /home/iatr/hadk/installroot/selinux_version16:45
T42<A_T_R>     File not found: /home/iatr/hadk/installroot/service_contexts16:45
T42<A_T_R> Already up to date.17:40
T42<A_T_R> No provider of 'pkgconfig(nfcd-plugin) >= 1.0.40' found.17:40
T42<A_T_R> hybris*16.017:40

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