Saturday, 2020-12-26

T42<A_T_R> @SherLock_99 [R u gonna build this for xoot?], Yeah01:00
T42<A_T_R> @mal [@A_T_R do you see any difference in the requir …], I will check this01:12
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [@A_T_R that error is because you either have v …], How to update or fix this issue ?02:11
T42<A_T_R> @mal [@A_T_R do you see any difference in the requir …], free up 6gb in /home -but same error..02:22
T42<A_T_R> hd04:32
T42pasik2 was added by: pasik206:19
T42kraemera was added by: kraemera08:10
T42<elros34> @A_T_R got to rpm/dhd/ and check what is latest commit: git log. It should  be same as in mer-hybris/droid-hal-device. If it''s not then update submodule according to hadk-faq otherwise something fails here: You are building loop image but you s11:17
T42hould build tarball instead.11:17
T42<A_T_R> i am compiling for sfos ,checked rpm/dhd -git log(same coomit) is same as mer-hybris/droid-hal-device (master branch  )11:23
T42<elros34> so add few echo before line 424 to check wheter it find patterns file and why it fails11:25
T42<A_T_R> export DEVICE="x00td"11:26
T42<A_T_R> export HABUILD_DEVICE="X00TD"11:26
T42<A_T_R> i have mentioned two device names (upper case and lowercase ) ,isn't a problem ?11:26
T42<A_T_R> @elros34  i will try that11:27
T42<A_T_R> log
T42<elros34> you need to check why that it fails, this log shows nothing. Put set -x after shebang in that script and run it again ( without -v)11:42
T42<A_T_R> i didn't understand this11:45
T42<A_T_R> " Put set -x after shebang in that script "11:45
T42<elros34> after #!/bin/bash11:54
T42<elros34> obviously set -x must not start with #11:58
T42<A_T_R> "#!/bin/bash -x" ?12:00
T42<A_T_R> needs 427MB on the / filesystem12:01
T42<elros34> strange then I was wrong about image12:02
T42<A_T_R> "You are building loop image but you should build tarball instead."12:02
T42<A_T_R> what about this ?12:02
T42<elros34> like I said, forget about it12:03
T42<A_T_R> ok , Thanks12:05
T42<elros34> you seems to have some duplicates in patterns directory12:09
T42<elros34> just make sure you have only x00td not X00TD there12:11
T42<elros34> Have you checked that you have enough place also in /?12:11
T42<A_T_R> i didn't notice this and not changed to lowercase device name here12:12
T42<A_T_R> droid-hal-version-X00TD12:12
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [Have you checked that you have enough place al …], i gb is free on my ubuntu root ( / ) partition12:12
T42<elros34> maybe you should, as in fp2 repo12:13
T42<elros34> 1GB is quite small if you have sdk also in /12:13
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [you seems to have some duplicates in patterns …], patterns folder12:14
T42<A_T_R> $ANDROID_ROOT/hybris/droid-configs/patterns12:14
T42<A_T_R> 3 files there12:14
T42<A_T_R> jolla-configuration-x00td.yaml12:14
T42<A_T_R> patterns-sailfish-device-adaptation-x00td.inc12:14
T42<A_T_R> patterns-sailfish-device-configuration-x00td.inc12:14
T42<elros34> looks good. You can run command from 82 line of your logs manually with additional arguments for more verbose output ( check with mic --help)12:15
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [1GB is quite small if you have sdk also in /], sdk chroot ,ubuntu ,target tooling are installed on /root12:15
T42<A_T_R> @elros34 [1GB is quite small if you have sdk also in /], problem due to not enough space12:55
T42<A_T_R> installing (219/772)12:56
T42<A_T_R> this normal ??12:58
T42<A_T_R> Group drmrpc did not exist yet12:58
T42<A_T_R> User drmrpc did not exist yet12:58
T42<elros34> I think it should be fine12:58
T42<A_T_R> Thanks Got .zip (487MB)13:12
T42<SherLock_99> @A_T_R [Yeah], Wow...waiting13:13
T42<A_T_R> 👍13:14
T42<A_T_R> ERROR 713:22
T42<KernelPanix> @A_T_R [ERROR 7], okay13:26
T42<KernelPanix> Check File update-scripts13:26
T42<elros34> most likely bug in twrp's tar, try older TWRP version13:30
T42<A_T_R> failed to extract filesystem - this error13:31
T42<elros34> yes, then it's tar issue13:31
T42<A_T_R> can i try other recovery like orange fox ?13:32
T42<elros34> I don't know. I never used it but if it allows to install *.zip same as TWRP then why not13:34
T42<elros34> and just to be sure check also twrp logs to confirm it really fails when unpacking image13:36
T42<A_T_R> failed to mount /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/userdata at /data: Device or resource busy13:37
*** mal_ is now known as mal13:42
T42<elros34> that is not an error, /data is probably already mounted14:00
T42<A_T_R> tar: exec bunzip2: No such file or directory14:01
T42<A_T_R> tar: read error14:01
T42<A_T_R> manually tried to execute command from adb shell14:01
T42<A_T_R> @A_T_R [tar: exec bunzip2: No such file or directory14:02
T42<A_T_R> t …], tar --numeric-owner -xvjf /data/sailfishos-x00td-release- -C $FS_DST14:02
T42<A_T_R> tried 4 recoveries14:02
T42<elros34> not sure whether that will work. You can try to extract /usr/bin/busybox-static from your image on your pc, copy to twrp and use "busybox-static tar -xvjf" instead14:10
T42<A_T_R> I booted losp,from termux(tsu packages )14:18
T42<A_T_R> Tried this14:18
T42<A_T_R> ```tar --numeric-owner -xvjf /data/sailfishos-x00td-release- -C /data/.stowaways/sailfishos```14:18
T42<A_T_R> @A_T_R [I booted losp,from termux(tsu packages )14:24
T42<A_T_R> Tried …], Flash hybris-boot14:24
T42<A_T_R> Booted to fastboot 😒😒14:24
UmeaboyI've been searching to see how a device tree should be formed regardless of Lineage version, but I haven't found any instructions on what files to use and which ones to leave.22:06

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