Wednesday, 2021-01-06

T42<竹排江中游 %lastname%> Fwd from okex: OKEx est la plus grande plateforme de trading de crypto-monnaie au monde. Ouvrez un compte aujourd'hui et gagnez $40 de bonus.08:33
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T42<ItsMeShouko> @ItsMeShouko [can aarch64 be built now?], Bumo10:53
T42<ItsMeShouko> @ItsMeShouko [also how do I clear package cache], Bump10:54
malaarch64 builds are possible13:26
T42<ItsMeShouko> When I try to build aarch64 it says that build failed due to some sparse tool issue13:28
malshow the error14:15
malmaybe you forgot clean the built .o files from system/core14:16
malif you had already built 32-bit build before14:16
malassuming you get the error when building droid-hal packages14:18
malif so then go to system/core folder and run the following command and remove manually the file it finds: find . -name '*.o'14:18
T42<ItsMeShouko> it didn't solved problem completely so I had to delet whole hadk dir and start from scratch20:17
T42<ItsMeShouko> When trying to build fingerprint packages on aarch64 I get this error in PlatformSDK20:18
T42<ItsMeShouko> Package '_tmpRPMcache_:droid-biometry-fp=0:1.1.1-202101062014' not found in specified repositories.20:18
T42<ItsMeShouko> Package '_tmpRPMcache_:droid-fake-crypt=0:1.1.1-202101062014' not found in specified repositories.20:18
T42<ItsMeShouko> Forcing installation of 'sailfish-fpd-community-1.1.1-1.aarch64' from repository 'Plain RPM files cache'.20:18
malI haven't pushed my fpd changes anywhere yet20:25
malit needed quite much changes to work on aarch6420:25
maltry without it first20:25
T42<ItsMeShouko> tried to create aarch64 image with mic but it gave this error:20:41
T42<ItsMeShouko> Error <creator>[01/06 20:39:41] : URLGrabber error: - [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found20:41
malno common repo for aarch64, remove it from .ks20:43
T42<ItsMeShouko> sorry but how do I do that?20:43
maledit the .ks file manually and then build using mic manually20:44
malI built my aarch64 image using different way so it didn't need such manual tinkering20:45
T42<ItsMeShouko> where do I find this ks file? Can I know the path?20:45
T42<ItsMeShouko> when I remove common repo from ks file and run mic again, it just regenerates the file20:50
T42<ItsMeShouko> how do I make sure it does not regenerates and overwrites my changes?21:06
T42<ItsMeShouko> lmao trying a hack, I made file readonly21:08
malthat's why I said you need to run mic manually, not using build_packages.sh21:11
T42<ItsMeShouko> do I have to build valgrind as well on aarch6421:13
malit's not readily available?21:16
T42<ItsMeShouko> * No spec file for package building specified, building all I can find.21:17
T42<ItsMeShouko> * Building rpm/*.spec21:17
T42<ItsMeShouko> Fatal: 'rpm/*.spec' does not exist (and could not be made from a .yaml)21:17
malwhy are you trying to build that?21:17
T42<ItsMeShouko> When I tried running mic I told me that I am missing it21:18
T42<ItsMeShouko> maybe I did something wrong21:18
malshow your .ks file21:21
malremove it from patterns21:22

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