Wednesday, 2021-10-27

T42<oMinimalist> How to setup defaultuser passwd on building process?01:07
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy01:07
T42<rodrisola> Hello05:39
T42<oMinimalist> Hello , How custom lipstick-ui or systemd target to cui?05:41
T42<rodrisola> I have an error installing repo in ubu-chroot... I can't install with sweat, any help?05:48
T42<rodrisola> I have an error installing repo in ubu-chroot... I can't install with sudo. any help?05:51
T42<rodrisola> I have an error installing repo in ubu-chroot... I can't install with sudo. any help?05:53
T42<rodrisola> .05:53
T42<oMinimalist> sudo chroot "$PLATFORM_SDK_ROOT"/sdks/ubuntu bash -c "chage -M 999999 $(id -nu 1000)" (re @rodrisola: I have an error inst...)05:55
T42<rodrisola> @oMinimalist this command, in the base system, or platformsdk06:04
T42<rodrisola> Solve: This is in platform_SDK (re @oMinimalist: sudo chroot "$PLATFO...)06:07
T42<oMinimalist> lipstick startup failed.  log:
T42<adampigg> Mal: shouldnt config_hcivhci be in the kernel checker?07:13
T42<elros34> @oMinimalist hm chage --list already shows that password should never expire but running "chage" adds entry to /etc/shadow so maybe this is real fix. Anyway I will add it to notes, at least it solve the issue08:43
piggzmal: any thoughts for this ... BT is "working" .. can pair with pc/headphones, headphone audio works .... but, cant see BLE device, "hcitool lescan" shows nothing, but I know device is advertising as my laptop sees it15:36
malwhich device?15:39
piggzvolla X15:39
piggzi need to check on Volla ... but, i need to find it first!15:39
piggzmal: yeah, volla also doesnt see y gts or wifes fitbit versa :/16:41
piggzmal: BLE apparently works on lineage ... wonder whats going on17:35

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