Thaodan | @cryptodas: Did you patch the fstab providid by android needs to be converted into .mount units containing the direct device file names. | 02:43 |
Thaodan | For graphics I would check logcat. | 02:44 |
voidanix[m] | <Thaodan> "is this in dmesg something..." <- nothing is broken because of it, might just be for pstore | 06:36 |
T42 | <Verevka86> @cryptodas check my configs- | 07:10 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 07:10 |
T42 | <Verevka86> I think this will help with the launch, the processor is the same | 07:10 |
T42 | <edp_17> @elros34 : Thanks! When I cropped boot logo, yamuisplash started to work. | 08:03 |
T42 | <elros34> hm so this should be done upstream, logo itself is very small with quite big black background | 08:18 |
T42 | <edp_17> I think the problem was the the down part of that image was displayed. As the text is located at the top part, I could only see a black screen. Therefore I wasn't sure wther the logo was displayed. Now, when I created a png with the proper height, I see the text. :) | 08:54 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Thaodan: yeah, I patched fixup-mountpoints. Without this step it would be impossible even to boot in sailfish. | 09:26 |
T42 | <cryptodas> In my case /vendor is symlink to /system/vendor on Android and there are generated systemd mount rules for /vendor/dsp and /vendor/bt_smth on Sailfish. So if I create a symlink in Sailfish systemd complains about too many symlinks and refuses to mount dsp into /vendor. I dealt with it by creating one more mount rule (which binds /system/vendor to /vendor). | 09:26 |
T42 | <z52if3m6> 🔥美国最新Harley哈雷🔥全球零私募、零预挖、零预售、零流通、全网公平发射◾下一季的浪潮趋势自由金融🧑💼底池200BNB直接锁死📊2千万拉盘资金🪙真正DAO自治社区🔥发行总量:100亿🔥买入3%全部销毁🔥卖出3%全部销毁💯千个社区力推!🇩🇲马斯克弟弟等数十位海外大V推广!📑币安新闻、TP、AVE头像已上🛫Halley燃情又 | 10:17 |
Thaodan | @cryptodas: ah you have /system and /vendor in one partition. Which Android version os that, that sounds really old. | 11:04 |
Thaodan | voidanix[m]: yeah it is just pstroe | 11:04 |
Thaodan | store | 11:04 |
Thaodan | I tried to look why the modem doesn't work fully on X1 II | 11:05 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Thaodan: u11 was shipped with android 7 and updated to 9. As I understand, this structure comes from the very beginning | 11:10 |
Thaodan | ok that explains it. | 11:11 |
T42 | <edp_17> @elros34 : I need your help with qxcompositor. Do you have a newer version of "qxcompositor-0.0.5+cursor_test2.20200816190630.86af352-1.2.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm"? | 11:42 |
T42 | <edp_17> I've tried "qxcompositor-0.0.5+qtwayland.5.6.20211004174032.cd5c6ee-1.12.1.jolla.armv7hl.rpm" but it is complaining about "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: 4: exec: /opt/bin/Xwayland: not found" | 11:42 |
T42 | <edp_17> Also tried to build it from cursor_test2 branch in your github repo, but got this error : | 11:53 |
T42 | <edp_17> And got the same error when tried to build qxdisplay from here : | 12:11 |
Verevka | lbt: Hi can you help me with obs access? | 12:56 |
T42 | <edp_17> Two questions: 1. can I build with targent+tooling and sdk 4.3? | 14:34 |
T42 | <edp_17> 2. can I build with targent+tooling+sdk | 14:34 |
T42 | <edp_17> or I need to upgrade all of them to Thanks. | 14:35 |
Thaodan | you mean to create an image? | 15:06 |
Thaodan | you should always upgrade both but in this case it probably doesn't matter | 15:07 |
Thaodan | for building the final image the target isn't used but just the change root | 15:08 |
T42 | <edp_17> Yes, create an image locally and packages on OBS. I've troed to add repo in OBS but got an error "A project with the name sailfishos: does not exist. Please update the repository path elements. " | 15:21 |
T42 | <edp_17> So, are you saying that with the droid-hal* rpm packages built for and uploaded to OBS, I can build image? | 15:22 |
T42 | <edp_17> On my new port camera app only shows black screen. Debugging the camera app gives me: | 15:32 |
T42 | <edp_17> It says: "Found 0 cameras" | 15:32 |
T42 | <edp_17> The strace jolla-camera gives me: | 15:32 |
T42 | <edp_17> gst-inspect-1.0 | grep -Ei 'droid|camsrc': | 15:32 |
T42 | <edp_17> Any idea how to fix this? | 15:33 |
T42 | <edp_17> The log aso complains about cannot find /vendor/lib/egl/ but I've seen in chat history this is not a real issue. | 15:34 |
T42 | <edp_17> I only have these in /vendor/lib/egl/ : | 15:34 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Trying logcat as Thaodan suggested I see lots of repeating messages: | 16:12 |
T42 | <cryptodas> ``` | 16:12 |
T42 | <cryptodas> 03-16 03:27:08.800 3533 3533 D /vendor/bin/adsprpcd: vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1124: Error ffffffff: apps_dev_init failed. domain 0, errno Operation not permitted | 16:12 |
T42 | <cryptodas> 03-16 03:27:08.800 3533 3533 D /vendor/bin/adsprpcd: vendor/qcom/proprietary/adsprpc/src/fastrpc_apps_user.c:1207: Error ffffffff: open dev -1 for domain 0 failed``` | 16:13 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 16:13 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Got no idea what's going on. | 16:13 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Checked on Lineage — no such messages. For selinux I already have sparse/etc/selinux/ files as in hadk-faq (actual files, not symlinks). | 16:13 |
Thaodan | Please post the full log | 16:18 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Oh, well, I had to collect log just after startup before it gets flooded. Here it is: | 16:38 |
T42 | <cryptodas> So I see SELinux errors at beginning but it doesn't seem to be clear for me | 16:40 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:46 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:46 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Also show your kernel defconfig (upload all commits to github) (re @cryptodas: So I see SELinux err...) | 16:46 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Symlinks not work | 16:46 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:49 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:49 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:49 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:50 |
T42 | <Verevka86> ssh should at least work with this | 16:50 |
T42 | <cryptodas> I already have this files in droid-configs (not symlinks). | 16:54 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Give me some time to commit all changes (I didn't fork kernel repo yet). My kernel cmdline contains the same "androidboot.selinux=permissive audit=0 selinux=1" and bootparam is enabled. | 16:54 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 16:55 |
T42 | <Verevka86> This is first of all | 16:56 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Fix VT | 16:56 |
T42 | <Verevka86> Then you need to upload commits to github if you want help (re @cryptodas: I already have this ...) | 16:58 |
T42 | <cryptodas> I saw this symlink (/firmware -> /vendor/firmware_mnt), but I'm not sure if I should do the same. In Android I have just /firmware path and a rule in fstab.qcom: | 17:01 |
T42 | <cryptodas> `/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/radio /firmware/image vfat ro,shortname=lower,uid=0,gid=1000,dmask=227,fmask=337,context=u:object_r:firmware_file:s0 wait` | 17:01 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Other firmware files are in /vendor/firmware (which is /system/vendor/firmware). And it seems that /vendor/firmware_mnt is connected somehow with /firmware (don't remember now) | 17:01 |
T42 | <Verevka86> then start with this (re @Verevka86: Fix VT) | 17:04 |
T42 | <cryptodas> Thanks to deathmist, I already done it and after these reverts got kernel booted (re @Verevka86: | 17:06 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @Verevka86, here is the list of repositories with my changes: | 17:40 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 17:40 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 17:40 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 17:40 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 17:40 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 17:40 |
T42 | <elros34> @Verevka86 about CONFIG_VT: better git revert than create new commit which revert changes, see hot-faq, it contains instruction for this since eons. | 17:48 |
T42 | <elros34> @edp_17 why do you need to build qxcompositor? Can't you use the one I build in obs? | 17:49 |
T42 | <Verevka86> yes, but that was a long time ago :-) back in hybris14.0 😊 (re @elros34: @Verevka86 about CON...) | 17:50 |
T42 | <elros34> @cryptodas so waht permissions do you have on /dev/hwbinder? | 17:52 |
T42 | <edp_17> When I tried that one I got: "/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc: 4: exec: /opt/bin/Xwayland: not found" (re @elros34: @edp_17 why do you n...) | 17:55 |
T42 | <edp_17> So, I thought rebuild the one you created with cursor support but that didn't build. | 17:55 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @elros34 | 17:56 |
T42 | <cryptodas> ``` | 17:56 |
T42 | <cryptodas> / # ls -la /dev/hwbinder | 17:56 |
T42 | <cryptodas> crw------- 1 root root 10, 51 Mar 16 06:11 /dev/hwbinder``` | 17:56 |
T42 | <Verevka86> disable this (re @cryptodas: @Verevka86, here is ...) | 17:56 |
T42 | <elros34> @edp_17 error is clear, you are missing Xwayland, not really related to qxcompositor | 17:57 |
T42 | <elros34> @cryptodas do you have hwbinder in any ueventd*.rc files somewhere on device? | 17:58 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @elros34, yes: | 18:00 |
T42 | <cryptodas> ``` | 18:00 |
T42 | <cryptodas> / # cat /system_root/ueventd.rc | grep hwbinder | 18:00 |
T42 | <cryptodas> /dev/hwbinder 0666 root root``` | 18:00 |
T42 | <elros34> so different than yours. DO you have that rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/99*? | 18:01 |
T42 | <cryptodas> No, none of files in rules.d contain hwbinder | 18:06 |
T42 | <elros34> grep for ueventd*rc here and follow instruction | 18:07 |
T42 | <edp_17> Ah, so is that error related the system in the lxc container, rather than the host sailfish? (re @elros34: @edp_17 error is cle...) | 18:08 |
T42 | <elros34> yeah, on sfos there is no up-to-date xwayland package | 18:08 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @Verevka86, ok. Is "systemd.legacy_systemd_cgroup_controller=yes" in your android_device_xiaomi_msm8998-common related to this kernel config param? | 18:09 |
T42 | <Verevka86> No, cmd is deprecated and no longer needed (re @cryptodas: @Verevka86, ok. Is "...) | 18:10 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 18:39 |
T42 | <Verevka86> | 18:39 |
T42 | <Verevka86> I love it 😍 | 18:39 |
piggz | jusa: mal: how would audio routing handle 2 headset devices connected? | 19:00 |
mal | piggz: hmm, can two devices be connected like at the same time, not sure if that has been tested | 19:44 |
piggz | mal: i think so ... my GTR2 watch is such a device, as is my car! | 19:45 |
piggz | apparently its use-case now, to make michael knght type calls | 19:45 |
piggz | you would want some kind of rule that said, depending on the device that answered the call, thats where the audio should be routed | 19:46 |
T42 | <elros34> for the record: I anyone with old kernel have failing tracker-extract-3 with: "Failed to load seccomp rules", extend following patch with ECANCELED check: | 21:03 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @elros34, thank you, it did the trick! | 21:20 |
T42 | <cryptodas> I have at least GUI, touchscreen and WLAN working! So happy now! | 21:20 |
T42 | <cryptodas> | 21:20 |
T42 | <cryptodas> @Verevka86, disabling kernel parameter led to compilation errors, so I decided to postpone it. | 21:20 |
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