Friday, 2022-10-14

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest300301:51
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy01:51
T42<foxclore> Hello everyone07:39
T42<foxclore> Is there a way to test android parts? Like, I've built hybris-boot, hybris-hal, droidmedia, hybris-recovery, so can I test and debug them before creating SAILFISH OS root Filesystem?07:39
T42<elros34> how do you want to debug something without installing rootfs? For sure you can now flash hybris-boot to test initramfs/telnet07:43
T42<foxclore> Yeah, I meant recovery part, right07:43
T42<elros34> then sure initramfs will halt boot if there is no sailfish rootfs07:45
T42<edp_17> @elros: Hi. Would you be so kind and rebuild your glibc for Thanks.09:42
T42<foxclore> So, if I understood correctly, i install my lineage os base, then flash hybris-boot and try to get to telnet, right? (re @elros34: how do you want to d...)09:50
T42<edp_17> @foxclore : Yes.09:51
Mister_Magisteryooooo rinigus mimic is still primary tts?17:11
*** kimmoli_ is now known as kimmoli19:14
T42<elros34> @edp_17 forgot about it, I will trigger it19:18
piggzmal: are these important:19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: library "" not found19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: "/android/vendor/lib/soundfx/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: "/android/vendor/lib/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: "/android/vendor/lib/soundfx/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: "/android/vendor/lib/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit19:21
piggzOct 14 19:50:41 Pro1-X pulseaudio[9070]: "/android/vendor/lib/hw/" is 32-bit instead of 64-bit19:21
malpiggz: does that first exist anywhere?19:31
malpiggz: for example in /apex19:31
piggzmal: yes19:32
piggzbut in some odd location19:33
piggz /system/apex, not /apex19:33
malpiggz: which places does it try to look for it, also check with strace if it loads any linker config19:33
piggzmal: those 2 folder look similar, but ohave this different:19:36
piggz[root@Pro1-X ]# cd /apex/
piggz[root@Pro1-X]# ls19:36
piggz[root@Pro1-X]# cd /system/apex/
piggz[root@Pro1-X]# ls19:36
piggzapex_manifest.pb  apex_pubkey       etc               lib               lib6419:36
piggzsee folder name difference19:36
T42<elros34> @edp_17 done19:42
T42<elros34> @adampigg hybris patches removes mount namespaces/linker and some apex handling so the easiest way would be probably symlinking missing lib to /odm20:26
piggzthx, ill try that20:42
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : no worries and thanks!22:20

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