Thursday, 2024-02-29

*** amccarthy is now known as Guest134100:03
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*** rainemak__ is now known as rainemak07:22
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Mister_Magistermal: one madman pushed the target archive directly as a docker container, do you think it has a chance to work fine?10:24
T42_<WrrrIamAnAngryCat> it literally does10:25
Mister_Magistershhh i'm talknig about caveats10:27
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest138710:55
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*** amccarthy is now known as Guest139412:36
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy12:36
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest140314:36
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy14:36
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest140715:45
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy15:45
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest143019:37
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy19:37
*** amccarthy is now known as Guest143120:08
*** amccarthy_ is now known as amccarthy20:08

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