T42_ | <AntonlX> Why does pulseaudio stills fails with SIGSEGV? Pulseaudio out: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/eb42e641a4f9 Logcat in this moment: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/cd102f20969a 23 thousands line strace: https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/a49dc066cb44 | 06:20 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> i have booted sailfish os on a7 2017 but touchscreen doesnt work someone tried to help me but it didnt work | 10:35 |
T42_ | <elros34> @oleg3256 how your /var/lib/environment/compositor/droid-hal-device.conf looks like? | 10:45 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> EGL_PLATFORM=hwcomposer | 10:46 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> QT_QPA_PLATFORM=hwcomposer | 10:46 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> QPA_WHC_IDLE_TIME=5 | 10:46 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> QPA_HWC_BUFFER_COUNT=3 | 10:46 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> | 10:46 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> LIPSTICK_OPTIONS="-plugin evdevtouch -plugin evdevkeyboard:keymap=/usr/share/qt5/keymaps/droid.qmap -plugin evdevmouse" | 10:46 |
T42_ | <elros34> looks good, LIPSTICK_OPTIIONS env is one line? Do you have evdev_trace installed? | 10:48 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> no | 10:50 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> no endev trace is not installed (edited) | 10:50 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> yeah lipstick options in one line | 10:51 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Also tried udevadm monitor -p but now events about touch | 10:52 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Also tried udevadm monitor -p but no events about touch (edited) | 10:52 |
T42_ | <elros34> can you install mce-tools? | 10:52 |
*** rainemak_ is now known as rainemak | 10:52 | |
T42_ | <oleg3256> I will try in 10 minutes | 10:54 |
T42_ | <elros34> @AntonlX you must start pulseaudio as user, see /usr/lib/systemd/user/pulseaudio.service for full command | 10:54 |
T42_ | <elros34> @oleg3256 you could also do 'cat /dev/input/evenX' and see which one is touchscreen | 10:55 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> No such file or directory (re @elros34: @oleg3256 you could ...) | 11:00 |
T42_ | <elros34> use tab completition | 11:00 |
T42_ | <elros34> and check every event file there | 11:01 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> this? : https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/52505dab/file_5886.jpg | 11:03 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> by-path event0 event1 event2 event3 event4 event5 mice | 11:04 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> this? | 11:04 |
T42_ | <elros34> yes, cat event0 and touch the screen to see whether it generates flood of junk on terminal | 11:05 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> i click on screen (re @elros34: yes, cat event0 and ...) | 11:05 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> and nothing | 11:06 |
T42_ | <elros34> on all eventX files? | 11:06 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> need to check by-path? | 11:06 |
T42_ | <elros34> no, eventX files | 11:07 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> yes (re @elros34: on all eventX files?) | 11:07 |
T42_ | <elros34> what about "cat /sys/class/input/event*/device/name"? | 11:07 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sec_touchkey | 11:08 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Codec3026 Headset Events | 11:08 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> gpio_keys | 11:08 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> hall | 11:08 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> certify_hall | 11:08 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> ssp_context | 11:08 |
T42_ | <elros34> are you sure you have touch module working? | 11:10 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> yeah | 11:10 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> in twrp is woring | 11:11 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> in twrp is working (edited) | 11:11 |
T42_ | <elros34> what about lsmod in twrp vs lsmod in sailfish? | 11:11 |
T42_ | <elros34> not sure if/where twrp have lsmod | 11:11 |
T42_ | <elros34> what is the last command output in twrp? | 11:12 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Module Size Used by Tainted: G (re @elros34: what about lsmod in ...) | 11:14 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> twrp | 11:14 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sumung dont want to boot sailfish💀 | 11:18 |
T42_ | <elros34> poweroff and on instead rebooting maybe | 11:21 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> dont help | 11:22 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> need to reinstall | 11:22 |
T42_ | <elros34> do you have link to sources for this port or at least instruction? | 11:22 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> yeah | 11:22 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> https://github.com/Exynos7880-Linux/exynos7880-ci | 11:23 |
*** spiiroin_ is now known as spiiroin | 11:27 | |
T42_ | <AntonlX> The same https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/00cd7a7dc484 (re @elros34: @AntonlX you must st...) | 11:48 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> The same https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/00cd7a7dc484 Systemd service is stopped (edited) (re @elros34: @AntonlX you must st...) | 11:48 |
T42_ | <elros34> dod you use normal or jb2q version of pulseaudio-modules-droid? | 11:51 |
T42_ | <elros34> @oleg3256 did you try these 'cat' commands in twrp for comparision? | 13:27 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> I only tried on twrp | 13:27 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> I will reinstall sailfish later | 13:28 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Because im not at home | 13:28 |
T42_ | <elros34> what do you mean? cat /dev/input/eventX was silent on twrp? | 13:28 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Sailfish dont want boot | 13:29 |
T42_ | <elros34> this is not what I ask about | 13:29 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> I will answer later because not at home (re @elros34: what do you mean? ca...) | 13:30 |
T42_ | <FoundPegasus> I tried on A5 2015 but sim card doesn't work.. (re @oleg3256: i have booted sailfi...) | 14:13 |
T42_ | <FoundPegasus> Any help for A5 2015? | 14:14 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> Finds out that is was my old problem sound config) Now I have sound everywhere except interlocutor could not hear me. But sound recorder and video recording works fine. (re @elros34: dod you use normal o...) | 15:30 |
T42_ | <elros34> do you have repo somewhere so others might benefits from your findings in the future? | 15:36 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> Yes - https://github.com/SailfishOS-miatoll/droid-configs-miatoll But it's a little bit messy, a bit... (re @elros34: do you have repo som...) | 15:57 |
T42_ | <elros34> thx. I suspect your latest commit will not let you build package | 16:01 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> I know about usb-configs (re @elros34: thx. I suspect your ...) | 16:09 |
T42_ | <elros34> I meant commits which adds android libs to sparse | 16:10 |
T42_ | <elros34> sorry I probably mixup, you remove them and add symlinks, forget about | 16:12 |
T42_ | <b100dian> Only telephony dies not work? | 16:39 |
T42_ | <b100dian> I don't remember, tgere are some processes with passthrough in their name | 16:41 |
T42_ | <b100dian> For my device this was the fix, us yours still qcom? https://github.com/sailfishos-on-sake/droid-config-sake/commit/1060eef714153228b0c9bd64fe48dd86bac037bb | 16:42 |
T42_ | <b100dian> *is | 16:43 |
T42_ | <b100dian> @AntonlX ^ | 16:44 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> My cpu is snapdragon 720g, but this fix does not helps. (re @b100dian: For my device this w...) | 17:33 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> I can hear interlocutor, he's not. (re @b100dian: Only telephony dies ...) | 17:33 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> I can hear interlocutor, he's not. In other apps sound works fine (edited) (re @b100dian: Only telephony dies ...) | 17:33 |
T42_ | <elros34> maybe it's because of your changes in audio_policy_configuration.xml. From where did you get them? Did you test that new version works also in lineage? Did you figure out where exactly pulseaudio failed during parsing? | 17:38 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> no (re @elros34: what do you mean? ca...) | 17:39 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> only in sailfish is silent | 17:43 |
T42_ | <elros34> what about other cat commands? What is the output in twrp | 17:43 |
T42_ | <elros34> which node is your touchscreen? | 17:44 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> ? (re @elros34: which node is your t...) | 17:44 |
T42_ | <elros34> run all cat commands in twrp we were talking about and give same feedback as on sailfish so I can compare them myself too | 17:46 |
T42_ | <elros34> I have checked kernel rpm and looks like touchscreen is not built as module so for some reason it's uninitialized | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> on twrp | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e; | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e; | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e; | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e;} | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �eh | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e; | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e; | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> �e2� �9 �J �E �5J �6U � �1 � �e�5M �e�6V �e�1 �e� �e&5O �e&6W �e& �e�5Q �e� �e5S �e6X �e �e�5V �e�6[ �e� �eo5Z �eo6\ � o �e�' 5_ �e�' 6_ �e�' 1 �e�' �ePP 5e �ePP 6b �ePP 0 �ePP �e�x 5j �e�x 6d �e�x �e�x �e�� 5p �e�� g �e�� �e�� 5w �e�� 6j �e�� 0 �e�� | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> � �e� | 17:47 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> p �e� i have this on event1 on sailfish os is empty (re @elros34: run all cat commands...) | 17:47 |
T42_ | <elros34> do I really have to copy what I wrote? cat /sys/class/input/event*/device/name | 17:48 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> oh sorry | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> in twrp just empty | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sec_touchkey | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sec_touchscreen | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> Codec3026 Headset Events | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> gpio_keys | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> hall | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> certify_hall | 17:49 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> ssp_context | 17:49 |
T42_ | <elros34> ok so it's event1 sec_touchscreen | 17:50 |
T42_ | <elros34> what do you have in /sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled? | 17:51 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> twrp? | 17:51 |
T42_ | <elros34> both would be good | 17:51 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> twrp: 1 | 17:51 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> and also i have problem with boot sailfish os | 17:52 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> its normal boot then i power off and connect charger or to pc | 17:53 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> without its just stuck on boot | 17:53 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> cat: can't open '/sys/class/sec/tsp/input/enabled': No such file or directory | 17:56 |
T42_ | <elros34> you must grab some logs like dmesg and journal, maybe it fails at some point: https://sailfishos.wiki/books/hadk/page/hadk-hot#bkmrk-2022.07.31%3A-generati | 17:58 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> https://irc.thaodan.de/.imgstore/dcb49317/logs.txt | 18:05 |
*** Daanct12 is now known as Danct12 | 18:16 | |
T42_ | <elros34> I can see input1 touchscreen is created. Do you really missing it and you have only max input5? Did you read that section from hadk-hot about logs? Unfortunately porter left audit enabled so logs are filled with useless messages | 18:27 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> hmm | 18:28 |
T42_ | <elros34> next time add at the end of dmesg/journal ' | grep -v audit' | 18:28 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> but when its booted normal its dont see touch (re @elros34: I can see input1 tou...) | 18:29 |
T42_ | <elros34> so there is now event6? | 18:29 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> same | 18:30 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> its booted and touch is dont work | 18:30 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> when its stuck on boot yes (re @elros34: so there is now even...) | 18:30 |
T42_ | <elros34> ok so get logs when it's not created | 18:31 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> https://pastebin.com/QMiMhhTf | 18:32 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> dmesg | 18:32 |
T42_ | <elros34> this is quiet useless, 14seconds afert boot | 18:34 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> https://pastebin.com/XhRjyRje | 19:10 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> https://pastebin.com/QMiMhhTf | 19:11 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> also how to fix that? (re @oleg3256: its normal boot then...) | 19:12 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> also how to fix what os starting normal when i connect to charger and powered off | 19:14 |
T42_ | <elros34> these logs are useless, they start to late. Look at the timestamp: 13s. input1 is initialized very early. Not sure about your question. If you connect charger when device is off then most likely it will boot to actdead mode (charging), then you can reboot it and it should boot normally | 19:18 |
T42_ | <AntonlX> It failed on AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_INCALL_UPLINK_DOWNLINK flag, on new and old config. So I simply removed this section. With old config I got pulseaudio segfault. (re @elros34: maybe it's because o...) | 19:20 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sometimes it dont to actdead mode | 19:22 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> and start system | 19:22 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> sometimes it dont go to actdead mode (edited) | 19:23 |
T42_ | <oleg3256> idk why but this is working | 19:26 |
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T42_ | <b100dian> @AntonlX how did the AUDIO_INPUT_FLAG_INCALL_UPLINK_DOWNLINK section look like originally and what was the parsing error? | 21:09 |
T42_ | <b100dian> @oleg3256 actdead should start if you have the device powered off and then connect the charger / data cable. I don't understand, is it going more often into this mode or you'd wish it be in this mode? Doesn't sound like something you would want at this point | 21:11 |
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Mister_Magister_ | spiiroin: thanks! will try! (sorry i missed your message) | 22:29 |
*** Mister_Magister_ is now known as Mister_Magister | 22:33 | |
Mister_Magister | spiiroin: there is one! /dev/input/event2 which is supposedly a light sensor https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/fac8df977c10 | 22:43 |
mal | does mce try to use that? | 22:45 |
Mister_Magister | no clue, spiiroin said to check what it listend to via evdev_trace -I so if that reports what mce uses then yes mce uses that | 22:46 |
T42_ | <elros34> not according to your paste, are you sure you run evdev_trace -I as root? | 22:47 |
Mister_Magister | yes | 22:47 |
Mister_Magister | ah i can give you root output too | 22:48 |
Mister_Magister | https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/1389b02c67d8 | 22:48 |
Mister_Magister | and in mcetool it says that activity is active | 22:48 |
Mister_Magister | I went througuh every event and only light sensor (2) outputs anything | 22:49 |
Mister_Magister | ABS_HAT0X=21160 and SYN_REPORT | 22:50 |
T42_ | <elros34> I guess this shouldn't be a problem unless this sensor is wrongly interpreted | 22:58 |
Mister_Magister | well idk but it doesn't dim/lock the screen | 22:58 |
mal | Mister_Magister: you should be able to blacklist event devices in mce configs | 22:58 |
Mister_Magister | will have a look around | 22:59 |
mal | https://github.com/sailfishos/mce/blob/6e94849a8bd969a4ff0fd54f131a6fa170db0d82/mce-conf.c#L632 | 22:59 |
mal | quite unusual to have all sensors also as event devices | 23:02 |
mal | it seems quite many of the other sensors are also being read by mce | 23:03 |
T42_ | <Mister_Magister> yep but they're silent | 23:04 |
Mister_Magister | also idk how to read that .c | 23:04 |
mal | Mister_Magister: something like [evdev]\nblack=something to mce config file | 23:05 |
Mister_Magister | but why black? | 23:05 |
mal | that was based on the link I posted earlier | 23:06 |
Mister_Magister | ye but i don't get it | 23:06 |
T42_ | <b100dian> blacklist hmm | 23:07 |
mal | you can see it mentioning two strings, one is the group and the other is the key | 23:07 |
Mister_Magister | ahhh blacklist | 23:07 |
Mister_Magister | now that makes sense | 23:07 |
Mister_Magister | lol why thinkpad camera is blacklisted in mce | 23:09 |
Mister_Magister | there is short ternary operator in c?! TIL | 23:11 |
mal | seems like those hardcoded device names are some ancient nokia stuff, at least 14 years old code | 23:12 |
Mister_Magister | yeah i can imagine | 23:13 |
Mister_Magister | oop that was it, black=ASUS Lightsensor | 23:14 |
Mister_Magister | @b100dian | 23:14 |
mal | maybe blacklist the other sensors which are being read by mce | 23:14 |
mal | just in case | 23:14 |
Mister_Magister | nah they don't outputp anything i don't think that blacklisting everything is good ida | 23:15 |
Mister_Magister | idea even | 23:15 |
T42_ | <b100dian> @Mister_Magister in which conf? Any under [evdev] and /etc/mce/*.ini? | 23:15 |
Mister_Magister | like some stuff, touch, keys, should prompt that there's user activity don't you think? | 23:15 |
Mister_Magister | @b100dian i think that will work too, tho i added it in 10mce.ini for testing | 23:16 |
Mister_Magister | and none of the files have [evdev] | 23:16 |
mal | Mister_Magister: or they don't report anything now when sensor is not active? | 23:16 |
Mister_Magister | what do you mean? | 23:16 |
mal | check what happens if you open messwerk for example for gyro | 23:16 |
Mister_Magister | i don't have messwerk, csd will do | 23:17 |
mal | yes, that is fine also | 23:17 |
Mister_Magister | gyro works | 23:17 |
Mister_Magister | it doesn't turn off the sensor it just ignores it | 23:18 |
Mister_Magister | like even light sensor works | 23:18 |
Mister_Magister | proximity sensor works, i think they all work | 23:18 |
mal | just wondering will mce get the events | 23:18 |
mal | which could in theory cause unwanted wakeups or something | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | well its not dimming screen when i'm touching it | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | it doesn't cause unwanted wake ups because it would do in past | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | ahhh wait | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | you mean blacklist all the sensors that were blacklisted in .c | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | the default list? | 23:19 |
Mister_Magister | you can rest assured i have none of the devices from default blacklist | 23:20 |
mal | I mean sensors which have mce as reader in https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/1389b02c67d8 | 23:21 |
T42_ | <b100dian> @Mister_Magister it works for me too, thanks for following up on this with mal and spiiroin | 23:21 |
Mister_Magister | mal: no mal blacklisting all the sensors is not the way to go | 23:21 |
mal | why not? | 23:21 |
Mister_Magister | nobody ever blacklists all the sensors | 23:21 |
Mister_Magister | you haven't blacklisted all the sensors on any of your ports | 23:21 |
mal | almost no devices expose sensors as event devices, some older qcom devices did but pretty much no newer device does that | 23:22 |
Mister_Magister | you need to listen to touch for example otherwise screen will dim and turn off while you're touching it | 23:22 |
Mister_Magister | lol | 23:22 |
Mister_Magister | i still think it's very bad idea and shouldn't be done, and i'll wait for spiiroin and his decision | 23:23 |
mal | sensors on most modern devices are handled via adsp remoteproc | 23:23 |
mal | Mister_Magister: well mce has no use for those and having mce read those can only cause issues but no benefit | 23:24 |
Mister_Magister | i trust you but i want to hear it from horse's mouth :P | 23:24 |
Mister_Magister | i have plenty of events being listened to on my old g2 | 23:25 |
mal | also if you look at the hardcoded blacklisted devices, it has accelerometers and magnetometers also | 23:25 |
Mister_Magister | i think pressing buttons should wake up the device | 23:25 |
Mister_Magister | trust me my accelerometer is not waking up my device | 23:25 |
mal | yes, I'm only talking about hw sensors | 23:25 |
Mister_Magister | there never was any issue with random wake ups | 23:26 |
Mister_Magister | only not going to sleep | 23:26 |
Mister_Magister | and @b100dian can confirm | 23:26 |
mal | well accelerometer is not being read by mce based on your output | 23:26 |
mal | gyro is, so is proximity sensor | 23:27 |
Mister_Magister | neither of them is waking the device | 23:27 |
Mister_Magister | there was never random wake up issue | 23:27 |
mal | whatever | 23:27 |
Mister_Magister | :P | 23:27 |
mal | mce still doesn't have any need for those | 23:27 |
Mister_Magister | fine :P it's comma separated isn't it | 23:28 |
Mister_Magister | black=ASUS Lightsensor,Invensense ICM206xx Accel_Gyro,ICM206XX-gyro,ICM206XX-accel,ASUS Proximitysensor | 23:29 |
T42_ | <b100dian> Indeed, at the first dimming setting if I rotate the device it brights up | 23:30 |
Mister_Magister | because its activity | 23:30 |
Mister_Magister | but if you rotate while its sleeping its not waking up | 23:30 |
T42_ | <b100dian> Yes | 23:30 |
Mister_Magister | :) | 23:31 |
Mister_Magister | it's not comma separated | 23:31 |
Mister_Magister | i think it might be semi-colon separated | 23:33 |
Mister_Magister | yeah | 23:33 |
Mister_Magister | and ye blacklisting the sensors doesn't change that | 23:35 |
Mister_Magister | @b100dian if you want for the sake of mce not listening to stuff it doesn't have to listen to black=ASUS Lightsensor;Invensense ICM206xx Accel_Gyro;ICM206XX-gyro;ICM206XX-accel;ASUS Proximitysensor; | 23:36 |
Mister_Magister | you can add it as a separate ini to the sparse i think | 23:37 |
T42_ | <b100dian> You should add it I am not at the computer. Or me tomorrow | 23:38 |
Mister_Magister | there's no hurry :P | 23:38 |
Mister_Magister | i'm going to sleep | 23:38 |
Mister_Magister | mal: spiiroin: @elros34 as always, heroes, thank you very much for help and your time | 23:39 |
T42_ | <b100dian> > i'm going to sleep | 23:42 |
T42_ | <b100dian> Remember to turn off the light (sensor) | 23:42 |
Mister_Magister | :P | 23:43 |
Mister_Magister | since i'm playing with mce i'm turning on LPM :P | 23:43 |
Mister_Magister | sadly despite turning it on it doesn't turn work | 23:54 |
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