Tuesday, 2024-05-28

T42_<GreyfusG> I've been wanting to port, but time has not been available. I lost my job and am now studying all I can01:57
T42_<GreyfusG> How long on average does it take?01:57
T42_<GreyfusG> Also, I know scripting, I do not know programming.01:57
T42_<Maria> Контакты | «МАРФИНО ОТЕЛЬ» в Марфино, Останкино, ВДНХ, СВАО Москвы. Официальный сайт.06:33
T42_<Maria> https://www.marfinohotel.ru/kontakt.html06:33
T42_<edp_17> There is no exact time duration.06:52
T42_<edp_17> Example: the MotoG7 port has got into a status where almost everything worked quite quick but for some reason system sounds & sound in calls were not working. It's been like this for over a year now.06:52
T42_<edp_17> There is an official guideline to follow that helps you through the process.06:52
T42_<edp_17> However, you need to find the relevant android base (kernel & device tree) for your port. There is another knowledge base collected by porters about typical issues and their solutions from their experiences when porting for different sfos versions for different devices. However, every device is different, so, you may not have any or some of those but can and will have new issues. You can also get help from porters on another telegram channel06:52
T42_<edp_17> You don't need to be a programmer but it is beneficial if you have to read some driver's android source to understand how to appply a patch from another device tree to solve a problem.06:52
T42_<edp_17> Oh, and you have to06:52
T42_<edp_17> There is no exact time duration.06:52
T42_<edp_17> Example: the MotoG7 port has got into a status where almost everything worked quite quick but for some reason system sounds & sound in calls were not working. It's been like this for over a year now.06:52
T42_<edp_17> There is an official guideline to follow that helps you through the process.06:52
T42_<edp_17> However, you need to find the relevant android base (kernel & device tree) for your port. There is another knowledge base collected by porters about typical issues and their solutions from their experiences when porting for different sfos versions for different devices. However, every device is different, so, you may not have any or some of those but can and will have new issues. You can also get help from porters here but you have to provide06:52
T42_<edp_17> You don't need to be a programmer but it is beneficial if you have to read some driver's android source to understand how to appply a patch from another device tree to solve a problem. (edited)06:52
T42_<edp_17> For IRC users: Sorry for edit, I accidentally posted my comment unfinished.06:53
T42_<edp_17> @GreyfusG :06:55
T42_<edp_17> Read all of this before you start (this will give you the idea what's you are up to)06:55
T42_<edp_17> This is the official HADK: https://docs.sailfishos.org/Develop/HADK/SailfishOS-HardwareAdaptationDevelopmentKit-
T42_<durovpidorasina> that's a pity, I cannot use sfos because of viber which works pretty bad in waydroid (re @TheVancedGamer: aliendalvik is only ...)07:48
T42_<durovpidorasina> sms isn't a problem for me, maintainer will make it work anyways07:49
T42_<durovpidorasina> sms isn't a problem for me, maintainer will make it work anyway (edited)07:49
tohaturokHi everyone. I'm working on Xperia 5 IV SailfishOS port. I use this doc https://docs.sailfishos.org/Develop/HW_Adaptation/Sailfish_X_Xperia_Android_11_Build_and_Flash/ for building SailfishOS image and I use related projects to Xperia 5 IV from this repository https://github.com/SailfishOS-SonyXperia.09:47
tohaturokEverything was good until I started building the libhybris. I use libhybris frrom master branch this repository https://github.com/mer-hybris/libhybris. I got compilation error((. The build's log is here https://paste.opensuse.org/pastes/9d6902fa9b6b. I don't know how to fix this issue. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks09:48
maltohaturok: strange error, could you just in case go to that hybris/mw/libhybris/libhybris folder and do "git clean -x -f -d" and try again13:21
tohaturokmal: Unfortunately that didn't help(((( I thought that maybe this problem was related to my PlatformSKD installation and reinstalled it, but I got the same error20:29
maland you have properly applied patches when building hybris-hal?20:47
tohaturoknot sure. I got the error when run ./setup-sources.sh --mb, rerun it again and say 'yes' on all questinos21:20
malwhat error?21:24
malyou can't run it twice without running repo sync -l (or just repo sync) in between21:25
malit applied patches and of course you have to make sure those are removed before applying again21:25

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