Monday, 2024-06-17

*** phlixi is now known as Guest985902:10
*** phlixi_ is now known as phlixi02:10
T42_<Walid> i can't got audio call, her is log for pulseaduio10:22
T42_<Walid> audio work except in call10:22
T42_<Walid> also10:24
T42_<Walid> pacmd list-sources10:24
T42_<Walid> Daemon not responding10:24
T42_<Walid> but pactl info return10:25
T42_<elros34> did you install hidl and audiosystem-passthrough?10:25
T42_<Walid> no, iused audioflingerglue and droid-module-glue10:25
T42_<elros34> what about AUDIOSYSTEM_PASSTHROUGH_TYPE?10:25
T42_<elros34> why if it's recommended to use hild?10:26
T42_<Walid> not work , i will rebuild and check, also AUDIOSYSTEM_PASSTHROUGH_TYPE how can i set it10:27
T42_<elros34> about pacmd: do you start it as user?10:28
T42_<Walid> yes10:29
tohaturokI keep trying to download Sailfish on my Xperia 5IV. I still can't see the device connect on my PC. I found that when I downloaded the recovery image, there are no files in the /sys/class/udc directory, and I believe this is the reason why I can't see the phone connect to my PC.15:08
tohaturokI booted stock Android and found the file a600000.dwc3 in that directory. From what I understand, this is the phone's UDC driver.15:08
tohaturokI checked the kernel configuration and saw that the DWC3 option is enabled in the kernel, but I don't know where I can find/check the driver I need to enable in the kernel for my phone's UDC.15:09
tohaturokCan anyone help me figure out what driver I need for the UDC?15:09
T42_<Walid> @elros34 , i rebuilded sfos, using audiosystem-passthrough, still no sound in call18:50
T42_<Walid> full log18:50
T42_<Walid> [pulseaudio] module-droid-hidl.c: [audiosystem-passthrough] Unknown code (21)18:53
malwhich android base in that?19:08
malwhich pulseaudio droid plugin do you use?19:08
malin most cases there is no need to configure audiosystem-passthrough19:10
malhave you tried any pulseaudio droid module quirks? there is at least realcall quirk, not sure if relevant for your device19:11
T42_<Walid> Android 9.0 ( hybrid16.0) . I used20:33
T42_<Walid> Requires: pulseaudio-modules-droid20:33
T42_<Walid> Requires: pulseaudio-modules-droid-hidl20:33
T42_<Walid> Alsoaudiosystem-passthrough-dummy-af20:34
T42_<edp_17> mal, if you remember I had similar issue on my motog7 power (ocean) port with LOS 17.1 base. We didn't see nothing in logs.20:43
mal@edp_17 did you ever solve the issue?20:55
T42_<b100dian> I once fixed this by changing to AUDIOSYSTEM_PASSTHROUGH_TYPE=qti. Not sure what device we;re talking about here though, is it qcom?21:09
malworth a try, not sure which device that is21:22
T42_<elros34> bullhead21:22
T42_<elros34> tohaturok looks like something is not initialized. Did you check whether you have any modules in kernel and managed to save dmesg? you could compare dmesg with android/recovery one.21:25
T42_<elros34> btw with normal hadk way you could pull journal logs from /data via standard android recovery21:27
T42_<edp_17> mal, No, I haven't managed to solve that. The device is Motorola G7 Power (ocean)21:32
T42_<elros34> @walid be aware your journal is ratelimited so you don't see all logs21:32
T42_<edp_17> @b100dian : I'll try this on the device and see what happens.21:33
T42_<b100dian> @edp_17 My logs indicate that I tried it first by stopping pulseaudio and issuing ` AUDIOSYSTEM_PASSTHROUGH_TYPE=qti HYBRIS_USE_VENDOR_NAMESPACE=yes pulseaudio --daemonize=no -n --file=/etc/pulse/ -vvvvvvvvvv`21:35
mal@b100dian would be interesting to know why detection of qti failed for you21:54
T42_<b100dian> Not sure, I have not made notses of that but I had a discussion here, I'll look it up. It might be that the /proc/cpuinfo is very devoid of much info21:58
T42_<b100dian> *notes21:58
T42_<b100dian> Found the discussion:
T42_<b100dian> Mainly manifest.xml detection challenge22:00
T42_<Walid> journal have this22:05
T42_<Walid> Nexus5X kernel: voice_get_idx_for_session: Invalid session_id : 1422:05
T42_<elros34> isn't your device based on qualcomm? did you set qti type instead af?22:07
T42_<Walid> yes setting it to qti, same error22:14
tohaturokelros:  I didn't manage to save dmesg. I don't know how to get android recovery. Do I need to build an AOSP project from sony? Or can I somehow download it from the recovery partition?22:18
T42_<elros34> I meant any android recovery you can find.22:41

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