Saturday, 2024-07-13

*** poetaster is now known as Guest138518:20
T42_<Pachof> Hello, a question, could you add a custom Mesa gpu drivers to sailfish os?19:38
malnative ports use a custom built mesa for graphics without libhybris20:00
malfor example pinephone devices do that20:00
T42_<Pachof> And in the case of those who use hybris?20:00
T42_<Pachof> So if you can install a custom Mesa driver for the hybris ports?20:02
malwell mesa needs suitable kernel drivers, it depends on what kernel version you if things can work20:03
malquite likely a quite new kernel would be needed, if it works even then20:03
malwhy do you ask?20:03
T42_<Pachof> I wanted to optimize the performance of both sailfish os and waydroid20:04
T42_<not_adomerle> ```20:07
T42_<not_adomerle> TEMPORARY_DISABLE_PATH_RESTRICTIONS was a temporary migration method, and is now obsolete.```20:07
T42_<not_adomerle> 20:07
T42_<not_adomerle> 20:07
T42_<not_adomerle> is there any workaround for this in los-20?20:07
maldo you have some issue that needs that?20:09
T42_<not_adomerle> mal: yes, i'm getting Disallowed PATH errors20:10
maljust to be sure, have you applied patches?20:12
T42_<not_adomerle> mal: yes, they were applied without any errors20:13
malyou seem to have some issue in fixup-mountpoints20:13
malsed: bad pattern 's block/platform/14700000.ufs/by-name/abl_a sdb5'@45 (s)20:14
malplease recheck the changes you made20:14
T42_<not_adomerle> oh, I forgot the spaces at the end of the sed20:22
T42_<not_adomerle> thank you, it's building right now20:22

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