Monday, 2024-07-29

T42<hacker12455> is there a list of things one should do on a hybris 18.1 port or do I just the same things as
T42<hacker12455> and is this still needed?09:52
T42<hacker12455> `09:52
T42<hacker12455> You need to export TEMPORARY_DISABLE_PATH_RESTRICTIONS=true before building android part otherwise hybris-boot.img will not include hybris initramfs`09:52
T42<hacker12455> `You need to export TEMPORARY_DISABLE_PATH_RESTRICTIONS=true before building android part otherwise hybris-boot.img will not include hybris initramfs` (edited)09:52
T42<hacker12455> ```09:53
T42<hacker12455> HABUILD_SDK [cedric] sailfish@sailfish-build:~/hadk/out/target/product/cedric$ abootimg -i hybris-boot.img09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> Android Boot Image Info:09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * file name = hybris-boot.img09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * image size = 12922880 bytes (12.32 MB)09:53
T42<hacker12455>   page size  = 2048 bytes09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * Boot Name = ""09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * kernel size       = 10529616 bytes (10.04 MB)09:53
T42<hacker12455>   ramdisk size      = 1291079 bytes (1.23 MB)09:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * load addresses:09:53
T42<hacker12455>   kernel:       0x8000800009:53
T42<hacker12455>   ramdisk:      0x8100000009:53
T42<hacker12455>   tags:         0x8000010009:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * cmdline = console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.console=ttyHSL0 androidboot.hardware=qcom user_debug=30 msm_rtb.filter=0x237 ehci-hcd.park=3 androidboot.bootdevice=7824900.sdhci lpm_levels.sleep_disabled=1 earlycon=msm_hsl_uart,0x78B0000 vmalloc=400M loop.max_part=709:53
T42<hacker12455> 09:53
T42<hacker12455> * id = 0x59ea9092 0x2e15b7d1 0x88bdd90d 0x068e40b8 0x596ce420 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000```09:53
malyou need to do the things from hybris-17.1 instructions, also the libhybris cloning from 16.010:29
T42<hacker12455> I assume I change this to 11? '%define android_version_major 10'11:25
T42<hacker12455> weird12:00
T42<hacker12455> `PlatformSDK [sailfish@sailfish-build hadk]$ rpm/dhd/helpers/add_new_device.sh12:00
T42<hacker12455> Error: $DEVICE is undefined. Please run hadk`12:01
T42<hacker12455> ```12:02
T42<hacker12455>   GNU nano 7.2                                                                        .mersdkubu.profile12:02
T42<hacker12455> function hadk() { source $HOME/.hadk.env; echo "Env setup for $DEVICE"; }12:02
T42<hacker12455> export PS1="HABUILD_SDK [\${DEVICE}] $PS1"12:02
T42<hacker12455> hadk```12:02
T42<hacker12455> on host12:02
T42<hacker12455> ok if I run the commands themselves manually they work12:03
T42<hacker12455> now I get this when building droid-hal12:21
T42<hacker12455> ah I see12:30
T42<hacker12455> the hell12:31
T42<hacker12455> config_dummy is set to no in defconfig12:32
T42<hacker12455> if I check it against the outputted kernel config it shows no errors12:34
malare you sure you edited correct defconfig file?12:35
T42<hacker12455> yhes12:35
T42<hacker12455> *yes12:35
maland rebuilt kernel after editing it12:35
T42<hacker12455> yes12:35
T42<hacker12455> rebuilding again just to sanity check12:36
malyou can see it finds two files, maybe one is different12:37
malthat earlier log had ./out/target/product/cedric/obj/KERNEL_OBJ/.config ./out/target/product/cedric/obj/RECOVERY_KERNEL_OBJ/.config12:37
T42<hacker12455> oh12:39
T42<hacker12455> right12:41
T42<hacker12455> it has a separate defconfig for recovery12:41
T42<hacker12455> ```12:56
T42<hacker12455> + rm -f /home/sailfish/hadk/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/ /home/sailfish/hadk/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/ /home/sailfish/hadk/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/ /home/sailfish/hadk/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib/libm.so12:56
T42<hacker12455> + cp -a ./out/target/product/cedric/apex/ ./out/target/product/cedric/apex/ ./out/target/product/cedric/apex/ ./out/target/product/cedric/apex/ /home/sailfish/hadk/installroot/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib12:56
T42<hacker12455> cp: cannot stat './out/target/product/cedric/apex/': No such file or directory12:56
T42<hacker12455> cp: cannot stat './out/target/product/cedric/apex/': No such file or directory12:56
T42<hacker12455> cp: cannot stat './out/target/product/cedric/apex/': No such file or directory12:56
T42<hacker12455> cp: cannot stat './out/target/product/cedric/apex/': No such file or directory```12:56
T42<hacker12455> ```13:04
T42<hacker12455> ++ awk '/PLATFORM_VERSION([A-Z0-9.]*|_LAST_STABLE) := ([0-9.]+)/ { print $3; }'13:04
T42<hacker12455> ++ awk -F. '{print $1}'13:04
T42<hacker12455> + android_version_major=11```13:04
T42<hacker12455> in log13:04
T42<hacker12455> unless I need to set the major android version in .spec to 10?13:29
gv2hey mal, is hybris-boot/recovery.img supposed to start the telnet server when there is no .stowawys at all?15:54
gv2when i boot the image it hangs for a minute~ then reboots, and it makes no usb connection to the pc. Trying to figure out if there is something wrong with the kernel15:56
malnot sure what you mean hybris-boot.img from community builds has telnet at least there is certain type of issue16:00
malwhat are you trying to debug?16:00
mal1 minute reboot usually means usb setup fails16:00
malgv2: which device?16:01
gv2ih i forgot to mention. I am currently making a new port. For xiaomi mi 8 (aka dipper)16:01
gv2With kernel 4.916:01
malhave you defined there in case those are not there already
malthose 3 usb related ones16:01
gv2oh i think i didin't, let me add them real quick16:02
gv2rndis_host 3-1:1.0 usb0: register 'rndis_host' at usb-0000:00:14.0-1, RNDIS device16:12
gv2time to wipe i guess :)16:12
T42<hacker12455> I wonder (re @hacker12455: + rm -f /home/sailfi...)16:41
T42<hacker12455> why is it trying to look in lib if I set it to be a 64 bit port16:41
T42<hacker12455> wonder if this would work16:53
T42<Verevka86> Hello everyone, tell me why my sdk is no longer updated from version to
T42<hacker12455> yeah I saw the same behavior (re @Verevka86: Hello everyone, tell...)17:24
T42<Verevka86> but for now it is being updated to, perhaps it should be done one by one 😊 (re @hacker12455: yeah I saw the same ...)17:25
T42<hacker12455> hm can you even build the newest sfos release with it then?17:27
T42<hacker12455> 4.6.017:27
T42<Verevka86> Nope, it can’t be updated to 4.6 (17:28
T42<Verevka86> what is the next version after
T42<hacker12455> is there even any?17:33
T42<hacker12455> forum lists
T42<hacker12455> and then
T42<hacker12455> also17:34
T42<hacker12455> `Today (May 28th) at 13:00 UTC we published an update to the Early Access Build Targets and Emulator. These now match the Sailfish OS release (Sauna).`17:34
T42<Verevka86> targets and toolings are on the site, but here's how to update the rest of the question 🀷 (re @hacker12455: and then
T42<hacker12455> yeah17:40
T42<hacker12455> I did the same thing, grabbed 4.6.0 target and tooling17:41
T42<hacker12455> then I see SDK is at
T42<hacker12455> guess this mismatch is why I get this17:45
T42<hacker12455> ```17:45
T42<hacker12455> error: Failed build dependencies:17:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-config is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-config-preinit-plugins is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-config-pulseaudio-settings is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-config-sailfish is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-hal is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         droid-hal-kernel is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         hybris-libsensorfw-qt5 is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         mce-plugin-libhybris is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         ngfd-plugin-native-vibrator is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         pulseaudio-modules-droid is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         qt5-qpa-hwcomposer-plugin is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch6417:45
T42<hacker12455>         qtscenegraph-adaptation is needed by droid-hal-version-cedric-0.0.1-202407291740.aarch64```17:45
malcheck the actual build log droid-hal.log or something17:48
malalso please don't paste a lot of lines here17:48
maluse some paste service when you want show many lines17:49
T42<Verevka86> updated to 😍 (re @hacker12455: forum lists
T42<hacker12455> sdk got updated on the normal branch?18:16
T42<Verevka86> Yes (re @hacker12455: sdk got updated on t...)18:29
T42<hacker12455> yeah updated to
T42<hacker12455> well so far the created rootfs is dead21:25
T42<hacker12455> stays on splash21:25
T42<hacker12455> no reaction with led21:25
T42<hacker12455> added `selinux=1 androidboot.selinux=permissive enforcing=0` rto cmdline21:25
T42<hacker12455> wait21:25
maldo you have telnet?21:25
T42<hacker12455> nope21:26
T42<hacker12455> nothing21:26
malno usb interface at all?21:26
T42<hacker12455> nopp21:26
T42<hacker12455> *nope21:26
malbut it doesn't reboot?21:26
T42<hacker12455> yeah21:27
T42<hacker12455> just sits on splash21:27
T42<hacker12455> maybe needs some commits reverted?21:28
malcan you check that you have usb related options in defconfig21:28
T42<hacker12455> nope, I have this21:30
malwhich device is that?21:32
malis it some older one?21:33
malmaybe it doesn't use configfs for usb then21:34
T42<hacker12455> yep (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>is it some olde...)21:34
T42<hacker12455> motorola moto g521:34
T42<hacker12455> I had ported to it 3 years ago on a hybris 17.1 base, decided to try switching it to a hybris 18.1 base and updating the sailfishos version to
T42<elros34> something didn't work on hybris 17 base? I suggest to upate to latest release21:37
malif you still have the old sources maybe check the kernel defconfig changes you had there?21:38
T42<hacker12455> wanted to use a newer base as the 17.1 release is pretty outdated, plus there were some issues with getting the LOS zips for it21:38
T42<hacker12455> also had USB issues on 17.121:39
T42<hacker12455> so thought if I already want to go to 4.6.0 I might as well update the base to something relatively recent21:42
T42<elros34> ok just update to latest release instead some Early access one21:47
T42<hacker12455> so
T42<elros34> latest is
T42<hacker12455> hm21:49
T42<hacker12455> well I don't see a SDK target or tooling21:51
T42<hacker12455> unless you want me to just upgrade the platform sdk?21:51
mal4.6.0.11 is available here
T42<elros34> I meant RELEASE= instead you mentioned. Minor version  difference for sdk irrelevant21:54
T42<hacker12455> ahh21:54
T42<hacker12455> yeah I have the tooling and targets21:54
T42<hacker12455> let me rebuild21:54
malmaybe try to just flash the kernel first, after wiping userdata, that way we can see if you can get to the first telnet21:56
T42<hacker12455> with or without any selinux options on cmdline?21:59
T42<elros34> irrelevant21:59
T42<hacker12455> yeah it doesn'22:02
T42<hacker12455> *doesn't seem to be doing anything22:02
malso no reboot after 1 minute for example?22:03
T42<hacker12455> does not look like it22:04
T42<elros34> do you have formated /data?22:05
T42<hacker12455> yes22:06
T42<hacker12455> hang on22:09
T42<hacker12455> think I know why it doesn't boot22:09
T42<elros34> do you even check host dmesg orjust watch screen?22:10
T42<hacker12455> I check host dmesg22:10
T42<hacker12455> I'll test something in the morning22:11
T42<hacker12455> stopping for now22:11
T42<hacker12455> haha22:27
T42<hacker12455> it worked22:27
T42<hacker12455> needed to revert 3 commits22:27
T42<hacker12455> `[30925.171189] [  T82087] usb 1-10: Product: Failed to boot init in real rootfs`22:27
T42<hacker12455> right now after installing the rootfs I get a fast blinking LED22:39
T42<hacker12455> that's still on
T42<hacker12455> just keeps blinking away so far22:45
T42<hacker12455> didn't see a reboot22:45
T42<hacker12455> display is black22:49

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