Wednesday, 2024-08-07

T42<Verevka86> Hi all, Did I specify it correctly?12:27
malshould be simple to test the grep command13:16
T42<Verevka86> Hi, journalctl --no-tail -f- (re @elros34: @Verevka86 don't you...)17:37
malwhich android base?17:42
malfirst thing I notice in logs is that you are missing some things, those task profiles things one is symlink the other you need to copy from your device17:43
mallooking like android 13 base, which is missing one change17:45
malI forgot to add one important change17:45
mal@Verevka86 please update hybris-patches and apply fixed patch to system/apex17:54
malthen rebuild hybris-hal and repackage droid-hal17:54
maland add that task profile stuff to config repo also17:54
T42<Verevka86> <mal> I have already added the edit to apexdc.rc before17:58
malok, and you checked it's on the device?18:01
malis that log from running device or from persistent journal?18:02
T42<elros34> @Verevka86 as you can see there is timeout which slows down booting for ~25s at line 584. Ddo you need metadata for anything special? Did you check these mount units we were talking about 584-604 lines?18:52
T42<elros34> disabling kernel ratelimitng could also help with debugging19:00
T42<Usaman65> Who let the DOGS out?21:53
T42<parmjotsinghrobot> /report (re @Usaman65:
T42<parmjotsinghrobot> Thanks Ms Rose for always being there for me22:29
T42<Mister_Magister> hey, what about some credit for me22:30
T42<parmjotsinghrobot> Sorry Michal (re @Mister_Magister: hey, what about some...)22:30
T42<parmjotsinghrobot> Will you forgive me22:30
T42<Mister_Magister> yes carry on22:31
T42<Mister_Magister> I am gracious god22:31

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