Thursday, 2024-08-15

Mister_Magister@Lukapanio i think thats something wrong with yout settings00:48
T42<Lukapanio> Hm this time it worked (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <Mister_Magister>@Lu...)06:06
T42<edp_17> Yes, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note and Galaxy Note 4. (re @WunderW_PL: Has anyone ported Sa...)07:28
T42<NexusWorld99> And galaxy j1 2016, j3 2016 (re @edp_17: Yes, Galaxy S2, Gala...)07:31
T42<edp_17> I also started S7 but then sold it before finished the port. Later, I purchased an S9 for porting, then ended up keep using it with Android.08:24
T42<Umeaman> Yes. (re @WunderW_PL: Has anyone ported Sa...)10:58
*** attah_ is now known as attah11:00
T42<Rikkardo92> Hi guys, sorry for my bad english. I have a Jolla 1. There is a ways to use whatsapp?11:01
malI think whatsapp removed support for old Android versions and the AppSupport in jolla 1 supports too old Android version11:03
*** attah_ is now known as attah12:49
T42<Rikkardo92> 😭 (re @SailfishFreenodeIRCBridgeBot: <mal>I think whatsap...)20:14

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