Saturday, 2024-09-14

T42<rahulyx> @mal I checked journalctl. I see a bunch of AVC avc:  denied and another bunch of I/O errors04:26
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 apexd-bootstrap is not failing, checked dmesg logs04:26
T42<rahulyx> AVC avc:  denied  { mount } for  pid=1180 comm="mount" name="/" dev="mmcblk0p52" ino=2 scontext=u:r:kernel:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:labeledfs:s0 tclass=filesystem permissive=1....... Is this critical? We changed /system to / in fstab yesterday04:28
T42<rahulyx> The journalctl dump is here:
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T42<elros34> this is unreadable, read hadk-hot, disable audit via kernel param, enable persistet logging and get full journalctl --no-page. Do you have your repositories in github?10:45
T42<rahulyx> I am rebuilding with audit=0. Yeah, the repos are on github:
T42<rahulyx> I've disabled audit on kernel param and enabled journal persist. Here are the logs:
T42<rahulyx> This looks bad: "Device /dev/sailfish/home does not exist or access denied."17:51
T42<rahulyx> Also, a bunch of symlinking are failing. Example: "Process '/bin/ln -s /dev/block/mmcblk0p28 /dev/block/platform/soc/7824900.sdhci/by-num/p28' failed with exit code 1." Something wrong with the mountpoints?17:52
T42<rahulyx> I've masked droid-hal-init btw17:53
malthat "Device /dev/sailfish/home does not exist or access denied." is normal18:56
malthose symlink things are not bad either18:57
T42<rahulyx> Alright. Do you see anything else that looks off?19:06
T42<rahulyx> Let me start droid-hal-init manually and capture the logs19:07
T42<rahulyx> This what I captured:
T42<rahulyx> I see "Service 'apexd-bootstrap' (pid 1900) exited with status 0 waiting took 0.054000 seconds". Is it failing?19:16
T42<elros34> status 0 is ok19:18
T42<rahulyx> Exactly19:18
T42<elros34> but last message suggest it's apex issue19:19
T42<elros34> does it reboot?19:19
T42<elros34> IIRC failure of boringssl_selft_test usually leads to reboot19:20
T42<rahulyx> Yeah, rebooted back to Android. I haven't flashed hybris-boot.img yet19:20
T42<elros34> apply patch, there is no reason to debug it more, I bet this is the issue. apex also prints that device does not support updatable apex, device is quiete old so19:22
T42<elros34> it's common issue19:22
T42<rahulyx> The apex patch that you've shared earlier?19:22
T42<elros34> yes19:22
T42<rahulyx> Cool, let me apply19:23
T42<elros34> build hybris-hal and droid-hal and this should help19:23
T42<rahulyx> Got it19:23
T42<rahulyx> Just to be sure, I apply this patch, right? - "If apexd-bootstrap fails beacause of not updatable/flattened apexes here is experimental fix:" Also, I patch system/core/init/init.cpp?19:33
T42<rahulyx> I mean, files at system/core/init/19:34
T42<elros34> I thinks so, it was long time ago when I wrote it but you can't accidentaly change incorrect file so don't worry19:35
T42<rahulyx> Okayy19:35
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T42<rahulyx> @elros34 that helped. So droid-hal-init is running now. The display is still blank. Let me check journalctl logs20:45
maljust to be sure, you built 4.6.0 sailfish?20:46
T42<rahulyx> Yeah,
T42<elros34> based on previous log you may need some symlink for missing library but for some reason sometimes it's false error20:48
T42<rahulyx> Can you please help me out with this? Which library is missing?20:51
T42<rahulyx> I see this: Could not restart 'surfaceflinger': Cannot find 'surfaceflinger_HYBRIS_DISABLED': No such file or directory20:51
T42<elros34> thak is ok, _HYBRIS_DISABLED services are disabled for a reason. Get fresh journal20:53
T42<elros34> sometimes you need create libandroidicu symlink or some similar lib20:54
T42<rahulyx> Here you go:
T42<rahulyx> Okay, let me check the symlink20:58
T42<rahulyx> I see these two in the logs:  library "" not found / library "" not found20:59
T42<rahulyx> Ran a regex, the following are missing:,,,,, libhardware.so21:04
T42<rahulyx> Let me locate and symlink them21:04
T42<elros34> probably libhardware is not an issue, check logcat and dont symlink everythin21:04
T42<rahulyx> Sure21:05
T42<elros34> you maybe do this blindly for libandroidicu, leave all others unless you debugged this with strace21:05
T42<rahulyx> Alright21:06
T42<elros34> you maybe at least temporary disable this livedisplay service to stop crashing it. search for hwc/hwcomposer in logcat21:07
T42<rahulyx> Let me check21:14
T42<rahulyx> I can't locate There are some files in .intermediates, but nothing in apex/
T42<elros34> on device. That was just suggestion. check logcat21:30
T42<rahulyx> Sorry, just realised that. Located it at: apex/ on device21:31
T42<rahulyx> Checked logcat: libraries "" and "" are not found21:39
T42<rahulyx> I also see: ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'vendor.qcom.PeripheralManager' on '/dev/vndbinder' and ServiceManager: Waiting for service 'display.qservice' on '/dev/vndbinder'... at the end21:40
T42<rahulyx> Searched for hwcomposer: droid-hal-init: Service 'vendor.hwcomposer-2-1' (pid 6211) exited with status 1 /,2921:43
T42<rahulyx> Let me symlink libandroidicu.so21:44
T42<rahulyx> I'm not sure if I'm symlinking it right. So I create sparse/odm/lib64/ on the machine's dcd dir, right? Or is it on device?22:25
T42<rahulyx> I've done it inside dcd, like in . logcat still says is missing22:28
T42<rahulyx> linker  : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/minisfservice": library "" not found: needed by /system/lib/ in namespace (default)22:29
T42<elros34> do it on device, forget about droid-config until it really helps22:29
T42<rahulyx> On device, is it at /sparse/odm/lib64/?22:30
T42<elros34> no, sparse in droid config is / on device22:30
malno, just /odm/lib6422:30
T42<rahulyx> Thanks!22:31
T42<rahulyx> It is symlinked:
T42<rahulyx> Still, the library seems to be missing22:32
maland that path /apex/ is the correct one?22:32
T42<rahulyx> Yeah22:32
T42<rahulyx> These are the contents of  /apex/
maladd one to /odm/lib also, of course pointing to lib version of the same file in apex22:34
T42<rahulyx> Let me try22:34
mallibrary "" not found: needed by /system/lib/libmedia.so22:34
malthat suggests it tries to find 32-bit one from lib22:35
malnote that /system/lib/22:35
T42<rahulyx> Ahhhh yes. I did not see that!22:35
malif you have 64-bit sailfish then you also probably need those in lib64 anyway22:45
T42<rahulyx> I'm symlinking both 32 and 64 to be safe22:46
T42<rahulyx> The library missing errors are gone now, still no display22:55
T42<rahulyx> I see "vendor.lineage.livedisplay@2.0-impl-sdm: Failed to initialize SDM backend"
T42<rahulyx> How do I disable livedisplay?23:02
T42<rahulyx> Here is the logcat since boot:
T42<rahulyx> @mal, saw this on irc archive "Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x564e4452. Mixing copies of libbinder?". Killed the process. Now throws "CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/vendor/bin/vndservicemanager": library "/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/" needed or dlopened by "/vendor/bin/vndservicemanager" is not accessible for the namespace "(default)""23:26
T42<rahulyx> E linker  : library "/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/" ("/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/") needed or dlopened by "/vendor/bin/vndservicemanager" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="(default)", ld_library_paths="", default_library_paths="/odm/lib64:/vendor/lib64:/vendor/lib64/hw:/vendor/lib64/egl", permitted_paths="/odm:/vendor:/system/vendor"]23:29
malhmm, try killing that vndservicemanager process and see if restart and if anything changes23:32
T42<rahulyx> vndservicemanager doesn't restart23:42
malusually those should restart23:42
T42<rahulyx> I think it is trying to restart23:44
T42<rahulyx> library "/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/" ("/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/lib64/") needed or dlopened by "/vendor/bin/vndservicemanager" is not accessible for the namespace: [name="(default)", ld_library_paths="", default_library_paths="/odm/lib64:/vendor/lib64:/vendor/lib64/hw:/vendor/lib64/egl", permitted_paths="/odm:/vendor:/system/vendor"]23:44
T42<rahulyx> It keeps throwing this23:44
malas a temporary ugly test copy that to /odm/lib64/23:45
T42<elros34> why do you even have these selinux stubs there? did you add them or they are from submodule?23:45
malaren't those built by default23:46
T42<elros34> I mean in *servicemanager*.rc files23:46
T42<rahulyx> haven't added them23:46
T42<elros34> ok my bad23:46
malwhich android base is that again?23:48
T42<rahulyx> 18.123:49
malfaq has things related to those errors23:50
malhmm, wondering why that was done23:51
malseems odd23:51
maltry commenting out the selinux stubs lines from that /usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/etc/init/vndservicemanager.rc23:52
malah, you have taken some old stuff from 15.1 instructions in faq?23:53
T42<rahulyx> Ah I did apply the patches from hybris-16.023:53
T42<rahulyx> They're unnecessary?23:54
malprobably break things23:54
malonly relevant part from 16 in 18.1 base is cloning libhybris23:54
maland applying patches23:54
T42<rahulyx> Ah alright. Let me reverse them23:55
malremove them from device first for testing23:55
T42<rahulyx> Let me try commenting first23:55
T42<rahulyx> Yes23:55
malthat disabled service rc is probably fine23:55
T42<rahulyx> Damn! The UI is up23:59

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