Monday, 2024-09-16

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T42<rahulyx> @elros34 Quick update: I moved wlan service back to /lib/systemd from /usr/lib/systemd... Also removed bluedroid temporarily.  Rebuilt config  and wlan0 is visible again after a manual modprobe wlan16:06
T42<rahulyx> Will check logs shortly16:06
mal/usr/lib/systemd is the correct place16:07
T42<rahulyx> Yeah... let me move it again on device and try16:09
T42<rahulyx> Is it possible that bluedroid is interfering with something?16:09
malyou mean bluebinder?16:10
T42<rahulyx> Oh sorry, bluebinder16:10
T42<rahulyx> Also, the mac addr for wlan0 looks incorrect16:13
T42<rahulyx> Doesn't match with what's shown on android which i believe is the right one16:14
T42<elros34> dont move systemd service use systemctl mask <servicename >instead16:23
Mister_Magistermal: the qa repo can be yeeted right?17:02
T42<elros34> @rahulyx I still have impression that you are building whole image for all these simple changes which takes a lot of time17:21
T42<rahulyx> @elros34 yeah, I've been rebuilding this whole while as I did changes in the defconfig. How do I load only the rebuilt config onto the device?17:25
T42<elros34> if you change defconfig then flash only kernel (hybris-boot.img) for all other changes just do them on device, masking services is on line command17:26
T42<rahulyx> Okay got it! And if I rebuild configs, how do I load it?17:27
T42<elros34> what for?17:29
T42<elros34> ignore configs, fix something on device, if it works apply to your droid-config repos (maybe test at some point)17:30
T42<rahulyx> Okay got it. Let me try that17:30
malMister_Magister: ?17:40
T42<rahulyx> wlan is okay now and auto starts after moving to /usr. mac address is incorrect.17:56
Mister_Magistermal: user had qa repo
Mister_Magisterbut it 404's18:13
T42<rahulyx> @mal, you were right![5544]: Failed to get bluetooth address!18:14
malMister_Magister: ok, that is not required18:28
Mister_Magisterok another question, how do I debug geoclue? on titan its working fine and on thea it doesn't work ,as in i don't even get compass so almost like if entire hal backend wasn't working, but they share the same codebase and have exact same packages versions so should work exactly the same18:29
mal@rahulyx you might need a custom service, you need to check for example from output of getprop if it lists the bt mac address18:30
mal*custom script18:30
T42<rahulyx> Yes mal, going thru your previous messages on irc18:30
malonce you find where the mac address is then you need to add a script like this (of course modified to use the correct property or in some cases a file)18:31
Mister_Magisteraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany (geo) clue? xd18:36
Mister_Magisteri can't remember how was i debugging geoclue in past and running geoclue-master by hand yields nothing nor does it have any options18:38
T42<rahulyx> Thanks @mal, let me try this18:39
T42<elros34> do you have coorect version of geoclue plugin? hal vs binder?18:42
Mister_Magister@elros34 it didn't change for the past 9 years so i'm pretty sure especially that the other phone has exact same package and it works18:42
malhave you checked it really has correct version, I remember it's possible it picks one randomly if you have both available and haven't forced hal in patterns18:44
Mister_Magisterthe only thing i can imagine causing issue is this
Mister_Magisteri | geoclue-provider-hybris-hal             | package    | 0.2.36-1.11.1.jolla        | armv7hl | adaptation-community18:45
Mister_Magisterso ye pretty sure18:45
T42<elros34> for debugging I think you can use QT_LOGGING_RULES18:50
Mister_Magisteri'm worried its the android part thats complaining18:50
Mister_MagisterQT_LOGGING_RULES=*.* /usr/libexec/geoclue-master seems to have no effect18:52
T42<elros34> try hybris one18:55
T42<elros34> QT_LOGGING_RULES="*.debug=true"18:56
Mister_Magisteroki i think this debugging session has to end prematurely because gps seems to be working fine18:56
Mister_Magistereven tho thea doesn't have compass18:56
T42<rahulyx> @mal getprop has no BT addr. I ran a find and got ./proc/msm_nv/mac_bt and mac_wifi. Are these files good? However, I'm unable to access them, says permission denied19:11
T42<rahulyx> Looks like they're empty files:
T42<elros34> can't you 'cat' them?19:18
T42<elros34> did you search in /data, /data/vendor, /efs or something like that for anything mac/bluetooth/address related?19:20
T42<rahulyx> Yeah, cat is empty, shows a couple of junk characters19:22
T42<rahulyx> Searching in other directories19:23
T42<elros34> junk characters doesn't mean its empty, it might be in encoded19:24
T42<rahulyx> located the wlan mac at /mnt/vendor/persist/wlan_mac.bin19:38
T42<b100dian> You should `xxd` instead of cat to find the meaning of the junk characters20:03
T42<rahulyx> I just figured that out20:04
T42<rahulyx> Thanks!20:04
T42<b100dian> Example:
T42<rahulyx> Thanks @b100dian, this is helpful!20:06
T42<rahulyx> BT is good20:16
T42<rahulyx> Let me fix wlan mac now20:16
T42<edp_17> What's the recommended commits for dhd, dcd, dhv and droidmedia for building 4.6?20:33
T42<edp_17> oh and for sensorfw?20:33
T42<edp_17> For building 4.5, I used:20:34
T42<edp_17> droidmedia:0.20230605.120:34
T42<edp_17> droid-hal-device:960d6af20:34
T42<Mister_Magister> just look at the fp220:34
T42<edp_17> droid-hal-configs:414d96c20:34
Mister_Magisteror here
T42<edp_17> sensorfw: 801418620:35
T42<rahulyx> Okay, so I tried to restart the device. This time bluebinder is unmasked. wlan0 doesn't show up. modprobe wlan says no device named wlan. BT MAC is okay, however bluebinder doesn't start, stays at "activating". Masked bluebinder and restarted, wlan works fine. Also, BT works when I start bluebinder service after boot20:50
T42<rahulyx> Could this be related to wlan mac being incorrect?20:51
T42<rahulyx> Checking dmesg20:51
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T42<edp_17> Building drid-hal-version-$DEVICE on OBS is unresolvable. Reason: "have choice for hybris-libsensorfw-qt5: hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-binder hybris-libsensorfw-qt5-hal". How can I solve it?23:19
T42<edp_17> link:
malwhich one do you want to have?23:20
T42<edp_17> Same device, ofono fails to build on OBS when it builds fine locally. link:
T42<edp_17> mal: I don't know which one I need.23:21
malwhich android base23:21
T42<edp_17> los 14.123:22
malI assume hal if you have built it, binder one is available in23:22
malcheck patterns that you force hal version like this
T42<edp_17> Is this 4.6 specific? I didn't need this before.23:22
malah, it might be that we finally added the hw common from jolla repos to obs also23:23
malwhich makes the binder versions of some packages available23:23
malusually if you need hal version of sensor plugin or geoclue you should do this
T42<edp_17> Hm, it seems I do have that already:
malok, we can work around that in project config, last line here
T42<edp_17> Thanks! This was it. Now only ofono failed, the other one completed.23:29
T42<edp_17> Ofono fails with: FAIL: unit/test-config23:30
malhow new is that ofono, there was a fix to unit tests earlier this year23:30
malcould be that23:31
T42<edp_17> Thanks! Let me try this.23:32
T42<edp_17> mal: Ofono has succeeded. :) Thanks!23:39
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