Wednesday, 2024-09-18

*** ggabriel is now known as Guest377400:27
T42<edp_17> On OBS, how can I build my bluetooth-rfkill-event-hciattach to be newer version that Jolla provides?10:54
*** ggabriel is now known as Guest382812:16
T42<b100dian> Sure, if it has a tag is easier, otherwise you can specify a commit or master, or fork it and add a tag yourself. However I cannot speak for the fact that it will finish the build succesfully or not, or the result works. Worth a try.12:47
T42<adampigg> Add a tag with a higher version (re @edp_17: On OBS, how can I bu...)13:03
*** ggabriel is now known as Guest383213:08
T42<edp_17> How can I add a tag?15:10
T42<edp_17> Okay, I think got it. Let me rebuild the package on OBS to see.15:15
T42<edp_17> Well, I guess did something wrong. I've added a tag on the commit (git tag 1.1.2) then pushed into github and triggered a rebuild. It is still building 1.0.9 :(15:19
T42<edp_17> Okay, I got it. I had to push the tags to github too. It is now building the one I wanted. 👍15:22
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*** ggabriel is now known as Guest385619:54

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