Friday, 2024-09-20

*** ggabriel is now known as Guest398701:48
T42<edp_17> Mal: good morning. I tried those but didn't make any difference.05:21
T42<edp_17> It looks already zomed in when the camera app starts because the image is big. Manually I can zoom in/out and all other settings in the app work. The app doesn't crash or freeze. Strange.05:23
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T42<edp_17> mal: In init.rc the led paths doen't look correct for that device:
T42<birdzhang> you can manually trigger leds to figure out which is the correct one09:21
T42<edp_17> I already have tested that with echo. Like: echo "255" > /sys/class/leds/led_b/brightness09:34
T42<edp_17> That worked.09:34
T42<birdzhang> on vince, it has fake rgb leds, only red is working09:48
T42<birdzhang> 😅09:48
T42<edp_17> Well, I've amended those lines on device in init.rc but after reboot leds are still not working.
malgroup should be input, not system11:16
malfor sailfish use, in android it's system group11:17
T42<edp_17> And what about the others, where the group is system?
T42<edp_17> /sys/module/sco/* and /sys/kernel/ipv4/* Are they correct?11:20
T42<edp_17> I've amended all /sys/class/leds/ entries to have chown system input but still no LEDs.11:36
malusually just things we use directly from sfos might need permissions changes11:46
T42<elros34> @edp_17 did you confirm that changing permission in init.rc actually worked? chmod a+rw your led paths then restart mce and you will see what happen.12:53
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : I confirm changing permission in init.rc didn't solve the issue. (I rebooted the device rather than restart mce.)13:09
T42<edp_17> Here is how the leds permission look like This is example of red:
T42<edp_17> This is how I amended init.rc on device:
T42<elros34> it's better to chmod and restart mce to rule out permission issue, especially that this second report about mce/led issue which suggest some other source for this13:17
T42<edp_17> Okay, let me try that.13:19
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : I set this and restarted mce but didn't help:
T42<edp_17> Also tried to set chmod system:system on blink and brightness and restart mce, didn't help:
malwhy system:system?13:36
T42<edp_17> That was originally in init.rc13:37
malwhere is your config repo on github?13:37
T42<edp_17> mal:
maltry setting 644 system:input for those delay* ones also13:39
T42<elros34> you should be do chown for all files or what mal just said to rule out unlike pemission issue and focu on debuggin mce itself13:40
T42<edp_17> Should I change blink and brightness to system:input ?13:40
T42<edp_17> Okay.13:41
malhmm, or do those actually affect anything13:41
malwait, why is that backend in config RGB, use vanilla for that13:44
T42<edp_17> It was always RGB for this device.13:45
malwell just try13:47
T42<edp_17> still no luck:
T42<edp_17> Should I just chmod a+rw all those files?13:56
malanything in journal from mce13:56
maleven 666 for those paths doesn't help?13:56
T42<edp_17> Okay, so those files chown to system:input and chmod 666. Still no leds. Journal:
maltry checking debug output from mce or even strace to see if it even tries to do anything with leds14:24
T42<edp_17> I tried to strace mce but got a full screen of running text constantly. In there I didn't even realize when tried the leds in csd.14:31
T42<elros34> with "strace -f -e file"?14:37
T42<edp_17> Like this?
T42<elros34> but mce is system process not user one, see systemctl cat mce14:43
T42<elros34> ah you use sudo, sorry14:44
T42<edp_17> Yes. And mce service was stopped.14:44
T42<elros34> did you start leds via charging or something when gathering this log?14:45
T42<edp_17> I started csd from command line and went into the test LED.14:46
T42<elros34> looks like mce led plugin is not used14:47
T42<edp_17> These are the installed *mce* packages:
T42<edp_17> Or is that led plugin embedded into one of the installed one?14:49
T42<elros34> I this is the one:
T42<elros34> you need some mce debug magic command14:50
T42<elros34> from channel logs, maybe this one: mce -Tq -l plugin*:* -l sysfs*:* -l hybris*:* -l modules/led.c:*14:50
T42<edp_17> Thanks @elros34. Here is the output:
malyou still have BackEnd = RGB15:08
malsysfs-led-main.c: sysfs_led_probe_files(): led sysfs backend: N/A15:08
malI told you to change that15:08
malin /etc/mce/60-rgb.ini15:10
T42<edp_17> Okay, I've amended that to be vanilla and now the wite led lit up however, there is no red, blue and green. I guess need to amend csd config for that too?15:14
malcsd config is different15:15
T42<edp_17> okay, I'll leave it then. Just reboot and see what happens.15:16
malthe csd config list what are supported in there15:16
maland it's separate from mce15:16
T42<edp_17> I see.15:16
T42<edp_17> After reboot, the same happens. When I plug charger in, no led lit up. WIth csd, only white works it is blinking but when red/blue/green should be lit, only white is shown. Once I close the test the led turns yellow. I'll continue later. Thanks for your help so far!15:19
malso check mce logs again, that last one15:20
maland show the /etc/mce/60-rgb.ini file you have now15:20
T42<elros34> max77843-rgb? don't you have poweroff issue on this device? Or crash at least in dmesg when writing to led_w/blink?17:11
T42<edp_17> Yes, I do have power off issue. It always starts even if I shut it down.18:29
T42<edp_17> Yes, leds do react when I echo a value in them.18:30
T42<elros34> I mean that bug in my kernel was like: writing echo 0 > led_r/delay_on and then reading led_w/brightness trigger kernelcrash/reboot18:32
T42<elros34> it's probably not related otherwis you you wouldn't be able to boot but still worth to try
T42<edp_17> I'll try this thanks.18:39
T42<edp_17> Since I changed rgb to vanilla, white led does work. The others still don't.18:40
T42<elros34> you need to run this mce magic command to see what is hapening during initialization and when you test18:43
T42<edp_17> What's that mce magic command?20:00
T42<elros34> same as previously: mce -Tq -l plugin*:* -l sysfs*:* -l hybris*:* -l modules/led.c:* but without this RGB backend set you have or even whole file not sure20:02
T42<edp_17> Ah, okay. Thanks.21:13
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