Monday, 2024-09-23

*** ggabriel is now known as Guest426401:10
T42<edp_17> @elros34 : Hi. Could you please build your mousetracker for sfos 4.5 and 4.6 ? Thanks.15:19
T42<b100dian> Doesn't 4.6 work out if the box?15:22
T42<edp_17> It almos doest! My custom Bt package needed bumping its version(my fault) and change a little config for LEDs. Everything else worked straight away. I am quite impressed, to be honest.18:52
T42<edp_17> The camera issue I have could be a hardware issue. I restored an older version sfos where camera worked but now it does the same symptoms.18:53
T42<edp_17> I'll double check it on android to find out whether that is really hw issue.18:54
T42<b100dian> I mean mouse cursor:) Works on my 4.6.0 port.19:22
T42<elros34> @edp_17  ^ yeah it was added by jolla soome releases ago, are you sure you need my patch?21:03
T42<fredldotme> Mouse pointer in Lipstick? I smell some exciting competition in Ubuntu Touch land. :D feel free to ignore my comment21:05
T42<edp_17> @elros34 . I am not sure I need. Unfortunately, my debian in lxc container is broken after upgrade to sfos 4.6, so, I cannot check.21:32
T42<elros34> if  'dconf read /desktop/sailfish/compositor/display_cursor' returns true then after conecting mouse you should see cursor even without any container21:36

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